Friday, October 11, 2019

Acknowledgement – Document

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With the name of Allah the most gracious and the most graceful, Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks to almighty Allah S. W. T. for His kindness and blessing to give us strength to accomplish this task on time. The notable whom we wish to acknowledge is my lecturer of IMD 206, Mr. Ahmad Sufi Alawi Bin Idris for the guidance, knowledge, and great encouragement. We have deeply indebted his in accomplishing this assignment.Our special appreciation are dedicated to all lectures and beloved families especially our parents for believing us. Their understanding, encouragement and continuous support throughout the duration of article review are most appreciated. Lastly, thanks to all our friends for their support and helping me directly or indirectly to complete this assignment. We have obtained many definition about this terms and keywords and hopefully, I can fully understand all this definition of this words. Alhamdulillah. INTRODUCTIONBackground of the project We have dec ided to choose the topic â€Å"Benefit of Candy† to be our main title for this assignment. We choose this topic because it simple and easy to understand. Moreover, this topic is very popular no matter in which level they are. Furthermore, this project will inform the people about candy that could benefit all the people who are eating it. In addition, this topic is very interesting in the discussing with people. We want to inform that there are so many benefits we gather from eating candy. Target audienceFor our project, our target audience is public but we focus on people between 6 years old until 18 years old because on that level of ages, they are kind of trying new things in their life. The exposure of candy goodness to them easy in order to influence them consumes a candy and they also might be consuming lots and lots of candy daily. We have carried out a survey at several kindergartens and have been proven when the majority of children there love candy. Children mostly l ike chocolate candy and it is because of its taste and texture. As well it has a lot of benefit for them like improve their health.So candy is the most appropriate food that have to be consume by children in addition of the good effect that important for children to prevent injuries, increase the stamina and performance and also prevent them from depression. Furthermore, candy is one of the most popular foods of the world, so this will attract the attention of the youths on how the candy was made first, and then changes from years to years. The way of candy making is very interesting and it is easy to attract the attention of youth towards candy because teens are easy attracting to something unique and interesting.Goal Our general goals on this learning process is to create the awareness to the audiences about the candy and it benefits. From our methods it will attract audiences and get knowledge about our candy. Objectives The objective that want to be achieve in this instructional media is : * To inform people on how the first candy was made. * To change the people’s negative assumption about candy. * To describe the unique taste of candy to people. * To explain what is the benefit they can get when eating candy. To highlight that the making of candy also have been through the development process. CONTENT We have chosen the topic â€Å"Benefit of Candy†. In this topic, we included the information about the person who introduce candy, the history of the candy, the process of making a candy, and the advantages or benefits they could get if they eat candy. Meanwhile in our presentation, besides showing all of the content above, we also included why is candy so popular among the kids and youth today and in this era. History of the candy Before sugar was readily available, candy was made from honey.Honey was used in Ancient China, Middle East, Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire to coat fruits and flowers to preserve them or to create forms of candy. Candy is still served in this form today, though now it is more typically seen as a type of garnish. Candy was originally a form of medicine, either used to calm the digestive system or cool a sore throat. In the Middle Ages candy appeared on the tables of only the most wealthy at first. At that time it began as a combination of spices and sugar that was used as an aid to digestive problems. The process of making a candyCandy is made by dissolving sugar in water or milk to form a syrup, which is boiled until it reaches the desired concentration or starts to caramelize. The type of candy depends on the ingredients and how long the mixture is boiled. Candy comes in a wide variety of textures, from soft and chewy to hard and brittle. Some examples are: caramel candy, toffee, fudge, praline, tablet, gumdrops, jelly beans, rock candy, lollipops, taffy, cotton candy, candy canes, peppermint sticks, peanut brittle, chocolate-coated raisins or peanuts, hard candy and candy bars.The final t exture of candy depends on the sugar concentration. As the syrup is heated, it boils, water evaporates, the sugar concentration increases, and the boiling point rises. A given temperature corresponds to a particular sugar concentration. In general, higher temperatures and greater sugar concentrations result in hard, brittle candies, and lower temperatures result in softer candies. The advantages or benefits * People who eat candy live longer A comprehensive study from the Harvard School of Public Health revealed that people who eat candy outlive those who don’t.Modest candy consumption — one to three times a month — is associated with the greatest health benefit, but even those with a daily habit (not overindulgent) also lived longer. DOMAIN There are two domain that we use in our topic. The two domain that we use in our topic are affective domain and interpersonal domain. The first domain is affective domain that to make the audiences to feel the taste of candy . The second domain is interpersonal domain that required the audiences to interact among themselves. They will have a discussion about the benefits of the candy toward the audiences.SKILLS REQUIRE The skills require are included verbal and nonverbal communication or interpersonal skill in the presentation, tutorial and performing demonstration. Start with a attractive