Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Homeworks and Study Guides in English Essay Example for Free

Homeworks and Study Guides in English Essay I rolled myself, patting and searching for the alarm clock with my eyes closed. When I reached it, I turned it off and got myself up to get ready for school. I barged in the bathroom with my still sleepy eyes, washing my face as I put some toothpaste in my toothbrush. Brushing my teeth, I walked in my closet to choose some outfit. After five minutes of choosing, I throw the clothes at the bed then turned to take a bath. I relax myself as I feel the tingling sensation of hot water seducing my whole body. After fifteen minutes of showering, I finally rinsed and walked out of the shower room. Opening the drawer, I got my hair dryer and make-up. I blow my hair for ten minutes then I dressed-up. Glancing at the clock and seeing that I still have time, I decided to put some light make up. After finishing my mascara, I took a step back, glancing at the mirror to take a full look at my outfit before going downstairs. Today was the first day of my senior year at Jacksonville Highschool. I was wearing a white tank top that showed my flat tummy and my piercing, a pink hollister shorts that showed my long tanned legs, and a high cut converse to finish the look. Fully contented with the outfit, I sighed, running my hands through my blonde hair as I walked out of the bathroom. I took my bag which was hanging at the side of my bed and stormed downstairs. When I finally get down, I went straight to the kitchen to grab my breakfast, which is apple and milk. Yay, the perks of being a vegetarian. I found my dad sitting peacefully with a newspaper in his hands, his eyebrows are scrunching. Good morning dad I greeted him, munching my apple. Silence. He didnt greet me back because he was too preoccupied with the article hes reading. I frowned and stop to look at the front page, which read Boston Bombing. Oh yeah, the latest news. I rolled my eyes, gulping my fresh milk. After I finished my breakfast, I got up, walking outside to find my mom in the garden watering her so-called little daughters. Hey mom Good morning, honey. Have you eaten your breakfast? Yup, Im finished. So wheres Anna? I asked, looking around. Annabelle Jacobs is my best friend. She always picks me up in the morning so that we could go to school together. Oh, she texted me this morning, she says shell be 5 minutes late I rolled my eyes. I know exactly why shes late. She always have those lame excuses telling me that her toothbrush got lost, she run out of panties, the flush wont work, the rats ate her clothes etc. I shook my head at the sudden thought. Okay mom. I kissed her in the cheek. Ill just check on Simon first Simon is the love of my life. Hes a puppy actually, but whatever. I run at the back, finding my shih tzu stiffing some flowers. Heeeeeeeey Simooooon I cooed in a sweet, girly girl voice while picking him up. I spin him around giggling while his licking my face. Gross I know. After a minute of playing around, I heard Annas car pulled up so I put him down and kissed him goodbye. I ran back inside to say one last goodbye to my parents then i ran towards the car as fast as I can. Samantha!!! Anna shouted when I got inside. I smiled at her. Hey there! Whats up?   Do I look like I’ve lose some weight? She immediately respond. I burst out laughing then I looked at her figure up and down. Annabelle, well Anna, look a lot like me. We have the same weight and height. Were also popular in a way, but we didnt like being the center of attention so we stay low. The only difference we have is our hair. She has brown hair while me, well Im blonde. Ugh, you have a perfect figure. Why do you have to work your butt out? And yes, youve lost some fats Really? Yay! She screeched. You see, I need to work out because Im planning to eat a whole box of pizza later She added. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. So, whats the plan? Well, I was thinking that maybe we should go shopping after school. Youve got your credit card in you, right? She asked. Uh yeah, sure. Meet me at my locker around four I said, finishing the conversation. She parked the car then we walked together inside the school grounds. We made our way to our lockers since our lockers are right next to each other. I opened mine to get my history textbook, -since its my first class- switching it with my english. Closing my locker, I said goodbye to Anna, telling her to see me at lunch because we dont have the same schedule for the first four classes. We waved goodbye to each other and started walking the opposite way. After a minute of walking and goofing around, Im finally face to face with the door that leads to my first class. I took a deep breath before opening it. Just as I was turning the door knob, a boy passed