Friday, May 31, 2019

How Do You Define Patriotism? Essay -- Definition of patriotism

PatriotismPatriotism is delineated as a love for or a devotion to ones country. With the events that pass offed in America on September 11th, patriotism has been in everyones mind and heart. Young men and women meet been enlisting in the armed forces to support America. Americans are flying flags on their cars and homes to show their patriotism. Millions of Americans are donating money and blood in support of the victims of the attacks. I would define patriotism as a loyalty and commitment to America and the people in our country.One way to define patriotism is to look at an grammatical case of my enlistment in the Army and the training that I received in Basic. I decided to join the Army in 1996 after an unsuccessful strain at college. I decided I wanted to serve my country by defending our freedom in the event that a war should happen and help other countries abroad defend their freedom also. It was in Basic Training that I was taught hand-to-hand combat, how to accurately fi re a M16 machine gun, anchor tactics and camouflage. The training I received prepared me to be ready to defend America. I was committed to serve and protect the country where I lived. I was displaying my patriotism for America by defending the freedoms that I and other Americans have in this country. Another way to define patriotism is to look at the take the attack on September 11th had on how Americans show their patriotism. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon aff...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Governments Integrity :: Ethical Integrity Essays

The Governments IntegrityAccording to Websters dictionary a militia is all capable male citizens between 18 and 45years old who are not already members of regular armed forces. If only it was that simple. Individual fear of politics corruption has lead to a wide spread militia movement. Thismovement has been going on ever since the early 80s and is growing stronger today.In the beginning there were only two major militia groups The graze, and the PosseComitatus. The Order was the most violent and notorious domestic terrorist group of the 80s( Founded in 1983 by RobertMathews, it was one of the first racists militia groups. It gathered its members from the NationalAlliance, Aryan Nation, and other Klan splinter groups. Mathews felt that it was his duty in vivificationto lead a revolution against government and all non-white citizens of the U.S. During the firstyear of existence, the Order stole close to $26,000 in orde r to launch a counterfeiting operation. In total, the Order stole over four- zillion dollars from banks and armored trucks. Mathews andhis followers were more than just thieves, they were also one of the first domestic terroristgroups. Members of the Order carried out strategic bombings and plotted assassinations. Twopeople that were targeted were Walter West and Alan Berg. Walters was a members of the Orderaccused of talking to much. In May of 1994, Walters was driven into to the woods by othermembers of the Order who speculation and buried him. The second target, Alan Berg, was a Jewishtalk-radio host. The Order tried to scare him off the air, but their threats did little to Berg. Afterseveral heated conversation Bergs was opaline and killed in front of his house. The Order continued with their reign of terror by robbing a Brinks armored vehicle escaping with approximately fourmillion dollars. All of this would have gone without incident but Mathews carelessly left a pistolat th e scene of Bergs murder. The FBI later traced it second to the Order. At the same time,Thomas Martinez was arrested for trying to use a counterfeit bill. Martinez made a plea withauthorities and exposed the Order. In total, twenty-two members arrested, fined, and some(prenominal) of themembers were given life sentences. R. Mathews being the solider he is died in a shootout withlaw enforcement. In December 1984, the life of the Order had come to an end. During the time of the Orders reign, the Posse Comitatus was also in action.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pip in Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay example -- Great Expec

Pip in Charles Dickens grand ExpectationsAfter reading the compelling Great Expectations by the famous writerCharles Dickens, I can gather that it is base upon his ownpsychological insight to life. He makes connections in relation to aspecific character or event in the storyline, which were critical inhis own expectations. Also Dickens moulds his selection of charactersvery well into the desired settings hed created, that matched what heknew only too well throughout his childhood.Great Expectations not only satires the issues of Victorian society,yet centres on the rites of passage that marks an important change ina persons life. Dickens issue of felicity is something thatconcerns many human beings this is what Pip wants most. However henever really accomplishes this until the closing stages of the book.So what exactly is contentment? The dictionary defines it as a calmnessof mind, where the person is satisfied with things as they atomic number 18. therefore contentment means t o be happy and in Pips case, happy withhis life. The purpose of Great Expectations is how contentment isachieved, with it being linked to Jeremy Benthams answer of this.Bentham was a well-known philosopher and he said humans strive toachieve self-fulfilment through the seeking of delectation and theavoidance of pain. Dickens relates this to Pip, in the sense that Pipwants to become a gentleman, who need not work and who can avoid thecertain stresses of life.Dickens betimes life is reflected by his main character in the novel.Through Pip, he presents a young and innocent boy, who changes hisaspirations whilst growing up. Pip is often indirected by the themesof identity, love, currency and class when ... ...elates Pips struggles to the ones he faced in his own life,in order to achieve contentment such as family problems, debt andeducation. Problems like these are overcome by sticking to a moral setof values, dispelling all the materialistic values which in the endleave a person un happy. There is a clear message in the novel that thebest way to achieve contentment is to live your life and learn fromthe positive and negative experiences of it. You essential listen to thepeople who are close to you and their advice that they give, becausethis was one of Pips downfalls. Even though Great Expectations waswritten almost two centuries ago we as readers know how to achievecontentment with our own lives, by controlling and getting rid of ourfantasies and phobias whilst being aware that wealth and higher classdoesnt needs mean a better way of life.

