Sunday, July 28, 2019

Value of a college education Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Value of a college education - Scholarship Essay Example The greatest achievement of education lies in the percolation of thoughts and implementation of those thoughts into our daily lives. And the exact value of college education lies there. College education does not fall under compulsory education. The term, ‘college education’ is a huge umbrella term and might indicate the areas like graduation or post-graduation. College education falls under the broad head of higher education and essentially indicates the attainment of perfection in any precise field after receiving the formal education in school. College education falls under tertiary or third stage of education and mainly includes undergraduates and post-graduate courses. Vocational education and training also falls under this broad head. The value of college education is immense. It helps to perfect the fundamental knowledge and excel the quest of knowledge that one is set off to receive in any particular field. In college education, the choice of the subject depends upon the interest of the candidate pursuing or intending to pursue any particular course and this enables to open up a wider and enlightened vista pertaining to that subject. The college education helps to find the path; the way out through which the education received at that level can be implemented or percolated through menial chores of life.

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