quickly to get inside first, causing me to fall backwards with the rest of my stuff. What the hell I said in a low voice. I heard him groan in an annoyed voice, then he started walking back towards me, closing the door in the process. Hey, no need to swear neighbor Then it hit me. I looked up, wide eyes to see my oh-so-handsome neighbor aka the most popular boy in school, Spencer Young. You see, Ive known him since we were young. Our mothers, both Filipina, were married to some Canadian which means were half filipino, half american. I also know a lot about him since our bedroom are next- well, lets just say parallel to each other. I know that he loves switchfoot, the script and matchbox twenty because his room are full of their posters. I also know his favorite book, food and stuffs. And also when I was 14, in my sophomore year, I used to have a little crush on him ever since the first time I saw him half naked walking around his room. But that was freaking before. I got myself up, thinking of shouting at him for his rude manners. But before I do that, he spoke first. Sorry about that He said, pinching both of my cheeks. I was thinking of pushing him back. But I sighed, realizing that were already late in class. Instead, I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as I made my way inside the classroom. When we walked inside, the class went full silent at first. Then, they started whispering to each other, probably wondering why their Queen Bee and Mr. Popular are together. Yay, perks of being a popular student. Mind explaining to me why youre both 5 minutes late, Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Young? Our professor, Mr. Lantican asked. Wow. I didnt realize it took that long outside. Spencer speaks first. Well sir, w-we bumped into each other a-at the hallway He stuttered. And it took 5 minutes? Well done, kids. And good job at lying. Now, as your punishment, I want you both to stay here after class and go straight to the detention room to- WHAT?! I shouted, startling the whole class. I cant believe it. I really cant believe it. This is my first time to get a detention and I know for a fact that I didnt deserve it. No offense sir, but Im a straight A student and this will greatly affect my grades. I stopped, catching my breath. And just so you know, I have a scheduled meeting with- I stopped, realizing that im pushing the limits. Never mind I gave up, finding the way to my seat. Yeah, detention at the very first day of my senior high. Great right? Spencers POV I stare at her from a good distance. She sits at the front row with some geeky nerds while me, well, Im at the far left side of the back with Blake Morgan and Nathan Brooks, my bestfriends. I felt really bad that I bumped her earlier. The detention will surely drive her crazy, and it was all because of me. She always makes sure to get perfect As, which I couldnt understand. Its like shes going to die if she gets B or lower. I look up at her again memorizing her perfect back features, hoping that I wouldnt get caught, but i was wrong. HOLYSHITBALLS Blake and Nathan both hissed. WHAT? I said, wincing and rubbing my ears. We can tell it dude This time, its just Blake who spoke. Ugh. What is it, again? You like her right? I mean, Samantha Reynolds Nathan spat. WHAT?! Oh no, youre seeing it wrong man. I spat back. Okaaaaaaaaaay, whatever you saaaaay maaaaan They both sang in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes. It was a misunderstanding. I, Spencer Young, will never stoop that low. Sure, shes rich, sexy, gorgeous or to make it short, shes miss perfect. But shes not really my type. I dont know though, because in some way, I find her actions weird and cute. My room is facing hers and I can see all of her actions or whatever. Her room is very neat and she always make sure that all her things are in place. She also has a very strict schedule of sleeping, waking up, exercising and eating. Not that Im stalking her, of course. Anyway, I really dont understand her. I feel like shes hiding something even from her next-miss perfect bestfriend, Annabelle Jacobs. And thats what Im going to find out. Finally, the bell rang signaling us to our next class. I stand up, eagerly wanting to get the hell out of here before our beloved old teacher call up to me. But then again, I was wrong. Mr. Young and Ms. Reynolds can I have a word with you two? Mr. Lantican asked. I groaned mentally, turning back to face his old crooked face. I saw Samantha glaring at me. Man, was she sexy. I shot her an apologetic look before walking towards Mr. Lantican. Yes, Mr. Lantican? I asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a deep breath before answering I want the two of you to be at the detention room at exactly four. Have I made myself clear? Yes sir We both said. Okay, the two of you may go now He finally dismissed