Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Basilica di santa maria del fiore Research Paper

Basilica di santa maria del fiore - Research Paper Example The cathedral complex is composed of the basilica, the baptistery and Giotto’s Campanile. The basilica was regarded as Italy’s largest church and the dome is deemed as the world’s largest brick dome ever constructed. Although the church still serves as a whole, history of its construction is still ambiguous. Plan and structure, dome, facade, and gothic elements are the main points that hold the crucial evidences of medieval architecture. Thesis To analyze the development of urbanism, Christianity, and power in the Early Modern Florence City after the crumbling of the Roman Empire in the sixth century, leading to the construction of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. Bibliography Florence: The Biography of City. Hibbert, Christopher. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1993. This book will help me with in-depth insight into the transition of Florence as symbol of wealth and power among other the Tuscan communities in the medieval era. The Gothic Cathederal C hristopher Wilson April 1, 2005 | ISBN-10: 0500276811 | ISBN-13: 978-0500276815 | Edition: 2nd Revised This book will allow me to study the gothic elements in the church and, if necessary, compare it to other significant churches. A Presentation Drawing for the Facade of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Mary L. ... New York: William Morrow, c2002. xv, 269 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Achieving great success by engineering the biggest brick dome in the entire world, Brunelleschi is considered as a pivotal architect who has changed and challenged the art world ever since. This evidence will help be praise Brunelleschi with his magnificent work. Arnolfo's S. Maria del Fiore: A Working Hypothesis Franklin Toker Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 42, No. 2 (May, 1983), pp. 101-120 I will be using this source despite its focus on the engineering part of architecture, because Toker is a major scholar of this building. Trachtenberg, Marvin. Dominion of the Eye: Urbanism, Art, and Power in Early Modern Florence, Cambridge, 1997. I will use this book because it focuses on the urban transformation of Florence in the 14th century which is a hypothetical subject of this paper. Introduction Since the emergence of architectural designs practices long before Santa Maria del Fiore was constructed, the design and construction of buildings, has always relied on the ability of an architect to graphically visualize and present their ideas using a variety of different media. Architects formulate and refine spatial, artistic, and functional concepts through drawings, sketches, and models, whereby they rely on their personal artistic skills and preferences to accomplish this (Myers 7). Around the period when the Duomo was constructed, new architectural advances were being invented as is true of the advanced structure and interior design of the building. This advancement in arts and architecture was to revolutionize the world of architecture (Hibbert 66). Brunelleschi’s work in Santa Maria del Fiore liberated architecture from the technological and aesthetic

Monday, October 28, 2019

Modern Technology Has Brought the Resurgence of Identity Theft Essay Example for Free

Modern Technology Has Brought the Resurgence of Identity Theft Essay Identity theft is one crime that has spawned from technological advancements. Criminals have developed numerous strategies on how to steal confidential and personal information. Dealing with identity theft may be a challenge since law enforcement personnel may not be fully competent in handling the cases since they may lack the required skills to be able to deal with such a crime while private people and even businesses have lost much because of this type of crime. The number of cases of identity theft has been constantly on the rise; however, the prevalence of the crime may as well be blamed on modern technology itself. Modern technology has brought about many conveniences for ordinary people and even for identity thieves. From only less than 10,000 reported cases of identity theft in 1999, the figure steadily climbed reaching around 50,000 in 2003 and more than 80,000 in 2006 (Infocycle, 2007). In the United Kingdom, credit card fraud has also been consistently increasing. In 2007, over 7,000 credit cards and debit cards were either lost or stolen. CPP Card Protection has indicated a 77 percent increase in credit card fraud compared to the figure on 2006 (Experian QAS, 2008). According to a study by Gartner, identity theft claimed 15 million victims in 2006 alone. The US Justice Department has recorded 226 cases of identity theft in 2005 but in the first half of 2006 alone, there were already 432 cases. The FBI also indicated that it is working on 1,587 cases relating to identity theft (ITRC, 2007). Preventing identity theft may not be as easy as it seems. Joel Reidenberg and Lawrence Lessig said concentrating on the â€Å"architectures of control† to prevent identity theft is the way to go. Solove, on the other hand, indicates that â€Å"architectures of vulnerability† should also be considered in addition to â€Å"architectures of control†. According to Solove, shaping architectures should be the focal point in the protection of privacy and not on remedies and penalties. He noted that architectures often provide a vulnerable point that identity thieves take advantage of. It is this lack of security that identity thieves are able to use a person’s personal information. He suggests that a public identification system be created as a solution to the problem (Solove, 2003). It is exactly new technology that produces these architectures and they are greatly flawed since many people can still bypass its security functions evidenced by the prevalence of identity theft on the Internet. Identity theft has gained much notoriety in the advent of buying and selling on the Internet. However, identity thieves can still use the old methods for obtaining personal information. Common methods are stealing wallets or mails, looking through residential trashcans or business dumpsters, posing as someone legally permitted to access personal information such as credit reports, or bribing their way to get the information (Newman, et. al. 2005). A phishing scam is another method of getting personal information out of a person. The Anti-Phishing Workgroup indicated that there are only 4,564 phishing websites in July 2005 but the number increased to 23,670 as of July 2006. A study at the University of Indiana also indicated that 14 percent of phishing scams are successful which contradicts the Gartner report which indicates only a three percent success rate. The Gartner research also found out that financial losses from phishing scams were $137 million in 2004 rising to $2. 8 billion in 2006 (ITRC, 2007). The fight against identity theft may be considered rather ineffective since law enforcement personnel lack the necessary resources to combat such a crime which is computer-related. Britz indicates that this kind of crime requires law enforcers to have knowledge of computers and other digital stuff. It may be noted that many law enforcement agencies do not have well-trained personnel to handle such cases. These personnel may also be acting several capacities at a given time. Computer technology has increased at an exponential rate as did technology related crime and this would require that law enforcers be trained to effectively handle such crimes (Britz, 2004). As technology improves, security is being compromised and this can be proven by the increasing number of identity theft crimes. While it is true that online banking and other services on the Internet provide much convenience, it also provides lesser risks of capture for identity thieves. Law enforcers could do little do prevent identity theft or to investigate such since not all of them have the capacity to do so and identity thieves are improving their arsenal of identity stealing techniques. Technology might also be considered as the root of the prevalence of identity theft. Even as identity theft was not considered a crime before 1998, it has existed for a long time. Modern computing and telecommunications technology has once again popularized identity theft since identity thieves can better elude law enforcers compared to going to a bank and making a transaction using stolen information (Arnold, 2000). Legislation has always tried to address cyber crime, but it is challenging for lawmakers to keep up since technology quickly evolves and cyber crime evolves with it. A good approach would be improving security measures, educating users, adopting a vigilant approach in combating cyber crime and a police force that is well-equipped to handle such crimes (Alaganandam, et. al. , 2005). Identity theft and other cyber crimes are also classified as white-collar crimes, thus, offenders do not receive harsh penalties. They can even use the money plundered to pay for their defense and they serve at least only one year in prison (Arnold, 2000). Identity thieves must be dealt with harsher penalties since they operate on a much larger scale today and are even comparable to bank robbers only less inclined to being caught and given much less media attention. The number of cases of identity theft is increasing at an exponential rate but this could most likely be blamed on modern technology especially since the Internet has become commercialized. New technology comes with new opportunities for identity thieves to gain access to personal information and using it for personal gains. Legislation can address this problem but it would prove to be a challenge since identity thieves are finding new ways of how to steal personal information as technology develops. Legislation must also address this by rendering harsher penalties for cyber criminals as they operate just like ordinary criminals, the only difference is that they work discreetly and have not been given media attention. Also, the victims do not really know that they have been victimized until after some time the thieving takes places. References Alaganandam, H. , Mittal, P. , Singh, A. , Fleizach, C. , 6 December 2005. Cybercriminal Activity. Retrieved September 7, 2008, from sysnet. ucsd. edu/~cfleizac/WhiteTeam-CyberCrime. pdf Arnold, T. 2000 June. Internet Identity Theft: A Tragedy for Victims. Software and Information Industry Association. Retrieved September 7, 2008, from www. siia. net/software/pubs/iit-00. pdf Britz, M. (2004). Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Experian QAS. 22 August 2008. Holiday Fraud Threat. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. qas. co. uk/company/data-quality-news/holiday_fraud_threat_2614. htm Identity Theft Resource Center. 30 April 2007. Facts and Statistics. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. idtheftcenter. org/artman2/publish/m_facts/Facts_and_Statistics. shtml Infocycle. (2007). Government Bodies Must Play Their Part in Securing Against Identity Theft. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. infocycle. co. uk/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=43Itemid=43 Newman, G. McNally, M. 2005 July. Identity Theft Literature Review. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/210459. pdf. Solove, D. (2003). Privacy, and the Architecture of Vulnerability. Hastings Law Journal, 54. p. 1227. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://ssrn. com/abstract=416740

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Corrruption Of Innocence :: essays research papers

The Corruption of Innocence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has struck some leaving a lasting impact while others just let it go by. Some would see it as corruption, and others see everyday life. I see it as the pure loss of innocence in a world of corruption. This new issue has risen in today's generation leaving no one free of it wrath. This has not been the first we have seen of this. The loss of innocence has been referred to over years by many authors, but now we come to see it in our lives a lot more frequently. According to authors like Emerson and Salinger, who although wrote their pieces so far apart, feel everyday in life the American Character is faced upon with the corruption of innocence that takes away from their unique American Character.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his book, The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger focuses on the theme of innocence for a large amount of time. Holden constantly refers to everyone as being a phony and that they had lost their innocence, which had been corrupted when they matured and were exposed to society. The society had exposed them to the real world and made them think in order to survive they must follow others. Holden goes in part of the book about jobs he likes and starts to describe job of a lawyer and says how they are sincere and try to save innocent lives, but then he goes on to think about how they are probably phonies and only doing it to be hot-shots and makes lots of money to impress society. (Salinger 172) The outcome of his thoughts was that everybody had conformed and followed each society's ideas, which upset Holden because no one was free of corruption accept the children of society, like Ally. Holden sees it as a major issue in the book and serves as a major role of Holden 's throughout the book. The issue even leads to the title of the book in the sense that it is named after his supposed job he wishes to under take as a Catcher in the Rye. He wants to be a catcher in a field of rye and little children who catches children from falling off the cliff and being corrupted by society. (Salinger 173) Therefore, in fact the theme of innocence has a significant role in this book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another author who also uses the role of innocence and corruption as a major theme is Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay 'Self-Reliance';.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Moral Theory: Cultural Relativism