beginning to interacting positively with the audience. Presentation skills involve proper body language, great eye contact with the audience and proper gesturing that help in getting our view point better. The likely reaction of audience must also be factored in while preparing for the presentation. While conversing with audiences always state the obvious with a smiling face and sound optimistic all the time.Besides that, the way of dressing and make up also play main roles in presenting by wearing a proper and cute dressing and also some funny make up to form a good impression of audience to make them be more attenti ve and fun to learn. The essential elements of presentation skills consists of visual aids, thorough preparation of content with proper structuring, clarity of purpose and development of content to suit the targeted audience. The skills also require include persuasive and negotiating communication skills to tide over difficult situations that may arise due to factors beyond our control.Inside knowledge, unusual statistics and sense of humor with entertainment capture the audience mind well and prepare them to listen carefully to the subject presented by us. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS This materials are kind of tools or equipment that can help effectively the instructor in theory teaching classroom or in practical assessment. We will use materials such as video, picture, article and much more during our presentation. Video that we use to present contain features related to the audiences that can make them easy to understand about what we want them to know.The selection of material as an aid in providing information regarding the subject matter is based on available material. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS Methods are the procedure of instruction selected to help audiences achieve the objective or message. 1. Presentation We use this method to inform and persuade our audience about benefits of candy. Its one-way communication method controlled by source, with no immediate response or interaction with the audience. We would create a hypermedia to present our topic. 2. Simulation We use this method to gain attention of our audience and their interest towards the topic that we want to share with them.In a simulation, the audience acts, the simulation reacts. So, the audience can learn from this feedback. For example, we will provide some games and discussion after we had done our presentation. 3. Discovery Method that enable and encourage audience to find â€Å"answer† for themselves. The principle of this method is that audience learn best by doing. As our topic is abo ut candy, we want our audience discover about the benefits of eating candy. 4. Tutorial We use this method to introduce about new material to our audience. For example, we want to provide some videos that will attract kids to eat our candy.LENGTH OF TIME (GANT CHART) ACTIVITY/WEEKS| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| ASSIGN TEAM MEMBER| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | CHOOSE TOPIC| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PLANNING| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | HANDOUT GIVEN AND DO REASEARCH| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PROPOSAL| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PREPARE THE METHOD AND MATERIAL| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PREPARING THE PRESENTATION REPORT| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MISSION PROJECT| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | COSTS MATERIAL| PRICE (RM)| QUANTITY| TOTAL (RM)| LOLLIPOP| RM 12. 0| 1 PACKET| RM12. 00| MARSHMALLOW| RM 5. 00| 1 PACKET| RM5. 00| COTTON CANDY| RM2. 00| 3 PIECES| RM 6. 00| CLOUD 9| RM0. 40| 30 PIECES | RM12. 00| RM35. 00| IMPLEMENTATION In implementing, its begin with preview the materials first where we will do self-previewing of the macromedia director to make sure it work properly whether the image can be seen or not the video can work properly, each of visual pointer also work and direct user to the actual page.Besides that, by previewing the instructional media, we will understand the content and fully utilize the information. Next, prepare the material that will be used to support the instructional media effectively. The arrangement of the material must be appropriate and not interrupt presenter while presenting the information. We will arrange the tools or devices on the table nicely. Besides that, prepare the environment of the class. Make sure there is no things that will distort the teaching and learning process.The environment must be comfortable for user like adequate sits for each audience, the space of the class is suit with the number of student that participate the learning. Provide a space at the front between audience and prese nter for demonstration session and make sure all student are able to see the demonstration clearly. We will start the presentation with a good greetings to make audience think a good perception about the presenter as well as the subject matter. Before go to the main content, we will introduce what is candy actually. Thus, it will result student’s some expectation about what they will learn in this lesson.When go through the lesson and lost student attention, presenter will make some activity or game to attract them back or called up name to test them to redo something that they had been learnt. The next implementation is effective instructional media is require learner participation where instruction should require active mental engagement with the learners. There are some ways that we use to make learner participate the learning process which are we will instruct learner to memorize the step being demonstrate by the presenter available material and go around them to show the m a ready finish candy.This is effective ways where the learner will impress and they will remind easily as they know by themselves. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we can conclude the material or tools that we used were help us very much. The process of doing this task is smoothly done although have a bit of problem or distraction. We all members of the group want to share something with our audiences about our topic benefits of candy. This also can make all parties gain knowledge about the candy.

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