us. Thank you, sir. I said lastly to him then I got out of the classroom. Just as I started to make my way upstairs to my next class, I saw Sam alone leaning at one of the bars, smiling at me. Confused, I made my way to her. Whats with the smiling, Sammy? I asked. Thank you, Spence She suddenly said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What was that? A while ago, she was throwing fires at me by the way she glares. And now? Man, was she bipolar? Fo-for what? I manage to say. Ive said enough, Spence. I just want you to know that Im very happy that you save me She look at me gratefully then suddenly, she kissed my cheek, then left. I was pretty sure that my jaw hit the ground. Samanthas POV In chemistry, which is my third class, I loiter towards the back of the room, waiting for everybody to file in their seats. Mr. Maruso has this rule that whoever you choose to sit with on the first day of class, becomes your lab partner for the entire year. Needless to say, seat selection is definitely critical. Since the sciences arent really my thing, I search around for someone who I think might do well with the laboratory stuffs. I mustve been busy daydreaming; thinking about what happened earlier because when i look up, they are all paired up. Which leaves me standing awkwardly at the back with my books. Embarrassed, I scan the room until I spotted two empty chairs in front. I made my way there and I can see that my suppose-to-be-partner isnt there. I wonder if he or she is just late or absent. I sighed heavily, praying in every god that he or she better have some brains or else Ill be doomed. Five minutes later, Mr. Marusos disscussion of safety precautions and proper handling of equipments was interrupted by a student who just barged in through the room. I turn around to look at my partner which is†¦.. OH BLOODYHELL is that Spencer? Oh great. I forgot that we also have the same class. But really, this cant be happening. It will be too friggin awkward to have him as my partner. Not to mention, FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. You see, the moment I kissed him earlier, I immediately regret it. I was also shocked. I didnt know what comes through my mind or what made me do that I REALLY DONT KNOW. I guess I was just so grateful from the fact that he saved me from the shopping plan Annabelle and I were going to have. Shoping isnt really my thing. Especially with Annabelle. I brought all my clothes, shoes and bags online. And Anna, being Anna, you wont like it. She was sooo shopaholic. She buys all the possible clothes and shoes she can get. One time, she runs out of money and im forced to let her use my credit card. Not that Im selfish, of course. Its just that Im saving some of my money for my own car. Nobody knows about that except Simon. Shaking my thoughts, I look at Spencer again only to find him talking to Mr. Maruso. He was probably saying some crappy excuses or whatsoever. I saw them nodded in agreement then Spencer turned around to look for some seat. Our eyes met as he spotted the empty seat beside me. Oh bloody great. He raised his eyebrows at me, doing his famous smirk that showed his dimples. How cute. He made his way to his chair. Hey partner, Sammy I rolled my eyes. Dont call me that. It sounds gayish He laughs in a carefree way So does Spence I tried to hide my smile but I couldnt. Minutes passed and we stopped talking to scribble some notes that our professor told us to copy. As I was writing, I notice him looking down at me whilst playing with my hair. How romantic. I stopped writing. What?! I asked. A little annoyed. Nothing. I was just wondering why little miss perfect is bipolar He said coolly. I gritted my teeth. First, Im not little. We have exactly the same height. And second, Im not bipolar He raised an eyebrow Oh really? I thought- Ahem He was interrupted by a girl. We both turned our heads to see who may that be. Unsurprisingly, its Lilly Thompson, one of the oh-so-popular girls. What do you want, Lilly? I asked. This time I was really annoyed. How dare she interrupt us? Youre flirting with my boyfriend She hissed, faking smile. My eyes went wide and I look at Spencer. He too, has the same expression as me. Will someone please tell me what the heck is happening? Pardon me? I dont even know you Spencer spat. I turned to look at Lilly, who was faking hurt. What do you mean? We chatted on facebook last week and you ask me to be your girlfriend. Dont you remember? She asked in a flirtatious way. Someone give me a bucket Spencer raised an eyebrow. Well, that isnt me. Nathan and Blake knows my password. Theyre the ones who probably ask you out. Besides, I havent open my account for ages. You should go and ask them. He sighed. Lilly was close to tears. So you mean, I dont stand a chance to be with you? She said in a weak voice. This time I interrupted. You slut, will you please cut the act? Just look at him. This- I gestured at spencers body. -is the definition of perfect. And you? Youre just a whore who has nothing to do but to seek attention. I finished. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Spencer smiling at me. I ignore him as I gave Lilly the death glare. But this time, she looked angry as hulk You bitch! She shouted, causing some students to look at the three of us. Is there a problem? Mr. Maruso asked. I turned to answer him Oh yeah, theres a snake wandering around here. Poor snake, SHE probably doesnt know where she belongs. I fake crying, causing the whole class to errupt in laughter. I smiled proudly to myself. Good job, Samantha! At that moment, the bell finally rang. Talk about being saved by the bell. I quickly grab my things, said a quick goodbye to Spencer, then I hurried to the door to meet Annabelle at the cafeteria. When I got there, everyone at the school had already heard about the confrontation. Yeah, news travels fast in Jacksonville Highschool. I saw Anna already buying her lunch so I catch up next to her in line. Yo anna I said while putting a carbonara, salad and a boxed milk at my tray. Hey there, Sam. Soooo, fighting with Lilly huh? She asked, waggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. She made me do it I said, finishing the conversation. After paying the bill, we made our way to our table which is located at the far side of the cafeteria. Our table is the circle one with the four silver chairs. Actually, its just the three of us who sits there. Me, Annabelle and our boy-bestfriend, Max Carter. We found him already sitted, stuffing sandwich in his mouth. When he notice us, he greeted us with a smile. Yo girls! So hows the two queen coping up? He asked. Anna raised her eyebrows Coping up? Haha, were fine. As always I added, winking at him. Time passed and were already finished with our lunch. Max started telling us some jokes which cause Anna and I to laugh hysterically. That is until Spencer Young decided to come at our table to remind me of the detention. I know I said, giving him the death glare and signaling for him to leave before I pull out both of his mighty eyeballs. Thankfully, he obeyed and left. Slowly and carefully, I turn to face the now angry Anna who was looking at me with an intense glare. I-im sorry, anna I stuttered. I was looking at the floor, twiddling my fingers. I was waiting for her to shout at me but instead, she put an arm around my shoulder, looking worried. What happened? She asked. You know that this is your first time getting a detention right? I nodded. Well, Spencer and I were late and Mr. Lantican got mad I explained. This is unfair She said. What about our shopping?She raised an eyebrow. Great. I really expected that. I was thinking of shouting at her, telling her that she has so many freaking goddamn clothes. But instead, i come up with an idea. Well, Max will be honored to accompany you I said, smirking at Max. Max widened his eyes in horror. I AM NOT GOING NEAR THE VICTORIAS SECRET! He shouted dramatically causing all of us to laugh again. I guess well just go shopping on friday night then Anna said. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, sure. NOTE: On friday, make sure to forget my credit card at home. Spencers POV After lunch, i made my way to the locker room to change for the basketball practice. I flicked the combination to my locker and opened it. Just as I was grabbing my clothes, Blake came up behind me. Spencer! You ready? He asked. Yeah, give me a second to change I said, going inside the comfort room. Seconds later, I got out of the comfort room, completely dressed. I grab a bottle of cold water and started gulping. I need to stay hydrated. So, do you like her too? Blake suddenly asked. I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion. What are you talking about, man? Are the two of you going out now? He asked again, ignoring my question. I glared at him. Who exactly are we talking about, blake? I spat. Uh, Lilly Thompson. He said nervously. Huh? Who is Lilly and why are we talking about her? I dont care about her, duh. Then it hit me. YOU! I shouted. It was you who chatted her! He rubbed the back of his neck. Sorry, man. Its just that- Let me guess I interrupt him. You like her. Am I right? He nodded. Yeah. I really liked her since we were sophomore. I know a lot about her and i know that she likes you so much. Thats the reason i used your account without permission. To be able to talk and ask her out He finished. I sighed. I forgive you, man. But i wont trust you anymore. Im going to change my password the moment i got home. I joked, then i continue. You shouldnt be ashamed to ask her out, Blake. Im sure shell like you I said, finishing the conversation. Thanks, man He said, punching my arm lightly. We made our