In a fast shrinking world there is very little that a society can do to hide from the scrutiny and judgmental eyes of others. The media and the Internet make it very easy for the rest of the world to know of any indiscretion or any wrongdoing committed by a person or a group of individuals. The problem with judging others though is not as simple as it may seem. There is simply no universal rule to be followed when it comes to some of the more complex ethical issues such as euthanasia, abortion, recreational drug use, etc. Determining what is right and wrong, in this modern age, has been simplified to a moral relativism never before seen since the Western World accepted religion as a standard for living right.The idea that no one can judge others – especially those coming from a different culture – is also known as cultural relativism. This is rooted, in a more general sense, to a concept called moral relativism. This makes the discussion more complicated because accordi ng to Timmons, relativism, â€Å"†¦ is used as a label for a quite a variety of views and ideas that differ in important ways† (2002, p. 38). Timmons adds, that relativism should be understood from the following perspective, â€Å"†¦rightness or wrongness of actions ultimately depends on the moral code of the culture to which one belongs† (2002, p. 38).The PositiveBased on the above-stated definition the proponent can glean at least three ideas that can go in support and against cultural relativism. When it comes to those in favor of relativism then the following are easy to adhere to:1.Cultural relativism allow other groups of people to experience a degree of freedom that they so crave without the interference of outside forces who may not have a clear understanding of what they are doing.2.Cultural relativism makes a person outside the cultural sphere to give the insiders the benefit of the doubt which in some cases is needed to give other people room to ex plain themselves or to execute a plan to its completion.3.Cultural relativism allows for healthy boundaries. This means that other nations or other people groups would do well to mind their own business.The NegativeNow when it comes to the other side, one can also easily find that there are two sides to every idea. When it comes to cultural relativism the negative connotation is ambivalence that at best leads to instability and at worst will lead to chaos as explained in the following:1.Cultural relativism allows for excuses when in fact what is needed is responsibility.2.Cultural relativism allows gross misbehavior that can often lead to violence, violation of human rights etc.3.Cultural relativism can be the cause of misunderstanding that can escalate to war and other international incidents.Expounding on the ideas described above it is better to begin from the positive side of cultural relativism. It is a common contention that cultural relativism is a position that one should ta ke when discussing the evils of legalism – the familiar scene when those who are in a position to demand conformity abuses their power and forces others to follow. The dogmatism and legalism that came from religion is a painful reminder that without a proper view of cultural relativism then there are interest groups who will impose harsh laws and statutes that would make it impossible for others to follow.With regards to the second point, there are cases wherein people groups and even individuals need the benefit of the doubt from others in order for them to fully express themselves or even to execute a plan to perfection. The Western mindset can criticize the oriental mindset but there are times in history when the Western World could have benefited from the wisdom of some Asian practices if they just took the time to give them the benefit of the doubt. Americans for instance ridiculed some of the business practices of post-war Japan and later found out that their way of doi ng things allow them to produce quality products that even surpassed the competition.With regards to the third point, there is no need to look further and begin examining U.S. foreign policy and the way it has been criticized all over the world. There can be good reasons why the mighty United States of America is meddling with the affairs of other countries. But the reaction is already evident in the now infamous September 11 and the Iraq debacle.Understanding, the positive side of cultural relativism would do well to heal conflicts between two different groups but at the same time too much of a good thing can also backfire. Moral looseness can spell chaos, disaster, and tyranny. With regards to the first idea as to why cultural relativism must be opposed a case study was presented by the sociologist James Q. Wilson in sharing an experience he had with his class. Details are shown in the following pages.According to Wilson, he had an interesting and somewhat disturbing discussion wi th his students in the subject of relativism. He said that the students in reaction to the issue of the holocaust asserted an extreme form of relativism in that they refused to acknowledge that the evil that was the holocast.This is very serious for Wilson and the proponent of this study agrees with him. There is clearly a demarcation line between allowing room for cultural relativism and simply turning a blind eye towards something as significant as the murder of six million people. This is an example as to how cultural relativism can be taken too far.Furthermore, the two points raised concerning the negative aspect of cultural relativism can also be seen in the case study presented by Wilson. Cultural relativism can result in behavior that is destructive and harmful for the general public. In this case a group of people – the Nazis – were given blanket authority to harm fellow Germans, who happened to be Jews. This is the disturbing thing about relativism. The Jews w ho were massacred were not people belonging to another nation. They were in fact Germans, with valid citizenship who happened to belong to a particular heritage or to a particular religion. Yet, the Nazis did not consider this and instead went on to murder their own.On the third and last point, cultural relativism can be allowed but only on certain terms. If cultural relativism is allowed without boundaries, it can result in something as serious as a world at war. And the Nazis rise to power is the case in point. The German people allowed this group of radicals to dictate their politics and their moral code. So at the end they were forced to pay a steep price for it. Even today their history is tainted with the blood of six million Jews and it is more jarring that some of them are trying to erase the stigma by using cultural relativism, an idea that was seen in full bloom in Mr. Wilson’s class.ConclusionCultural relativism, an idea rooted in moral relativism is a view that in essence encourages respect and creating boundaries in dealing with people coming from a different social background and culture. This simply means that relativism allow for a more understanding environment, a world where people learn to be more gracious and open minded when it comes to other people’s actions. Those who agree with cultural relativism points to the necessity of first understanding the other person’s social background, culture, and the details of the circumstances that made him or her do something even as disturbing as the holocaust.This view plays an important role in creating a world more open to discussion and less prone to hostility. But there is another side to cultural relativism that can create the same set of problems that it hoped to solve. Those who are espousing cultural relativism aims for a global society that is more humane, more forgiving and more open to discussion. The opposite can happen as seen above.The explanation can be partly seen in the analysis of Catherine Wilson who remarked that in order to perform, â€Å"†¦just and benevolent actions, to approve just and benevolent actions in others, and to attribute merit to those who perform them †¦ requires a social system that regards actions as items for judgment and criticism† (2004, p. 4). In other words this world cannot function having only cultural relativism as a guide. Humanity requires something more stable than just a simplistic answer such as relativism.Relativism is like a band-aid to something as serious as gangrene. One can simply patch up a festering wound denying the fact that something is rotting underneath hoping to show that everything is fine will not solve the problem. The sociologist James Wilson was right to be appalled by the naivete and simplistic formulations of his class. Six million people murdered not including millions more who suffered in death camps could not be simply be dismissed as part of freedom of expression bas ed on the unique circumstances surrounding the event.It is the height of hypocrisy for the students to turn a blind eye from the suffering of Jews in Word War II and yet become so livid when others are violating their own freedom. How come they can easily allow the Nazis to trample the rights of the Jews when they could not stand their own parents telling them what to do. This is simply inconsistent and goes against human nature. Cultural relativism can be allowed in areas where cultural preferences and highly debatable issues are at stake but not when lives are on the line and especially when heinous crimes were committed. ReferencesDreier, L. (2005). Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.Posner, R. (1999). The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory. Boston, MA: First HarvardUniversity Press.Soccio, D. J. (2004). Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. 5th Ed. Belmont,CA: Wadsworth.Sorell, T. (2000). Moral Theory and Anomaly. Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers.Timmons, M. (2002). Moral Theory: An Introduction. Maryland: Rowman & LittlefieldPublishers.Wilson, C. (2004). Moral Animals: Ideals and Constraints in Moral Theory. New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Government ensure

How does the Government ensure that the development of Youths in this country is consistent with National Development in general? By Hauntingly In 21st century, youth is one of the main sources to contribute in the future of a country. In Malaysia, development of country and development in youth should go side by side. Young people need to be placed at the centre of national development. By the way, youth development can be defined as government and society can support young women and men aged 12 to 24.It's about how they develop the skill and attitudes they need to take a positive part in society, now and in future. The years from 12 to 24 are critical for human development. Youths are Increasingly involved In crime; most problem youth come from homes lacking in parental guidance. Therefore, youth are likely to seek advice from friends who could pose negative peer pressure to them. Parents should make time for their children and pay appropriate attention on them but not strictly.Rel evant units should deliver some common knowledge about harm on misuse, abuse of weapon and drug even severe punishment of high court through campaign or talk. In case, Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation held a series of programmer and activities for youths under a aiming called Youths unite Against Crime'. Besides, youth development is triggered when young people fully participate. They need to be given opportunities to involve in some meaningful activities. This can aid them to identify their personality and abilities through learning and services.Youth should be encourage to join extracurricular activities, even develop their hobbles or something expert In. This can help them to determine aspiration or target In their life. For example, National Services can train their leadership, gains more knowledge, build their skills and be more respect and unity with other races. Unemployment is parallel with output of economic. This is due to labor in country can't fully utilized as unemp loyment rate is higher. Young people are main workforce to supply labor.Thus, government should provide Job opportunities to those who after school. Work can provide young people with important opportunities to learn skills, make a contribution through social connections and, in paid work, earn money. Government try to protect worker's rights and interests especially fresh graduated. The announcement of minimum wages policy came into force from 1 January 2013. Healthy lifestyle Is Important In development of youth. Nowadays, smoking Is a bad habit among teenagers. Statistic shows that 90% of smokers are youth.It Is a serious Issue for government to discuss and need Teflon a way to solve this problem. For campaign to anti smoking. In 2011, the warning cover the half top of cigarette packs meant to shock deter new smokers and motivate existing smoker to quit. How to ensure that the development of youths in this country is consistently with national development? Youth are main structur e of a country, they can bring a country toward a bad culture or a good culture. As a conclusion, national development supported by development of youth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Flew over the Cukos Nest Essay Example

