Friday, May 3, 2019

Obesity amon Hispanics under SGA medication Research Proposal

obesity amon Hispanics under SGA medication - search Proposal ExampleThere argon two types of antipsychotic drugs (APDs) encountered in innovational nursing practice. These are the first and the second generation antipsychotic drugs. Of greater interest to this paper are the present moment generation Antipsychotics (SGAs), which have been found to ca role clog gain and fleshiness in mental patients under SGAs. Second Generation Antipsychotic (SGAs) medications are a class of medications for psychiatric conditions approved by various agencies for use against psychiatric conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, acute mania, and bipolar mania among other psychological illnesses. A rather interesting finding has presented itself in recent times with researchers discovering certain differences and disparities across ethnic and racial lines with regards to the preponderance of SGA-related obesity. This paper thus seeks to establish this assertion by narrowing down on whethe r the prevalence of SGA-induced obesity among Hispanics is grittyer than it is among Asians. Based on a firm background of past and current studies on the same subject, the following section paper explains why SGA-related obesity is rather an important concern for advanced nursing practice in the contemporary wellness care sector. The Significance of this Problem in move on Nursing Practice Weight gain, obesity, and diabetes are some of the disorders that increase peoples risks to goal cardiovascular events. Of these disorders, obesity perhaps exerts the most pressure and impact on a populations wellness and resources if its association with high morbidity and mortality is anything to go by. This problem is particularly felt in the advanced nursing subsector where health care for such patients has really suffered with regards to prevention, intervention, treatment, and scarce resources. More importantly, the need to address the various challenges and perceptions of psychiatric c onditions and SGA-associated obesity of different ethnic and racial groups has become a rather serious problem for nursing practitioners. Obesity refers to a condition in which a soulfulness accumulates quite a lot of body fat so that it results in certain negative health effects (Kessleret al., 2004). In most cases, an individual whose bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be is considered to be an obese. Additionally, if a persons Body chaw Index (BMI) falls between 25 and 29.9, he/she is considered overweight and if ones BMI ranges above 30, he/she is considered an obese. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a statistical measurement, which is a derivative of ones extremum and weight and is often used to estimate a healthy body weight (Kessleret al., 2004). However BMI does olive-sized to measure the percentage of body fat since it could be misleading sometimes. Although it is a rather useful health indicator for an average person, BMI may be misleading in determining the healthy body weight of a muscular person with a high BMI but less fat than an unfit person with a lower BMI. That the prevalence of obesity is quite high, ranging

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