The Road to the Cemetery :: Narrative Memoir Essays

The Road to the Cemetery The smell of cigarette smoke was strong the leather couch reeked of it. Next to the couch was a nick-knack rack and on it were a little china girl, maybe Jill, and a little china boy, Jack there was a methamphetamine hydrochloride wishing well near them too. Little glass dogs, a china cat, some shiny rocks, a little box, and a plastic Hawaii hula baby lived on the rack as well. nan opened the doors and all of the windows today we were to begin cleaning out aunt Beths house. I looked out the front door, saw clouds were coming, and in the distance, I saw lightning flash. at present was nothing like those days nearly two weeks ago when Aunt Beth had died, and was then laid to rest. I remember the year my Great Great Aunt Beth died. Being little, people would speak quietly about her declining health and expect my cousins and I not to understand, thinking that they were sheltering us.She isnt doing well, someone would say.No She isnt, would be the reply, and she refuses to take her atomic number 8 when she goes out.I know, she wont even have it on when someone visits. It embarrasses her.It shouldnt lots of people have to have oxygenShe left it on when I went to visit her the early(a) day, that proves that shes really not livelinessing very well at all. Another time I was told straight out, Honey, Aunt Beth doesnt feel well, I dont know if shell invariably vanquish better. This statement was wrong I was sure, she was my Aunt Beth and she would get well.I would look at her sometimes, trying to see why everyone thought she was unwell. She looked like she incessantly had maybe her back was a little more crooked she had Scoliosis. Her voice was just a little rough and perhaps she coughed a little more. She smooth gave me a sound hug when I saw her. Aunt Beth did not go on picnics with the family anymore, because she was to old Grandma said. I did know she did not feel well, but she never had felt well as long as I could remember. She did not try to shelter her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews she knew we would rally out sooner or latter. She used to say My bones ache, my hands hurt, my back aches, I have trouble walking so I had to get me a cane, and I cant sleep for coughing.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, And Self-Expression Essay exam

In America the practice of body peachy is everywhere, especially among young people, who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced any as an affirmation of their personal individuality, as a means of sexual gratification or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whatever the reason, its widespread. Body piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia, penis, and scrotum. Says California State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body piercing is possibly as centenarian as genus Homo. (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body piercing studios are popping up all over the pastoral in a response to the growing demand for having a needle poked through your skin. Contrary to popular belief, body piercing is not being performed by freakish subculture deviants. In order to be a reputable piercer one has to take a rigorous course of education in the principals a nd methods of body piercing. This is a step toward the acceptance of body piercing in mainstream America, where it is tranquil viewed with mistrust by many. Body piercing allows a person to express their individuality in a new way by putting a needle through yourself, you mark your body as your own (Delaney, Jim, p.3). By exploring some of the motivations behind body piercing, onediscovers that its not an un full-blooded practice (unless performed in an unsterile surround or the piercing is not adequately cared for by the piercee- both of which are heavily discouraged by piercing advocates). Indeed, body piercing is a healthy way to express your individuality or improve your self image. In the nineties, more and more young people are sporting rings through various parts of their bodies. This is known as body piercing, and it has made a considerable imprint on young people. Body piercing is the practice of piercing the ears, eyebrows, tongue, nose, septum, lip, cheek, nipples, navel or genitals for varied reasons. Its becoming more and more common Body piercing shops are cropping up all over the country and business is booming. Says piercer Kent Fazekas, who owns Indianapolis-based Body Accents Inc, ...I think its here to stay. (Eckert, Toby, 1) The practice of body piercing among young Americans is part of a quest for individuality. Brooklyn body piercing studio modern font Americ... statement of who these people are and what they believe in. All too often it is ignorance that leads people to spurn body piercing. By educating yourself on the subject it becomes plain to charm that body piercing is a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional security. By going through the pain of the piercing, the emotionally insecure regains a feeling of control. workings Cited 1. Trebay, Guy. Hole in oneThe Village Voice July 7, 1995 p.18 2. Eckert, Toby. Body Accents Pierces Traditional Business Image with Wares to WearIndianapolis Business Journal March 3, 19 97 p.45 3. Leo, Jon. The new-made PrimitivesUS. News and World Report July 31, 1995 p.16 4. Wattenberg, Daniel. A Parents Guide to Body PiercingForbes September 23, 1996 pp. 166-173 5. Howard, Dylan. Holier than ThouThe Yale Daily News November 10, 1995 p.3 6. Todd, Richard. Look What Theyve Done to my Bod, Ma psychology Today May/June 1993 p.8 7. Delaney, Jim. Piercing for BeginnersPrime Magazine September 26, 1995 pp. 19-23 8. Alexander, Keith. About Body Piercing. Body Modification Ezine3pp. World Wide Web http// June 1997