One Flew over the Cukos Nest Essay Example One Flew over the Cukos Nest Essay One Flew over the Cukos Nest Essay There are several interesting and complex characters throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey. Two of the most fascinating are the books main protagonist, Randle McMurphy, and antagonist, Nurse Ratched. Randle is definitely my favorite characters, while Nurse Ratched is my least favorite. Randle McMurphy, was sane man who was pretending to be insane in order to avoid being incarcerated in prison. He is my favorite character due to the way he matures throughout the book and stands up for what he believes in. At the onset of the story, he is a loud, boorish man who is convicted of battery, a seemingly hopeless cause. However, as the book progresses, he begins to change the lives of the patients in the insane asylum in which he resides by showing them how to take revenge on Nurse Ratched. He even gives one man enough courage to break out of the ward, which he was unrightfully imprisoned in, and start his life anew. This shows the heroism that Randall possessed despite being a convicted felon, and why he was my favorite character. Nurse Ratched, the head nurse of the ward and oppressor of the patients, was undoubtedly my least favorite character in the story. Throughout the book, she relentlessly tortured the patients mentally unless they did exactly what she said. When Randall arrived at the ward, he convinced the patients that she could be defeated, and instills new hope in the asylum. Nurse Ratched hears of this, and she eventually gives Randall a lobotomy, rendering him unable to speak, and effectively ending his ability to unite the patients. This shows that Nurse Ratched was clearly the most despicable character in the book which was why she was my least favorite character. In One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, there were many complex characters that could be analyzed for their good qualities as well as their bad. However, Randall plainly sticks out for his selflessness towards the other patients, while Nurse Ratched is notable for her nearly inhumane cruelty toward those patients.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Behavioral Adaptations in Turtles to Thermoregulation and Survival Essays

Behavioral Adaptations in Turtles to Thermoregulation and Survival Essays Behavioral Adaptations in Turtles to Thermoregulation and Survival Paper Behavioral Adaptations in Turtles to Thermoregulation and Survival Paper Thermoregulation is necessary for ectotherms to survive. One important mechanism for thermoregulation seen in turtles is the ability to migrate between land and water habitats. This mechanism was studied using I-button data loggers placed inside marshmallow peeps to record temperatures In two different microhabitats; one In a stream and the other on the bank adjacent to the stream. Five samples were placed in each microhabitat and temperature was recorded every minute for 20 minutes. It was hypothesized that turtles In moving waters, such as streams, would exhibit lower body temperatures than those residing on banks alongside streams due to convection of the moving water. The results of this experiment Indicated a slgnlflcant dfference between body temperatures of the model turtles in each microhabitat. The temperatures of the samples in the stream were significantly lower than those of the samples on the bank. These results indicate that the convection from the moving stream waters provide effective means for lowering body temperature in ectotherms nd, therefore, can be a critical behavioral adaptation for turtles Inhabltlng areas with warmer climates. Introduction Body temperature is a characteristic that is crucial to an organisms survival. It affects numerous biological processes In organisms Including growth, metabolism, reproduction, and performance (Fitzgerald et al. 2006). In endothermic organisms, body temperature Is regulated by metabolism. However, In ectothermic organisms, such as turtles, body temperature Is not maintained by metabolism; instead they must rely on the thermal environment surrounding them to regulate their body emperature. The mechanisms most responsible for body temperature changes In ectotherms include radiation, conduction, convection, and evaporation. Radiation is the gain or loss of heat energy from the sun. This mechanism Involves ectothermic organisms changing their body temperature by changing their position in relation to the sun. Convection is or the gain or loss of heat to or from an organism in moving fluid such as water or the wind. Convection causes the body temperature of the ectotherm to equilibrate towards the temperature of the surrounding air or water. Conduction Is the gain or loss of heat to or from surfaces, and evaporation, or the loss of heat due to the conversion of liquid water on the body to gas (Thermal environments [date unknown]). These mechanisms of thermoregulation can govern the behavior of ectotherms_ In order to regulate their body temperature, ectotherms must either utilize these mechanisms by finding habitats that expose them to these tors protection from these elements. Semi-aquatic common snapping turtles in South Carolina, Chelydra serpentina, use behavioral adaptations such as basking in the sun to raise body temperature or swimming in streams, rivers, lakes, etc. o lower their body temperature (Bennett et al. 2005). In a body of moving water, such as a stream, convection from the movement of the water causes the turtles body temperature to equilibrate to the temperature of the water at a rapid rate. This is beneficial because it allows turtles to quickly lower their body temperature when necessary. It can be a disadvantage for turtles because they may need to use water to find food or escape predators even when the water temperature is lower than their optimal temperature ranges. The rapid heat loss due to the convection of moving water will cause the urtles body temperature to quickly equilibrate toward the lower water temperature which may hinder the performance level of the turtle. Fortunately, according to laboratory studies, reptiles like the turtle are able to heat faster than they cool off so they can raise their body temperatures fairly rapidly by basking in the sunlight (Fitzgerald et al. 06). These behavioral adaptations of turtles that allow them to migrate between microhabitats with different thermal environments quite easily, allow turtles to survive in more diverse climates, escape from certain predators, and orage for food in more locations. This ability to adapt is especially important today when we are facing issues such as global warming and seeing so many species become endangered or even extinct. This experiment was done in order to observe the temperature differences between ectotherms, specifically the Chelydra serpentina turtles, in different microhabitats in order to see how much of an effect changing habitats has on a turtles body temperature. In order to do this, a stream was chosen for the first microhabitat and the bank along the sides of the stream for the second microhabitat. Both microhabitats were located in the shade in attempt to eliminate the effect of radiation on body temperature. It was hypothesis was that the turtles in the stream would have a much lower body temperature than those on the bank due to convection. To model the turtles, I-buttons placed inside of marshmallow peeps were used. Materials and Methods The samples used to model the Chelydra serpentina were I-button data loggers each placed in the center of a marshmallow peep. The use of peeps made it easier to suspend the I-buttons in various locations. In order to keep the I-buttons inside each f the peeps, scissors were used to cut small circles in the center of each peep. These I-buttons record the temperature every minute. These I-buttons were kept on ice in a thermos prior to beginning the experiment in order to create a thermal rise that facilitated locating the start of the experimental data when extracting it from the l- buttons. The habitat used for the experiment was a shaded area containing a stream and the bank surrounding the stream where turtles may inhabit in order to seek refuge from the hot temperatures of South Carolina at noon during the summer. The reek was shallow, about a foot deep, and contained mostly sand with a few larger rocks on the bottom with a steady current. Both areas were completely shaded to eliminate radiation as a factor. A total of ten peeps were used and five were placed in different areas in a stream, while the other five were placed in various areas along the bank of the stream. Strings were tied to the samples placed in the stream and samples submerged and to keep them from being carried away with the current. The samples were left in their locations for twenty minutes in order to give the I-buttons ample time to equilibrate to the environment. This data was then extracted from the I-buttons and organized by temperature per minute for each sample in separate excel tables for each microhabitat. The average, standard deviation, confidence interval, and upper and lower confidence intervals for the temperature each minute was calculated using excel for each of the microhabitats. The temperatures for the last minute, the 20th minute, for each sample were organized into another table separated by microhabitat.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rhenium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements

Rhenium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Rhenium is a heavy, silvery-white transition metal. The elements properties were predicted by Mendeleev when he designed his periodic table. Here is a collection of rhenium element facts. RheniumBasic Facts Symbol: Re Atomic Number: 75 Atomic Weight: 186.207 Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f14 5d5 6s2 Element Classification: Transition Metal Discovery: Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke, Otto Berg 1925 (Germany) Name Origin: Latin: Rhenus, the Rhine River. RheniumPhysical Data Density (g/cc): 21.02 Melting Point (K): 3453 Boiling Point (K): 5900 Appearance: dense, silvery-white metal Atomic Radius (pm): 137 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 8.85 Covalent Radius (pm): 128 Ionic Radius: 53 (7e) 72 (4e) Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol): 0.138 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 34 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 704 Debye Temperature (K): 416.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.9 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 759.1 Oxidation States: 5, 4, 3, 2, -1 Lattice Structure: hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ã…): 2.760 Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.615 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dynamic of Destruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dynamic of Destruction - Essay Example However, Dynamic of Destruction is little more than a list of atrocities committed during the first half of the twentieth century – even if the individual events themselves are new to the reader, the manner in which they were performed have been repeated often enough that they seem a natural part of warfare to us. Kramer's thesis is so obvious as to be barely an argument at all. However, the horrors of the Great War were not limited to Germany – other countries, such as Italy and the Balkan nations, also committed shocking acts of brutality on their own as well as other peoples. The chapter on 'German Singularity?' emphasizes that the â€Å"policy of absolute destruction† (114) was not unique to twentieth-century Germany, as many scholars have argued. Italy was one of the nations which perversely thrived under the influence of war. Its â€Å"eager †¦ brutality and racism† (116) at the dawn of the century was the nation's attempt to â€Å"restore Ital y's status as a Great Power† (116) as it invaded modern-day Libya. Even â€Å"Italy's bourgeois feminist movement renounced its pacifism† (118).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Digital Target Audience and Media Influencer Essay

Digital Target Audience and Media Influencer - Essay Example The story is about sharing experiences and giving hope where there is none. In other segments, there are classifieds and news coverage from different parts of the world. The site runs ads on different goods on promotion and hot deals. The site integrates with its social network sites which include Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Participants engage using these networks on news, trends, gossip and other stories highlighted on the site (Indystar). The content in the site include videos, pictures and graphics. The quality is good and merges those of other news media sites. The site generally carries stories about Indianapolis and other parts of the world. The content is essential for the company that requires tracking its customers throughout their lives and creating customized and effective ads. The online media platform has a wide spectrum of services and products. Better analysis and tracking will provide accurate information on how customers can be served better and their demands satisfied in Indianapolis. This YouTube media channel is a nature exploration platform for those enthusiastic with media. The channel details National Geographic best range of wild habitats including all kinds of wildlife. The channel has is rich with videos describing different habitats in the world, from the Kalahari to Brazil. Videos are high quality presented in HD and involve well-researched documentaries produced by the world’s greatest wild enthusiasts. Documentaries on Wild American Yellowstone Scavengers, Snowy Owls, Hummingbirds, most beautiful and colorful birds, Siberian wolfs and Hippos are informative and explorative. The channels qualify as a good media outlet because it has more than 1862 subscriptions and more than 270,000 views. The channel has social media outlets which let its subscribers follow what is happening (YouTube). Most of the videos uploaded to this channel attract record-breaking views. One of its video  uploads â€Å"Birds of Paradise† has attracted 116,378 views, while another â€Å"Snowy Owl† has over 69,000 views.

