Saturday, August 10, 2019

Do we think for ourselves or does society determine what we think (the Essay - 1

Do we think for ourselves or does society determine what we think (the social construction of reality) - Essay Example Society determines us; the life of an individual and how he/she thinks is determined and moulded by the society the individual lives in: this form the thesis of my paper. An analysis of different stereotypes and concepts will be carried out to help prove this statement. A critical society is one with individuals who value critical thinking as well as value those who are practicing it.   Its most distinguishing feature is that it stresses on thinking as central to the emancipation of mind, to the development and preservation of the species and to the establishment of just practices. Unfortunately, no critical society exists in the world.   The concept represents an ideal that is yet to be achieved and actualized.   However, there are some professions and culture on earth in which critical thought is the characteristic of everyday social and personal life. The world is occupied by superficiality, bias, prejudice, distortions, manipulation, lies, deception, short sightedness, hypocrisy, close-mindedness, righteousness, on and on, in each culture in every part across the world.   These problems in our thinking occasion untold negative implications such as fear, sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, suffering, pain, injustices of every thinkable kind. People have an incredible capacity for reasonability and rationality.   The history of our accomplishments, achievements and contributions, initiated and shaped by our society well documents this fact.   Nonetheless, for the better part, this capacity should be actively developed by the mind.   It is our second nature determined by our society. What is more natural to our mind, whatever comes first concerning human tendencies, and habitually takes priority, is an orientation emphasized on self-gratification, self-protection and self-interest.   This perspective is inborn, and most people would say it`s necessary for survival. To visualize that our societies are critical

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