Body Piercing: Reclamation, Enhancement, And Self-Expression Essay exam

In America the practice of physical structure piercing is everywhere, oddly among upstart tidy sum, who are getting several parts of their bodies pierced either as an affirmation of their personal laissez faire, as a means of sexual blessedness or stimulation, a reclamation of their bodies from physical or emotional trauma, or for as a means of adornment. Whatever the reason, its widespread. trunk piercing is the piercing of the ears, nose, septum, cheeks, lip, tongue, nipples, navel, clitoris, labia, penis, and scrotum. Says calcium State University anthropologist James Myers, Ph.D. body piercing is possibly as old as genus Homo. (Todd, Richard, p.1) Body piercing studios are popping up all over the country in a response to the growing demand for having a needle poked through your skin. Contrary to popular belief, body piercing is not organism performed by freakish subculture deviants. In order to be a reputable piercer one has to take a rigorous course of education in the p rincipals and methods of body piercing. This is a step toward the acceptance of body piercing in mainstream America, where it is still viewed with mistrust by many. Body piercing allows a person to express their individuality in a new way by putting a needle through yourself, you mark your body as your own (Delaney, Jim, p.3). By exploring around of the motivations behind body piercing, onediscovers that its not an unhealthy practice (unless performed in an unsterile environment or the piercing is not adequately cared for by the piercee- both of which are hard discouraged by piercing advocates). Indeed, body piercing is a healthy way to express your individuality or improve your self image. In the nineties, more and more young people are sporting rings through various parts of their bodies. This is known as body piercing, and it has made a immense imprint on young people. Body piercing is the practice of piercing the ears, eyebrows, tongue, nose, septum, lip, cheek, nipples, nav el or genitals for varied reasons. Its becoming more and more commonplace Body piercing shops are cropping up all over the country and business is booming. Says piercer Kent Fazekas, who owns Indianapolis-based Body Accents Inc, ...I think its here to stay. (Eckert, Toby, 1) The practice of body piercing among young Americans is part of a quest for individuality. Brooklyn body piercing studio Modern Americ... statement of who these people are and what they believe in. All too often it is ignorance that leads people to spurn body piercing. By educating yourself on the subject it becomes plain to see that body piercing is a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional security. By sledding through the pain of the piercing, the emotionally insecure regains a feeling of control.Works Cited 1. Trebay, Guy. Hole in oneThe Village Voice July 7, 1995 p.18 2. Eckert, Toby. Body Accents Pierces Traditional business Image with Wares to WearIndianapolis Business Journal March 3, 1 997 p.45 3. Leo, Jon. The Modern PrimitivesUS. News and World Report July 31, 1995 p.16 4. Wattenberg, Daniel. A Parents Guide to Body PiercingForbes family line 23, 1996 pp. 166-173 5. Howard, Dylan. Holier than ThouThe Yale Daily News November 10, 1995 p.3 6. Todd, Richard. Look What Theyve Done to my Bod, MaPsychology Today May/June 1993 p.8 7. Delaney, Jim. Piercing for BeginnersPrime Magazine September 26, 1995 pp. 19-23 8. Alexander, Keith. About Body Piercing. Body Modification Ezine3pp. World Wide Web http// June 1997