Teaching Of English as a Second Language Research Paper

Teaching Of English as a Second Language - Research Paper Example To determine the stages of reading development, the researcher takes Joshua age 15 who is the 6th standard. Joshua is an immigrant to America. Joshua has difficulties in comprehending written words and his vocabulary is equivalent to a second grader. He is quite eager to learn when we first met him and this enthusiasm can be seen throughout the course. He does not understand most the words and he cannot express himself. He is an eager student and is quite determined to learn English. In his first session, the instructor accesses his English and she finds that his fluency in English is equal to the second-grade student. While assessing his language learning vocabulary progress, the instructor assesses Joshua’s power of vocabulary by observing him closely and monitors whether his use of technical vocabulary is good. This encourages Joshua to identify words that are connected in meaning. The influence of the primary language is always is very strong in Joshua. So when the instruc tor indicates a word in English, he tries to correlate its meaning in the primary language, the meaning is in one word. The teacher and the student refer dictionary often, to verify the similarities and differences among words in the various languages. The instructor also makes a list of words, to enrich his vocabulary. At first, Joshua struggle, but as it is quite difficult to nonnative English learners. In addition to assessing vocabulary, the instructor also uses traditional means such as multiple choice tests and matching items. While tracing the different strategies in learning vocabulary, the levels of difficulty also vary. Beginners can only observe things around them and name them, as they are known to them. Students in the second stage can describe verbally the meanings of the words in context, as they are more advanced in â€Å"target vocabulary.† The next stage is itch for advanced knowledge and finding related ideas to target vocabularies, using the choicest words .†

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Landscape Photography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Landscape Photography - Assignment Example When you want to create the landscape photograph, you are suppose to look for predominant features to be the center of interest for example, when photographing landscape and the sun is setting, the center of interest will be sun. When taking a photograph you must choose the color of the day. Try to go out and make the images of that color the dominant element to an image. Find more different ways to possibly perform that. Also choose the shape and create images which will use the shape in a way that is interesting. This could the encompass in architecture, an art, or a juxtaposition of the multiple structures. The reflection of a photograph is a powerful element; reflection could be looked as the element in the work of taking photograph whether in landscape or portrait or the still life. Before you start composing the still-life of an image, the first thing to decide is the subject. The common subjects of the still-life images are natural objects like flowers, sea shell, leaves, birds nest, food, and many more that are man-made items. The still-life shoot is usually inspired by the color of a certain fruits in seasons, the light beauty falling to a collection of things like wine corks, or even the memory of the mothers using the old sets of dishes. Still-life photograph is commonly used in advertisement for example, showing a case of a product. When you select the main subject, start assembling your set for example by arranging the subject and any other item that may bring the factors of composition to the surface on which the photograph is to be taken. This can be achieved through setting the necessary lights, reflectors and any other equipment. Place the major subjects set first; then build the composition by removing or adding the objects until there is achievement of desired

Voc wk9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Voc wk9 - Essay Example The idea of recycling the different steps at different times in a persons life makes sense. The counselor must understand that coming out is an added feature that must be taken into consideration when counseling GLBT individuals. When racial identity is added to the GLBT experience, the counselor must take into consideration to multicultural issues of race that come into play. This would entail the counselor having some multicultural competence. As an example, Arredondo et al (!996, as cited in Capuzzi and Stauffer, 2006) suggest that a counselor must focus on the individuals worldview so they understand the "effects of racism and discrimination" (p. 424) on an individuals decision making. This means that a counselor must understand all of a clients needs when they are GBLT and have a visible racial group. Bowman, S.L. and Evans, G.L. (2006). Career counseling with visibly recognizable racial and ethnic minority groups in Capuzzi, D., and Stauffer, M.D. Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives and applications. 421-444. Whitcomb, D.H., Wettersten, K.B., and Stolz, L.C. (2006). Career counseling with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clients in Capuzzi, D., and Stauffer, M.D. (2006) Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives and applications. 386-420. The two case studies I chose to compare are Marisol, a 41-year old lesbian and Hallie, a 58 year old transsexual. These two women have other issues that would create challenges in their career choices such as age and gender. In both examples the women are relatively new in defining their sexual identity. Marisol came out three years ago. In her case, her partner is a high profile lawyer who has been out longer. Marisol is wrestling with going public to help her partner versus staying in the closet for her job and her children. Hallie is wrestling with discontinuing her work as a drag queen which does not pay as much

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Landscape Photography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Landscape Photography - Assignment Example When you want to create the landscape photograph, you are suppose to look for predominant features to be the center of interest for example, when photographing landscape and the sun is setting, the center of interest will be sun. When taking a photograph you must choose the color of the day. Try to go out and make the images of that color the dominant element to an image. Find more different ways to possibly perform that. Also choose the shape and create images which will use the shape in a way that is interesting. This could the encompass in architecture, an art, or a juxtaposition of the multiple structures. The reflection of a photograph is a powerful element; reflection could be looked as the element in the work of taking photograph whether in landscape or portrait or the still life. Before you start composing the still-life of an image, the first thing to decide is the subject. The common subjects of the still-life images are natural objects like flowers, sea shell, leaves, birds nest, food, and many more that are man-made items. The still-life shoot is usually inspired by the color of a certain fruits in seasons, the light beauty falling to a collection of things like wine corks, or even the memory of the mothers using the old sets of dishes. Still-life photograph is commonly used in advertisement for example, showing a case of a product. When you select the main subject, start assembling your set for example by arranging the subject and any other item that may bring the factors of composition to the surface on which the photograph is to be taken. This can be achieved through setting the necessary lights, reflectors and any other equipment. Place the major subjects set first; then build the composition by removing or adding the objects until there is achievement of desired

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Logistic assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Logistic assignment - Essay Example In future, the group plans to get into the process of higher levels of difficulties. According to the plan, with prior approval of umpire, the company plans to move into level two and then level three. The strategy has both strengths and weaknesses. The strengths of the strategy undertaken by the company at present, is that the company is involved in producing the standardised model. It means the methodologies involved are relatively simpler. So, the production is higher. Also, the cost of holding is comparatively lesser and there are no such wastage of resources for reworks, machine down times and scrap. The cost of labour is much lower in the present level of difficulty. Also, it is found that the semi fixed costs are also lower in the first level of difficulty. As the products are standardised, the demand of the products are also higher by almost double. Apart from the strengths, there are also many weaknesses related with the present strategy. As the present strategy caters to the standard model of products, the market is getting to be extinct sooner or later. Therefore, the company have to diversify into advanced models. Also, in the present strategy, the production capacity is lower. As there were both positives as well as negatives for the present strategy, the manufacturing group is moving towards the developed strategy which includes modern concepts like that of forecasting, scheduling and capacity. Forecasting – Though often thought to be alike and confused, forecasting is much different from goal. Forecasting is the way to predict the happenings in the future. Forecasting is part of the decision making mechanism of the company. The major implementation of the function of forecasting is that in the inventory control, requirements of manpower and the selection of capacity and the location of facility (Loerch, n.d.). It is good for the manufacturing group that it has incorporated forecasting with in the future