way to the court where Nathan was. We saw him sitting and waiting impatiently, spinning a ball in his thumb. When he saw us, he shouted. You two! What took you so long? He asked in an annoyed voice. I faked sigh. Sorry, nate. We cant take it anymore. I replied, smiling flirtatiously to Blake. Blake just laughed while Nathan, realizing what im talking about, gave us a dirty look. Youre both disgusting He said. But you love us I cooed, patting his shoulders. Come on, lets play Somehow, we managed to play smoothly for one and a half hour. When were finished, the three of us jogged our way back to the shower room, dying for a cold shower. When were finished with our cold showers, we separate ways to go to our last class. I check my schedule to find out what class am i having. French. Oh oui, mon sujet favori! Just as i was making my way, i remember something. Something that ive been dreading to know. I turn around, running downstairs to catch up with Blake. I saw him making his way to the registrars office. Blake! I shouted. He turned around. Huh? He asked, confused. I ran towards him. I have a question I said, panting. He laughed. Is it that important that you have to- Why Lilly? I interrupted. He looked at me, startled. What do you mean, man? He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed. What made you like her? I asked again. He just look at me blankly for a couple of seconds. Finally, after realizing what i meant, he let a huge sigh of relief. Okay, fine. You see spencer, you wouldnt just want to know the outside, arent you? He asked and I nodded. Then he continue. Think about it. For you to know the person completely, you have to also see the inner beauty. For every person in this world, theres a reason why theyre like that. Theres a reason behind why their attitudes and personalities are like that. Thats why we should not judge first. He said, looking at me sadly. You know, I always thought that Lilly will be always like that. People keep saying that shes a bitch, a slut, a whore, an attention seeker but you know what, spencer? In my eyes, i see her differently. The minute i saw her at the orphanage playing with the little kids, man, i was lovestruck. I didnt expect that, especially from a Lilly Thompson. Shes a type of girl who would change her attitude so that people will not recognize her nor to be able to see through her. Thats what made me like her, spencer. He finished, smiling mostly to himself. I was pretty sure that there were tears forming in my eyes. Gayish i know. I, uh- thanks a lot, blake. And, good luck. I stuttered, patting his back. No worries He shrugged. I checked my watch. Three minutes till the last bell. Uh, spencer? Blake called. Yeah? Always remember, dont judge the book by its cover. And, if you like someone, learn to love her flaws first. He finished, then he left. Samanthas POV I stared at the clock, counting the time in my head. 56 57 58 59 RIIIIINNNGGGG! Shoot. I got up as fast as I could then hurried my way towards the door then down the stairs. Great, I thought to myself. Its just a detention, Sam. Calm down. Its just a detention. just a detention Just a fuc- SAM! Someone shouted, taking me into realization. I stopped in my tracks to find whoever who was calling me. I saw Spencer waving at me frantically, gesturing the way to the detention room. Right. What the hell am I thinking and why am I walking the other way?! I shrieked, thinking to myself. I made my way to Spencer who was now laughing like theres no tomorrow. Embarrassed, I tried to cover up. Why are you laughing? I asked, faking innocence. He stifled some laugh. You looked a little.. lost. Do you really study here? Why are you walking the other way? You do know that the detention room is here, right? He asked, pointing to the room. Who said that I was going there first? I asked, keeping my face blank. Where were you going, then? He asked, challenging me. To the ladies room I said confidently, hoping hed buy it this time. He just stared at my blankly. Then he started laughing. Harder and louder this time. Samantha! HAHAHAHAHA! Youre f-fucking hi-hilarious! The la-dies room i-is upsta-irs! He manage to say between laughs. My mouth formed a small o as I realize that he was right. I was left utterly speechless and really embarrassed. I can feel my cheeks turning bright red. I look up at him and hes still laughing. This time, with no noise coming out. Are you done making fun of me? I asked, raising my eyebrow. He finally stopped laughing, clutching his hard-abs stomach as he spoke. Yeah. You didnt tell me youre a good comedian, Sam. I rolled my eyes. I know right? Its one of my hidden talents. Absolutely right. By giving me a good laugh everyday, I wont have to work out anymore. He waggled his eyebrows at me. I smiled. This man surely made my day. Who would have thought that Mr. Spencer Young is like that? Maybe, if we hang out a long time ago, we would be bestfriends by now. And did I mention that he looked hot in his outfit? From v-neck to skinny jeans, perfect. Are you done checking me out? He asked, gesturing to his body. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the detention room, worry and nervous free. As we walked inside, we realized that were not the only ones who got detention. We saw a girl and a boy -probably freshman- lurking around the room waiting for Mr. Lantican. At last, he came inside, holding a cup of coffee and a large notebook in his hands. We all stand up to greet him. Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon, kids. He replied. Now, I will group and assign you all to your works He said, looking and flipping through the notebook. Lets see Luke and Miley both of you will be at the movie room to fix all the cds and equipments He finally said. The two student nodded, then left. As for you two- He said, looking at us intensely. -Ill be assigning you to the library to fix and rearrange some books. You may now proceed He finished, then left. I made my way to the library with Spencer, eager to finish the task. We stormed downstairs, taking a left to the library. When I opened the door, we were surprised on how messy it was. Youve got to be kidding me. We cant finish this in one hour What happened here? Spencer asked. I dont know I said, stretching. Lets get working. *After one hour* Woooooh! I shouted, wiping my head with the back of my hand. Weve been cleaning for an hour, throwing and stacking some books here and there. Spencer isnt much of a help though. While I was working my butt out, rearranging some books, he thought it would be fun to just sit there and draw some silly faces on the book covers. But somehow, thankfully, weve managed to clean the library. When were contented with our work, we turned the lights off then we headed out of the school. Uh, Spencer? I asked, realizing something. Yeah? He replied whilst looking at his watch. I-uh, would you give me a lift? I mean, Anna is usually the- No problem, milady He interrupted. I smiled at him. Thanks. As I got up to his car -which is a grey Porsche carrera gt- I pulled out my phone and saw that I have two messages coming from Anna and mom. I opened moms first: Honey, where are you? You didnt tell me youre going to be late I immediately hit the reply button: Sorry, mom. Just got detention. Ill explain it to you later, love you. After sending, I read Annas message: Hows detention with Mr. Young? ;) I smiled, typing: Weve been asked to clean the library. I hate to admit it, but its fun. Never thought Mr. Young has a great sense of humor ;) I hit the send button then I put my phone back in my pocket. Minutes passed and I started to feel some awkwardness so I decided to play some music. I reached for the Switchfoot album, then pushed the CD inside. I stared at the window just as while You was playing. Great. I look like an emo Theres always something in the way Theres always something getting through But its not me, its you At exactly 6:00 pm, Spencer pulled up in front of my house. I thanked him and waved goodbye, then he left. I sighed heavily, thinking of the very tiring day. I pushed myself to the door and I walked inside. Moooom? I shouted, looking for her. At the kitchen! She shouted back. I made my way to the kitchen, dropping my bag at the bottom of the stairs as I walked by. MOM!- I immediately talk. -Im so sorry. I didnt mean to be late in class, I swear it wont happen again and I just want you to know that Ill still be getting straight As and also- Samantha! Calm down! Were not mad, okay? She interrupted. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Huh? Why are you not mad? Youre supposed to be shouting at me for letting you down. I said in a weak voice, tears starting to fall. Shhh, Samantha. Dont ever think about that. Actually, your dad and I were happy that it happened. Youre experiencing the things youve never experience before. Were so proud of you, honey. I stopped crying then I studied her face. Was she serious? Things that Ive never done before? That would be parties, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and sex. I stared at her in horror. Sam, are you okay? Mom asked, waving a hand to my face. She must have noticed that im not breathing. I came back into realization. Uh yeah, mom. Im just.. tired. I should go up and change now I said, kissing her cheeks. I walked pass the dining room, grabbing a banana to calm myself down. I picked up my bag and jogged my way upstairs. Just as I was about to walk inside my room, my father appeared in the hallway Your moms right, Sam. You should live your life the way you wanted. He said, holding back tears. I just nodded then I locked myself inside the room.

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