Monday, August 12, 2019

The Nature of the Illegal Trial of Jesus Article

The Nature of the Illegal Trial of Jesus - Article Example As a result, Jesus was abandoned and sentenced to death. But the most astonishing and the unfortunate matter is that Jesus could not be charged under any of the prevailing laws of either the Jews or the Romans that could vouch His capital punishment. The experts regard that the entire trial process to be totally unjust and a mere eye – wash. According to many of the research scholars, it was preplanned that Jesus would be killed more because of political reasons rather than religious causes but the rulers of the region could do so without a trial as because the general public was hostile towards those in powers as they have killed John the Baptist without any major charge. Hence, the entire set of drama regarding the trial of Jesus was organized and it had whole lot of unethical processes and happenings. This study brings forth the unethical trial of the Lord in the light. In order to understand the work, life and the execution of the Lord Jesus, it is prudent that the analysis commences with the discussion of the social and political condition of those times in the areas of Jerusalem. Jerusalem used to be an independent state predominantly Jewish and run by Hasmonean dynasty of high priests until in 63 B. C. when it was conquered by General Pompey of Rome and brought under the purview of the Roman Empire. The Roman delegated the authorities of ruling of the state to the high priests of the temple and since then their prevailed two sets of rules in the region; one being the Jewish religious laws and the other was the Roman laws. The rulers i.e. the high priests commenced to serve the dual interests namely the political interests of the Rome and the religious interests of the Jews. The rule of the Romans through Jew high priests in the areas of Palestine led to discontent among the populace of the region because of several political issues like the harsh rules of taxation, the laws of

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