Homeworks and Study Guides in English Essay Example for Free

Homeworks and Study Guides in English Essay I rolled myself, patting and searching for the alarm clock with my eyes closed. When I reached it, I turned it off and got myself up to get ready for school. I barged in the bathroom with my still sleepy eyes, washing my face as I put some toothpaste in my toothbrush. Brushing my teeth, I walked in my closet to choose some outfit. After five minutes of choosing, I throw the clothes at the bed then turned to take a bath. I relax myself as I feel the tingling sensation of hot water seducing my whole body. After fifteen minutes of showering, I finally rinsed and walked out of the shower room. Opening the drawer, I got my hair dryer and make-up. I blow my hair for ten minutes then I dressed-up. Glancing at the clock and seeing that I still have time, I decided to put some light make up. After finishing my mascara, I took a step back, glancing at the mirror to take a full look at my outfit before going downstairs. Today was the first day of my senior year at Jacksonville Highschool. I was wearing a white tank top that showed my flat tummy and my piercing, a pink hollister shorts that showed my long tanned legs, and a high cut converse to finish the look. Fully contented with the outfit, I sighed, running my hands through my blonde hair as I walked out of the bathroom. I took my bag which was hanging at the side of my bed and stormed downstairs. When I finally get down, I went straight to the kitchen to grab my breakfast, which is apple and milk. Yay, the perks of being a vegetarian. I found my dad sitting peacefully with a newspaper in his hands, his eyebrows are scrunching. Good morning dad I greeted him, munching my apple. Silence. He didnt greet me back because he was too preoccupied with the article hes reading. I frowned and stop to look at the front page, which read Boston Bombing. Oh yeah, the latest news. I rolled my eyes, gulping my fresh milk. After I finished my breakfast, I got up, walking outside to find my mom in the garden watering her so-called little daughters. Hey mom Good morning, honey. Have you eaten your breakfast? Yup, Im finished. So wheres Anna? I asked, looking around. Annabelle Jacobs is my best friend. She always picks me up in the morning so that we could go to school together. Oh, she texted me this morning, she says shell be 5 minutes late I rolled my eyes. I know exactly why shes late. She always have those lame excuses telling me that her toothbrush got lost, she run out of panties, the flush wont work, the rats ate her clothes etc. I shook my head at the sudden thought. Okay mom. I kissed her in the cheek. Ill just check on Simon first Simon is the love of my life. Hes a puppy actually, but whatever. I run at the back, finding my shih tzu stiffing some flowers. Heeeeeeeey Simooooon I cooed in a sweet, girly girl voice while picking him up. I spin him around giggling while his licking my face. Gross I know. After a minute of playing around, I heard Annas car pulled up so I put him down and kissed him goodbye. I ran back inside to say one last goodbye to my parents then i ran towards the car as fast as I can. Samantha!!! Anna shouted when I got inside. I smiled at her. Hey there! Whats up?   Do I look like I’ve lose some weight? She immediately respond. I burst out laughing then I looked at her figure up and down. Annabelle, well Anna, look a lot like me. We have the same weight and height. Were also popular in a way, but we didnt like being the center of attention so we stay low. The only difference we have is our hair. She has brown hair while me, well Im blonde. Ugh, you have a perfect figure. Why do you have to work your butt out? And yes, youve lost some fats Really? Yay! She screeched. You see, I need to work out because Im planning to eat a whole box of pizza later She added. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. So, whats the plan? Well, I was thinking that maybe we should go shopping after school. Youve got your credit card in you, right? She asked. Uh yeah, sure. Meet me at my locker around four I said, finishing the conversation. She parked the car then we walked together inside the school grounds. We made our way to our lockers since our lockers are right next to each other. I opened mine to get my history textbook, -since its my first class- switching it with my english. Closing my locker, I said goodbye to Anna, telling her to see me at lunch because we dont have the same schedule for the first four classes. We waved goodbye to each other and started walking the opposite way. After a minute of walking and goofing around, Im finally face to face with the door that leads to my first class. I took a deep breath before opening it. Just as I was turning the door knob, a boy passed quickly to get inside first, causing me to fall backwards with the rest of my stuff. What the hell I said in a low voice. I heard him groan in an annoyed voice, then he started walking back towards me, closing the door in the process. Hey, no need to swear neighbor Then it hit me. I looked up, wide eyes to see my oh-so-handsome neighbor aka the most popular boy in school, Spencer Young. You see, Ive known him since we were young. Our mothers, both Filipina, were married to some Canadian which means were half filipino, half american. I also know a lot about him since our bedroom are next- well, lets just say parallel to each other. I know that he loves switchfoot, the script and matchbox twenty because his room are full of their posters. I also know his favorite book, food and stuffs. And also when I was 14, in my sophomore year, I used to have a little crush on him ever since the first time I saw him half naked walking around his room. But that was freaking before. I got myself up, thinking of shouting at him for his rude manners. But before I do that, he spoke first. Sorry about that He said, pinching both of my cheeks. I was thinking of pushing him back. But I sighed, realizing that were already late in class. Instead, I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as I made my way inside the classroom. When we walked inside, the class went full silent at first. Then, they started whispering to each other, probably wondering why their Queen Bee and Mr. Popular are together. Yay, perks of being a popular student. Mind explaining to me why youre both 5 minutes late, Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Young? Our professor, Mr. Lantican asked. Wow. I didnt realize it took that long outside. Spencer speaks first. Well sir, w-we bumped into each other a-at the hallway He stuttered. And it took 5 minutes? Well done, kids. And good job at lying. Now, as your punishment, I want you both to stay here after class and go straight to the detention room to- WHAT?! I shouted, startling the whole class. I cant believe it. I really cant believe it. This is my first time to get a detention and I know for a fact that I didnt deserve it. No offense sir, but Im a straight A student and this will greatly affect my grades. I stopped, catching my breath. And just so you know, I have a scheduled meeting with- I stopped, realizing that im pushing the limits. Never mind I gave up, finding the way to my seat. Yeah, detention at the very first day of my senior high. Great right? Spencers POV I stare at her from a good distance. She sits at the front row with some geeky nerds while me, well, Im at the far left side of the back with Blake Morgan and Nathan Brooks, my bestfriends. I felt really bad that I bumped her earlier. The detention will surely drive her crazy, and it was all because of me. She always makes sure to get perfect As, which I couldnt understand. Its like shes going to die if she gets B or lower. I look up at her again memorizing her perfect back features, hoping that I wouldnt get caught, but i was wrong. HOLYSHITBALLS Blake and Nathan both hissed. WHAT? I said, wincing and rubbing my ears. We can tell it dude This time, its just Blake who spoke. Ugh. What is it, again? You like her right? I mean, Samantha Reynolds Nathan spat. WHAT?! Oh no, youre seeing it wrong man. I spat back. Okaaaaaaaaaay, whatever you saaaaay maaaaan They both sang in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes. It was a misunderstanding. I, Spencer Young, will never stoop that low. Sure, shes rich, sexy, gorgeous or to make it short, shes miss perfect. But shes not really my type. I dont know though, because in some way, I find her actions weird and cute. My room is facing hers and I can see all of her actions or whatever. Her room is very neat and she always make sure that all her things are in place. She also has a very strict schedule of sleeping, waking up, exercising and eating. Not that Im stalking her, of course. Anyway, I really dont understand her. I feel like shes hiding something even from her next-miss perfect bestfriend, Annabelle Jacobs. And thats what Im going to find out. Finally, the bell rang signaling us to our next class. I stand up, eagerly wanting to get the hell out of here before our beloved old teacher call up to me. But then again, I was wrong. Mr. Young and Ms. Reynolds can I have a word with you two? Mr. Lantican asked. I groaned mentally, turning back to face his old crooked face. I saw Samantha glaring at me. Man, was she sexy. I shot her an apologetic look before walking towards Mr. Lantican. Yes, Mr. Lantican? I asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a deep breath before answering I want the two of you to be at the detention room at exactly four. Have I made myself clear? Yes sir We both said. Okay, the two of you may go now He finally dismissed us. Thank you, sir. I said lastly to him then I got out of the classroom. Just as I started to make my way upstairs to my next class, I saw Sam alone leaning at one of the bars, smiling at me. Confused, I made my way to her. Whats with the smiling, Sammy? I asked. Thank you, Spence She suddenly said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What was that? A while ago, she was throwing fires at me by the way she glares. And now? Man, was she bipolar? Fo-for what? I manage to say. Ive said enough, Spence. I just want you to know that Im very happy that you save me She look at me gratefully then suddenly, she kissed my cheek, then left. I was pretty sure that my jaw hit the ground. Samanthas POV In chemistry, which is my third class, I loiter towards the back of the room, waiting for everybody to file in their seats. Mr. Maruso has this rule that whoever you choose to sit with on the first day of class, becomes your lab partner for the entire year. Needless to say, seat selection is definitely critical. Since the sciences arent really my thing, I search around for someone who I think might do well with the laboratory stuffs. I mustve been busy daydreaming; thinking about what happened earlier because when i look up, they are all paired up. Which leaves me standing awkwardly at the back with my books. Embarrassed, I scan the room until I spotted two empty chairs in front. I made my way there and I can see that my suppose-to-be-partner isnt there. I wonder if he or she is just late or absent. I sighed heavily, praying in every god that he or she better have some brains or else Ill be doomed. Five minutes later, Mr. Marusos disscussion of safety precautions and proper handling of equipments was interrupted by a student who just barged in through the room. I turn around to look at my partner which is†¦.. OH BLOODYHELL is that Spencer? Oh great. I forgot that we also have the same class. But really, this cant be happening. It will be too friggin awkward to have him as my partner. Not to mention, FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. You see, the moment I kissed him earlier, I immediately regret it. I was also shocked. I didnt know what comes through my mind or what made me do that I REALLY DONT KNOW. I guess I was just so grateful from the fact that he saved me from the shopping plan Annabelle and I were going to have. Shoping isnt really my thing. Especially with Annabelle. I brought all my clothes, shoes and bags online. And Anna, being Anna, you wont like it. She was sooo shopaholic. She buys all the possible clothes and shoes she can get. One time, she runs out of money and im forced to let her use my credit card. Not that Im selfish, of course. Its just that Im saving some of my money for my own car. Nobody knows about that except Simon. Shaking my thoughts, I look at Spencer again only to find him talking to Mr. Maruso. He was probably saying some crappy excuses or whatsoever. I saw them nodded in agreement then Spencer turned around to look for some seat. Our eyes met as he spotted the empty seat beside me. Oh bloody great. He raised his eyebrows at me, doing his famous smirk that showed his dimples. How cute. He made his way to his chair. Hey partner, Sammy I rolled my eyes. Dont call me that. It sounds gayish He laughs in a carefree way So does Spence I tried to hide my smile but I couldnt. Minutes passed and we stopped talking to scribble some notes that our professor told us to copy. As I was writing, I notice him looking down at me whilst playing with my hair. How romantic. I stopped writing. What?! I asked. A little annoyed. Nothing. I was just wondering why little miss perfect is bipolar He said coolly. I gritted my teeth. First, Im not little. We have exactly the same height. And second, Im not bipolar He raised an eyebrow Oh really? I thought- Ahem He was interrupted by a girl. We both turned our heads to see who may that be. Unsurprisingly, its Lilly Thompson, one of the oh-so-popular girls. What do you want, Lilly? I asked. This time I was really annoyed. How dare she interrupt us? Youre flirting with my boyfriend She hissed, faking smile. My eyes went wide and I look at Spencer. He too, has the same expression as me. Will someone please tell me what the heck is happening? Pardon me? I dont even know you Spencer spat. I turned to look at Lilly, who was faking hurt. What do you mean? We chatted on facebook last week and you ask me to be your girlfriend. Dont you remember? She asked in a flirtatious way. Someone give me a bucket Spencer raised an eyebrow. Well, that isnt me. Nathan and Blake knows my password. Theyre the ones who probably ask you out. Besides, I havent open my account for ages. You should go and ask them. He sighed. Lilly was close to tears. So you mean, I dont stand a chance to be with you? She said in a weak voice. This time I interrupted. You slut, will you please cut the act? Just look at him. This- I gestured at spencers body. -is the definition of perfect. And you? Youre just a whore who has nothing to do but to seek attention. I finished. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Spencer smiling at me. I ignore him as I gave Lilly the death glare. But this time, she looked angry as hulk You bitch! She shouted, causing some students to look at the three of us. Is there a problem? Mr. Maruso asked. I turned to answer him Oh yeah, theres a snake wandering around here. Poor snake, SHE probably doesnt know where she belongs. I fake crying, causing the whole class to errupt in laughter. I smiled proudly to myself. Good job, Samantha! At that moment, the bell finally rang. Talk about being saved by the bell. I quickly grab my things, said a quick goodbye to Spencer, then I hurried to the door to meet Annabelle at the cafeteria. When I got there, everyone at the school had already heard about the confrontation. Yeah, news travels fast in Jacksonville Highschool. I saw Anna already buying her lunch so I catch up next to her in line. Yo anna I said while putting a carbonara, salad and a boxed milk at my tray. Hey there, Sam. Soooo, fighting with Lilly huh? She asked, waggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. She made me do it I said, finishing the conversation. After paying the bill, we made our way to our table which is located at the far side of the cafeteria. Our table is the circle one with the four silver chairs. Actually, its just the three of us who sits there. Me, Annabelle and our boy-bestfriend, Max Carter. We found him already sitted, stuffing sandwich in his mouth. When he notice us, he greeted us with a smile. Yo girls! So hows the two queen coping up? He asked. Anna raised her eyebrows Coping up? Haha, were fine. As always I added, winking at him. Time passed and were already finished with our lunch. Max started telling us some jokes which cause Anna and I to laugh hysterically. That is until Spencer Young decided to come at our table to remind me of the detention. I know I said, giving him the death glare and signaling for him to leave before I pull out both of his mighty eyeballs. Thankfully, he obeyed and left. Slowly and carefully, I turn to face the now angry Anna who was looking at me with an intense glare. I-im sorry, anna I stuttered. I was looking at the floor, twiddling my fingers. I was waiting for her to shout at me but instead, she put an arm around my shoulder, looking worried. What happened? She asked. You know that this is your first time getting a detention right? I nodded. Well, Spencer and I were late and Mr. Lantican got mad I explained. This is unfair She said. What about our shopping?She raised an eyebrow. Great. I really expected that. I was thinking of shouting at her, telling her that she has so many freaking goddamn clothes. But instead, i come up with an idea. Well, Max will be honored to accompany you I said, smirking at Max. Max widened his eyes in horror. I AM NOT GOING NEAR THE VICTORIAS SECRET! He shouted dramatically causing all of us to laugh again. I guess well just go shopping on friday night then Anna said. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, sure. NOTE: On friday, make sure to forget my credit card at home. Spencers POV After lunch, i made my way to the locker room to change for the basketball practice. I flicked the combination to my locker and opened it. Just as I was grabbing my clothes, Blake came up behind me. Spencer! You ready? He asked. Yeah, give me a second to change I said, going inside the comfort room. Seconds later, I got out of the comfort room, completely dressed. I grab a bottle of cold water and started gulping. I need to stay hydrated. So, do you like her too? Blake suddenly asked. I scrunched my eyebrow in confusion. What are you talking about, man? Are the two of you going out now? He asked again, ignoring my question. I glared at him. Who exactly are we talking about, blake? I spat. Uh, Lilly Thompson. He said nervously. Huh? Who is Lilly and why are we talking about her? I dont care about her, duh. Then it hit me. YOU! I shouted. It was you who chatted her! He rubbed the back of his neck. Sorry, man. Its just that- Let me guess I interrupt him. You like her. Am I right? He nodded. Yeah. I really liked her since we were sophomore. I know a lot about her and i know that she likes you so much. Thats the reason i used your account without permission. To be able to talk and ask her out He finished. I sighed. I forgive you, man. But i wont trust you anymore. Im going to change my password the moment i got home. I joked, then i continue. You shouldnt be ashamed to ask her out, Blake. Im sure shell like you I said, finishing the conversation. Thanks, man He said, punching my arm lightly. We made our way to the court where Nathan was. We saw him sitting and waiting impatiently, spinning a ball in his thumb. When he saw us, he shouted. You two! What took you so long? He asked in an annoyed voice. I faked sigh. Sorry, nate. We cant take it anymore. I replied, smiling flirtatiously to Blake. Blake just laughed while Nathan, realizing what im talking about, gave us a dirty look. Youre both disgusting He said. But you love us I cooed, patting his shoulders. Come on, lets play Somehow, we managed to play smoothly for one and a half hour. When were finished, the three of us jogged our way back to the shower room, dying for a cold shower. When were finished with our cold showers, we separate ways to go to our last class. I check my schedule to find out what class am i having. French. Oh oui, mon sujet favori! Just as i was making my way, i remember something. Something that ive been dreading to know. I turn around, running downstairs to catch up with Blake. I saw him making his way to the registrars office. Blake! I shouted. He turned around. Huh? He asked, confused. I ran towards him. I have a question I said, panting. He laughed. Is it that important that you have to- Why Lilly? I interrupted. He looked at me, startled. What do you mean, man? He asked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed. What made you like her? I asked again. He just look at me blankly for a couple of seconds. Finally, after realizing what i meant, he let a huge sigh of relief. Okay, fine. You see spencer, you wouldnt just want to know the outside, arent you? He asked and I nodded. Then he continue. Think about it. For you to know the person completely, you have to also see the inner beauty. For every person in this world, theres a reason why theyre like that. Theres a reason behind why their attitudes and personalities are like that. Thats why we should not judge first. He said, looking at me sadly. You know, I always thought that Lilly will be always like that. People keep saying that shes a bitch, a slut, a whore, an attention seeker but you know what, spencer? In my eyes, i see her differently. The minute i saw her at the orphanage playing with the little kids, man, i was lovestruck. I didnt expect that, especially from a Lilly Thompson. Shes a type of girl who would change her attitude so that people will not recognize her nor to be able to see through her. Thats what made me like her, spencer. He finished, smiling mostly to himself. I was pretty sure that there were tears forming in my eyes. Gayish i know. I, uh- thanks a lot, blake. And, good luck. I stuttered, patting his back. No worries He shrugged. I checked my watch. Three minutes till the last bell. Uh, spencer? Blake called. Yeah? Always remember, dont judge the book by its cover. And, if you like someone, learn to love her flaws first. He finished, then he left. Samanthas POV I stared at the clock, counting the time in my head. 56 57 58 59 RIIIIINNNGGGG! Shoot. I got up as fast as I could then hurried my way towards the door then down the stairs. Great, I thought to myself. Its just a detention, Sam. Calm down. Its just a detention. just a detention Just a fuc- SAM! Someone shouted, taking me into realization. I stopped in my tracks to find whoever who was calling me. I saw Spencer waving at me frantically, gesturing the way to the detention room. Right. What the hell am I thinking and why am I walking the other way?! I shrieked, thinking to myself. I made my way to Spencer who was now laughing like theres no tomorrow. Embarrassed, I tried to cover up. Why are you laughing? I asked, faking innocence. He stifled some laugh. You looked a little.. lost. Do you really study here? Why are you walking the other way? You do know that the detention room is here, right? He asked, pointing to the room. Who said that I was going there first? I asked, keeping my face blank. Where were you going, then? He asked, challenging me. To the ladies room I said confidently, hoping hed buy it this time. He just stared at my blankly. Then he started laughing. Harder and louder this time. Samantha! HAHAHAHAHA! Youre f-fucking hi-hilarious! The la-dies room i-is upsta-irs! He manage to say between laughs. My mouth formed a small o as I realize that he was right. I was left utterly speechless and really embarrassed. I can feel my cheeks turning bright red. I look up at him and hes still laughing. This time, with no noise coming out. Are you done making fun of me? I asked, raising my eyebrow. He finally stopped laughing, clutching his hard-abs stomach as he spoke. Yeah. You didnt tell me youre a good comedian, Sam. I rolled my eyes. I know right? Its one of my hidden talents. Absolutely right. By giving me a good laugh everyday, I wont have to work out anymore. He waggled his eyebrows at me. I smiled. This man surely made my day. Who would have thought that Mr. Spencer Young is like that? Maybe, if we hang out a long time ago, we would be bestfriends by now. And did I mention that he looked hot in his outfit? From v-neck to skinny jeans, perfect. Are you done checking me out? He asked, gesturing to his body. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the detention room, worry and nervous free. As we walked inside, we realized that were not the only ones who got detention. We saw a girl and a boy -probably freshman- lurking around the room waiting for Mr. Lantican. At last, he came inside, holding a cup of coffee and a large notebook in his hands. We all stand up to greet him. Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon, kids. He replied. Now, I will group and assign you all to your works He said, looking and flipping through the notebook. Lets see Luke and Miley both of you will be at the movie room to fix all the cds and equipments He finally said. The two student nodded, then left. As for you two- He said, looking at us intensely. -Ill be assigning you to the library to fix and rearrange some books. You may now proceed He finished, then left. I made my way to the library with Spencer, eager to finish the task. We stormed downstairs, taking a left to the library. When I opened the door, we were surprised on how messy it was. Youve got to be kidding me. We cant finish this in one hour What happened here? Spencer asked. I dont know I said, stretching. Lets get working. *After one hour* Woooooh! I shouted, wiping my head with the back of my hand. Weve been cleaning for an hour, throwing and stacking some books here and there. Spencer isnt much of a help though. While I was working my butt out, rearranging some books, he thought it would be fun to just sit there and draw some silly faces on the book covers. But somehow, thankfully, weve managed to clean the library. When were contented with our work, we turned the lights off then we headed out of the school. Uh, Spencer? I asked, realizing something. Yeah? He replied whilst looking at his watch. I-uh, would you give me a lift? I mean, Anna is usually the- No problem, milady He interrupted. I smiled at him. Thanks. As I got up to his car -which is a grey Porsche carrera gt- I pulled out my phone and saw that I have two messages coming from Anna and mom. I opened moms first: Honey, where are you? You didnt tell me youre going to be late I immediately hit the reply button: Sorry, mom. Just got detention. Ill explain it to you later, love you. After sending, I read Annas message: Hows detention with Mr. Young? ;) I smiled, typing: Weve been asked to clean the library. I hate to admit it, but its fun. Never thought Mr. Young has a great sense of humor ;) I hit the send button then I put my phone back in my pocket. Minutes passed and I started to feel some awkwardness so I decided to play some music. I reached for the Switchfoot album, then pushed the CD inside. I stared at the window just as while You was playing. Great. I look like an emo Theres always something in the way Theres always something getting through But its not me, its you At exactly 6:00 pm, Spencer pulled up in front of my house. I thanked him and waved goodbye, then he left. I sighed heavily, thinking of the very tiring day. I pushed myself to the door and I walked inside. Moooom? I shouted, looking for her. At the kitchen! She shouted back. I made my way to the kitchen, dropping my bag at the bottom of the stairs as I walked by. MOM!- I immediately talk. -Im so sorry. I didnt mean to be late in class, I swear it wont happen again and I just want you to know that Ill still be getting straight As and also- Samantha! Calm down! Were not mad, okay? She interrupted. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Huh? Why are you not mad? Youre supposed to be shouting at me for letting you down. I said in a weak voice, tears starting to fall. Shhh, Samantha. Dont ever think about that. Actually, your dad and I were happy that it happened. Youre experiencing the things youve never experience before. Were so proud of you, honey. I stopped crying then I studied her face. Was she serious? Things that Ive never done before? That would be parties, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and sex. I stared at her in horror. Sam, are you okay? Mom asked, waving a hand to my face. She must have noticed that im not breathing. I came back into realization. Uh yeah, mom. Im just.. tired. I should go up and change now I said, kissing her cheeks. I walked pass the dining room, grabbing a banana to calm myself down. I picked up my bag and jogged my way upstairs. Just as I was about to walk inside my room, my father appeared in the hallway Your moms right, Sam. You should live your life the way you wanted. He said, holding back tears. I just nodded then I locked myself inside the room.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Amputation Of Arms And Legs Health And Social Care Essay

Amputation Of Arms And Legs Health And Social Care Essay Multiple health need is a theoretical account to have an comprehensive view on multiple interwebbing needs of a client which pairs health and social issues. There cannot be a common frame work for the complex needs for all, but it is individual specific and need separate response from care givers. (Rankin Regan) Client Discussion A 37 year old client named Mr Shaiju came to the emergency department with alleged history of road traffic accident (RTA) in which a lorry ran over the tibia of the left leg. On admission Mr Shaiju had immense pain over the left leg and was having tachycardia and hypotension. The skin over the left tibia was degloved and the client looked apprehensive .On radiological examination Mr Shaiju was diagnosed with a compound fracture of tibia and fibula. The orthopedician advice for a Below knee Amputation since there was popliteal artery injury along with nerve injury and bone fracture, which when associated together in patient is a higher risk to end up into amputation (K. Rerkasem 2006), even though the patient had history of Type II diabetes Mellitus by considering the finding of Guo Jiong Jiong et al (2009) that immediate operation is possible in a patient with fracture. The client was moved with traction splints to Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) after taking routine investigatio ns like blood routines (HIV , HbSAg screening, Liver Function Test, CBC ESR and Urine Routine, Random Blood test, Urea , Creatinine) and ECG . In SICU Mr Shaiju was prepared for surgery. Amputation is the method of surgical removal of a limb or a portion of limb which no longer be beneficial for the person, instead it produce immense pain and cause threats to the life of individual because of injury or infection. Below Knee Amputation is the process of surgical removal of lower portion of leg beneath from knee joint (Riley Lee Richard 2005).This can arise to many interlinking needs for the patient like economical social, psychological demands which are not directly linked with condition but play a crucial role in the recovery of the patient Relevance In order to mention the multiple health needs of the patient with below knee amputation, practitioner use the above mentioned case of Mr. Shaiju who was a victim of RTA because he was drunken and driven cycle into a lorry and broken the tibia and fibula of right leg along with injury to both nerve and artery resulted in below knee amputation. This client is a perfect example of a case of multiple health need of patient undergone amputation since he is having all needs To protect confidentiality all the persons are mentioned with pseudo names in accordance with Nursing Midwifery Guideline in 2008 The subject of this case study Mr Shaiju is a 37 year old who has been admitted in authors unit with severe injury to right lower limb because of RTA.On physical examination his height was 168 cm weight was 68kg and Body Mass Index (BMI) was .He was hypotensive with Blood Pressure and Tachycardic .On auscultation he was having crackles and he was having an episode of cough since one week. He was having a surgical mark on the left iliac region of abdomen. He was having a muscular build and the rest of all system was functioning normally. He was assessed for fracture, abdominal or head injury by observation, neurological examination and also an abdominal ultra sonography and results of all those were negative. System wise Examination 1. General Appearance: Muscular body built. He was apprehensive and cooperative to author despite of severe pain he was having. 2. Skin: Good skin turgor,but skin is dry and pale over palm and lower extremity 3. Head a) Skull is normal, round appearance with no sign of injury or bruise mark. b) Hair is thick and some are white in colour c) No visible facial abnormalities 4. Eyes a) Pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation b) Eyebrows are equal c) No evidence of periorbital oedema d) Cornea is smooth e) White sclera 5. Ears a) No foul smelling discharge present b) Normal position of pinna c) Recoil of pinna is present when it is folded 6. Nose: No abnormal discharge present 7. Throat Mouth: No obvious swelling and sore present, Normal Deglutition and gagging reflex present. 8. Neck a) No visible enlargement of thyroid gland and jugular vein distension 9. Chest: Normal appearance, no gynecomastia present 10. Cardiovascular: No cardiac murmurs, normal rhythm of pulse 11. Respiratory: Crackles on the both lungs with frequent coughing 12. Gastrointestinal: No organomegaly present and normal bowel sounds present. 13. Extremities: No abnormality found other than crush injury over right lower limb 14) Urogenital System: Normal urine output present, no haematuria or pyuria present 15) Neurological System: Normal reflexes present Past Medical History The past medical history was not good when the operation while considering the possible complication associated with it. Shaiju had severe medical histories like Type II Diabetic Mellitus (DM), hypertension and also chronic alcoholism He was diagnosed of having diabetics in 2006 and was on regular oral hypoglycaemic. In the year 2007 he was diagnosed of a victim of chronic renal failure as hypertension is a main predisposing factor for the disease ( ).He was on regular haemodialysis as this is the best treatment option available for chronic alcoholism ( ) beside with the supportive medication. Past Surgical History He had undergone appendicectomy one year before and the operative and post operative history was uneventful. He had developed a heterogeneous mass in the hilum of liver and on later examination it was found to be a cyst and Endoscopic retrograde collangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed .On ERCP gallstones and stone on hepatic duct was found out and removed and a drain was put to remove pus collection from the cyst. Living Standard Family History He is having a nuclear family with wife and three children and he is the only bread winner of the family. His parents were died because of old age and cause of death according to him was because of Cardiac Arrest. His uncle and mother was having DM and hypertension. He had four siblings in which three of them died because of cancer and another one recently died because of RTA, so he was very stressed since he also encountered with an accident. Financial Status He is a coli worker and belongs to a socially deprived group of society. He did not have support from any other family member since he is the only earning member and his other relatives are belong to low socio economic strata .The subject was living in a rented house. The roof was tiled and having accessibility to safe water. Nutritional Status He was well nourished and is a non vegetarian. He was taking foods four times a day and had at least 8 glass of water per day. MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT Crush Injury of Lower Extremity Physiological Function  ¿Ã‚ ½ To bear the weight of the body.  ¿Ã‚ ½ To enable in locomotion. The main focus of the orthopedician is to manage the condition by below knee amputation, even though that may be considered as the failure of surgeon to perform amputation since due to the advancement of surgery in micro vascular technique, revascularisation and internal fixation of fracture (Ertl Jan 2005). But in this case the bone was fragmented due to crush injury by RTA.A transtibial procedure was used. Informed consent was taken from the patient and the risk for above knee amputation was explained. The patient was given supine position and tourniquet was applied. An anterior-posterior incision was used. The muscle layer was dissected first and followed by the neurovascular structures. After the soft tissues dissected the osseous tissue is approached using chisel. After the dissection is performed anterior flap is attached to posterior flap. Drains are placed to prevent the formation of hematoma and the extremity is wrapped in sterile dressing and plaster cast is applied with le g in extension. The splint was removed on 7th day, as the normal duration will be between 2-7 days (Ertl Jan 2005). The patient was on broad spectrum antibiotics since he was a high risk candidate for infection due to diabetics mellitus ( ) and NSAIDS. ALCOHOLISM ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL SYNDROMME Alcoholism is a condition arises because of either psychological or physical strive alcohol is consumed which is manifested by behavioural and responses of other kind and is associate with a temptation to consume alcohol to get its physiological effect or to nullify the effects caused if you not taking alcohol. (World Health Organisation 1992). Alcohol Withdrawal syndrome is a group of clinical manifestation which arises due to the reduced concentration of alcohol in the blood , which is essential for the normal functioning of that individual since the body developed dependency to alcohol ( Winnington J et al 1998 ) Pathophysiology The reduced intake of alcohol because of long post operative period caused decrease of alcohol levels in patients ¿Ã‚ ½ blood so that body cannot perform the normal function, since his body developed dependency. The withdrawal symptoms were sweating in night, tremors, increase in heart beat and respiration, reduced amount of sleep, agitation and irritability. He was aggressive and also had auditory hallucination. Treatment. The patient developed alcohol withdrawal syndrome on the 3rd post operative day, the common complication of alcohol abstinence after a long history of drinking. The patient was referred to psychiatrist and was advised to give Polybion an Intravenous drug of multivitamin and Serenenace tablet in order to make the patient calm. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetic Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder in which there may be absolute or relative absence of insulin hormone or resistance of insulin or a combination of both which deter the proper carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. DM is of two types 1. Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or NIDDM or Type II DM 2. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Anatomy Physiology Pancreas is an endocrine gland situated behind stomach and it is in the left upper quadrant of abdomen .It is an exocrine as well as endocrine gland. . The two important hormones are Glucagon and Insulin. The former convert glycogen stored in body tissues to glucose for meeting energy requirement and the later do vice versa that is glucose to glycogen. Pancreas is having three pats head neck and tail. It is supplied by pancreaticoduodenal and splenic artery and pancreaticoduodenal vein. Pathophysiology The risk factors for DM can be grouped as non modifiable( age, family history , ethnic origin) and modifiable risk factors (Obesity, hypertension, polycystic ovarian disease , viral infection , drugs , stress and gestational diabetics mellitus ) .Mr Shaiju had family history ,and hypertension . These caused hyperglycaemia. The hyperglycaemia cause increased glucose uptake which penultimately leads to cellular starvation and ultimately in polyphagia since satiety centre is stimulated because of the starvation. The hyperglycaemia causes increased glucose elimination from kidney since it exceed renal threshold. This result in polyuria since more water will be gone out since glucose will attract the water. The hyperglycaemia increase blood osmolarity which in turn result in polydypsia since intracellular dehydration occurs as fluid shifts from intracellular to extra cellular space and also it result in reduced blood flow which causes complication of diabetics like dry itchy skin, nephrop athy, neuropathy, retinopathy and confusion. Mr Shaiju was devoid of complications and had polydypsia, polyphagia and polyuria. Treatment Throughout the days the blood sugar level of patient was very much raised due to underlying history of diabetics and stress due to hospitalisation. The patient was advised to start insulin injection subcutaneously from 2nd postoperative day since the oral hypoglycaemic agents was found ineffective, with the advice of doctor specialised in diabetics. Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Anatomy Physiology Kidney is a retroperitoneal bean shaped organ situated between T12 and L3 vertebrae and is guarded by 11th and 12th ribs. The basic functional unit of kidney is Nephron. The physiological functions are excretion , controlling the fluids in blood , maintain ionic regulation of pH of the body fluids, it share the function of synthesising vitamin D along with skin, and it maintain red blood cell concentration. CRF is a disease condition in which kidney cannot maintain body ¿Ã‚ ½s normal internal environment since there occurs gradual progressive deterioration in the number of functioning renal tissues. Pathophysiology There are predisposing factors (Age above 55 Family history of DM and Hypertension) and precipitating factors (Life style like smoking and alcoholism, certain diseases like hypertension and DM, recurrent infections). Mr Shaiju had the family history of DM and hypertension and also had both diseases and he was a chronic alcoholic. These factors caused thickening of small vessels and deposition of collagen in them resulting in decrease blood flow. This causes glomerulosclerosis and thereby reducing glomerular filtration rate (GFR).This result in gradual progression through 5 stages according to the Kidney Disease Outcome Initiative Classification. Stage I: GFR will be normal (>90ml/min/1.73meter square) Stage II: GFR will be mildly reduced (60-89ml/min/1.73meter square) Stage III: GFR is moderately reduced (30-59 ml/min/meter square) Stage IV: There occurs severe reduction in GFR(15-29ml/min/meter square) Stage V : There occurs failure of kidney ( Mr Shaiju was on 4th stage of CRF and had pruritis, anorexia, and decreased libido. Treatment The patient was having a history of chronic renal failure and hypertension so he was given antihypertensive (ACE inhibitors), loop diuretic, vitamin and mineral supplements and especially Vitamin D supplement. There was a high concern for the worsening of the disease because of the high course of antibiotics science kidney is the organ meant for excretion of waste products of drug metabolism ( ) . He was on protein restricted diet. The author as a nurse practitioner looked the patient holistically like physical, psychosocial and economic dynamics rather than particular disease. PHYSICAL DYNAMICS Alcoholism is associated with many medical problems which is harmful for the normal functioning of the body. It also is the causative factor of RTA as in the case of him ( in United Kingdom one in seven RTA is due to alcoholism) and problems with co-ordination ( Ritson Bruce 2000).There will be a great expectation of the patient for health care professionals to ask about the drinking habits of the patients (Kaariainen et al 2001).The hospital is the best site for prevention since the admitted patient in the hospitals demonstrate high willingness to change (Emmon et al 1992).The nurse practitioner used this opportunity to identify yhe dangerous alcohol consumption habit of the patient and given counselling as stated by Lock et al on 2002. The nurse practitioner identified the risk of developing contractors a major concern after the amputation (Christian Adrian 2006) and also the physical movement act as the stimuli in mechanical form for the skeleton in maintain normal homeostasis of bones (Lundon Katie 2000).The immobilization cause sudden loss of bone mass (Krolner et al 1983). So the patient was given range of motion exercises along with physiotherapists. The residual limb was covered with elastic bandage so that the residual limb attains proper shape and is devoid of swelling (Christian Adrian 2006). Mr Shaiju had muscle pain skin pain and bone pain and he was given health education regarding that the former two will diminish quickly and the later will last longer as quoted by Erhl Jan in 2005. The patient was given special care for phantom limb sensation and given massage from mild to severe pattern and also towel used , both for desensitization so that the nerve reflex is reduced (Riley Lee Richard 2005).The pat ient was given health education that residual limb should be kept covered and elevated in order to enhance blood supply and wound healing. From physical examination nurse practitioner identified the crackles in the lungs and cough. The patient was given chest physiotherapy and steam inhalation so that the present condition was relieved. The stress of operation results in an increased circulatory adrenaline, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol and growth hormone which result in deficiency of insulin in body and also develop resistance to insulin (Heller 2002). The nurse practitioner identifies the tough job to find out hypoglycaemia in a sedated patient after surgery since the diabetic patient. The patient ¿Ã‚ ½s blood glucose was checked half hourly to relieve the risk of hypoglycaemia and its complication. The nurse practitioner identified the risk of decline in physique and functional capability in haemodialysis patient (Johansen L Kirsten 2003). Adequate attention was given for this aspect and patient was approached with that mind set and was referred to dietician for preventing malnutrition. PSYCHOSOCIAL DYNAMICS The nurse practitioner given information regarding the temporary problem with verbal, visual and spatial learning, which would be regained within few weeks if the chronic alcoholics abstains from alcohol (Ellenberg Leah 1980).The point about the alcohol hinders the performance of suitable form of behaviour and self interpretation regarding events happened in past (Hull G Jay 1981) was informed to patient. The patient was also informed regarding the loss of functioning in which alcoholics deter better processing of information and physical activity and also the increases chance of aggression after consumption of alcohol (Hull g Jay1986). ECONOMIC DYNAMICS The term diabetes mellitus denote a severe issue to health care because of the increasing cost and the hindering nature of disease on the individuals affected to live a better quality of life. The complications of DM can be prevented by proper primary care which reduce two third of the cost. Physical activity and weight regulation promote reduction in the expenditure for mortality and morbidity (G John 2009). REHABILITATION The nurse practitioner coordinated the rehabilitation team which consist of dietician, social workers, occupational therapist by proper referrals, informing the proper condition and improvement of patient and helping them in the rehabilitation process.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jeannie Brown and Invasive Group A Streptococcus :: essays research papers

our everyday lives bacteria is constantly surrounding us, some of the bacterium that we encounter are beneficial to us but then there are the ones that are severely detrimental to our health. The way that they effect a persons body can differ from person to person. Many of the â€Å"microscopic foes† are very resilient and have a very fast reproduction rate. Not only do they reproduce quickly they sometimes seem to outsmart our immune system and not allow our bodies to fight the infection making it almost impossible to stop them. One thing that a lot if people rely on is the assistance of prescription drugs to get them better but even the drugs are not being effective and we can’t stop the pathogens from invading our personal places such as work, home, school, or anywhere. Even though modern medicine is advancing the pathogens could still get the get the best of us. The scary thing is we never know when the next pandemic or epidemic is going to arise. All it needs is s ome ordinary microbe to swap genes with a deadly germ to produce a â€Å"super pathogen† and it could happen to anyone, anywhere, as it did to Jeannie Brown who is from â€Å"our neck of the woods†. Jeannie Brown was a hard working thirty- two year old woman from Canton North Carolina. She worked two jobs to make ends meet at home for her and her ten year old son. Jeannie was insecure about her recent weight gain and that caused her to get sucked into depression. Not only was she stressed and depressed she also had high blood pressure which she was taking medication for. Jeannie needed a break and she decided that she was going to take one and go to Myrtle Beach with one of her friends for a relaxing three day weekend. After they got settled in at the beach Jeannie changed into her bathing suit and it was then when she noticed an unfamiliar feeling in her neck and behind her left ear. She also said that she felt as if there was a knot in her neck. Jeannie then asked her friend if she noticed anything different. There were no visible signs that would make them come to the conclusion that anything significant was wrong with her. Not â€Å"overreacting† to the situation they came to the conclusion that Jeannie had probably slept funny the night before, so they continued with there day relaxing on the beach.