Monday, May 27, 2019

Research Paper †Stop Smoking Essay

Thousands of people worldwide indicate that smoking is addictive and harmful to health, scientific studies, research and other institutional bodies such as the World Health Organization, would support this thesis. Tobacco is responsible for nearly 1 in 3 deaths from pubic louse, thousands of people die of lung cancer and to the highest degree 87% of these lung cancer deaths willing be due to smoking. This habit not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but excessively is a factor in various cancers as of mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney and stomach.It to a fault generates other risks such as heart ailment, stroke and respiratory problems. According to the American Lung Association About 8. 6 million people in the U. S. control at least one serious illness caused by smoking. This means that for every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, there are 20 to a greater extent people who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking. Likewise, it i s well known that the consumption of tobacco also cause bad breath, contend unsightly, smelly clothes and hair among other things that harm our health significantly.We all have the right to do as we please but smoking poisons not only the one who has this bad habit, it also does it to all those who surround him. As Paul Slovic says in his book Smoking Risk, Perception & Policy (2001) In accompaniment to the risk to the smoker, smoking endangers the health of those who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Being exposed to secondhand smoke it is sometimes harmful that even smoking a cigarette, snuff smoke contains 4000 chemicals and 60 of these are carcinogenic it also produce various types of cancer.The polluted air snuff smoke also causes heart disease and many serious respiratory diseases in children and adults that can cause death. An economic impact on the pockets of those who smoke is another reason that makes it so harmful the toll of smoking is an important part of the monthly budget in these people. The cost of lighting a cigarette can go beyond the risk of acquiring cancer. If parameter is taken as the price of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes Box of 20 ($ 6.50), a person who smokes a pack a day spends about $ 45. 50 per week and about $ 2,180 a yr. If they instead of smoking decide to invest that do each year, they will probably build an interesting amount of money for a retirement plan. But thats not all. The annual bill for smokers also grows in other areas such as life amends and home, medications, cleaning costs, etc. Many insurers charge an excess premium on their life insurance for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. The values of these extra premiums vary according to age, sex and in some cases the type of snuff which they use (cigarette, pipe, cigar), but may be increased 30% if you are boyish and up to 70% for an adult. In the U. S. , the difference can be tripled. Some home insurance discriminate between smokers and nonsmoker s, increasing the risk of fire, others do not cover fire accidents caused by smoking. An article posted in the sweet York Times edition of August 2013, says that A smoker costs a clannish employer in the United States an extra $5,816 per year compared with a nonsmoker The environment is the most suffering passive smoking.Snuff production causes pollution of natural resources, deprivation of biodiversity, forest fires, deforestation, increasing climate change and urban poor air qua lighteny. No other consumer product causes as much damage from cultivation, production, use and governing as snuff. Butts filters are made of cellulose acetate, a non-biodegradable pollutant which can take effect on the environment more than 25 years to decompose. In addition to the filter, the target area can keep toxic substances that make up the cigarette.Nicotine and tar of a single cigarette can contaminate up to 50 liters of water. According to a report from the Florida State University (FSU), t obacco companies will add chemicals to cigarettes for smokers to not have to turn them on steadily. In the U. S, the leading cause of home fires is a lit cigarette unattended. FSUs report also indicates that almost half of the litter on the streets is made up of cigarette butts. These residues can reach rivers, lakes and oceans and being ingested by birds, fish and other animals that may die not being able to digest.In Texas each year more than 1 billion pieces of litter will accumulate on Texas highways. Of those, 13 percent are cigarette butts. That means 130 million butts will be tossed out in Texas alone this year (Texas Department of Transportation). Smoking is a serious social problem as the damage that occurs not only in people who consume it but also with whom they live. It is amazing how a small cigar, can virtually dominate the lives of millions of people in the world. Only those who have tried to quit smoking know how hard it is and how much it costs.By force of will and perseverance of the patient, are now added new drugs that make their contribution in the fight against cigarette addiction. Although it is legal and socially acceptable use, nicotine is a drug that affects us and creates dependency or addiction that makes organic conditions diminish the quality of life. It is our choice to be healthy, prevent disease, save money, and cephalalgia about the environment and most important thing our lives. Think of banishing an addiction so ingrained in our society is at the moment impossible hold on motionless is selfish and almost criminal.Smokers and nonsmokers should unite in a common goal that our children will never become victims of an addiction as damaging. Works Cited 1. -The New York Times (August 2013) Article taken from http//well. blogs. nytimes. com/2013/08/07/the-cost-of-a-smoker-5816/? _r=0 2. American Lung Association http//www. lung. org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/facts-figures/general-smoking-facts. html 3. Slovic, Paul. (2001). Smoking Risk, Perception & Policy (Google Books Digital Edition) 4. Texas Department of Transportation Information http//www. cigarettelitter. org/

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Human and Plant Circulatory System

The human circulative system includes the heart, blood vessels, and the blood. The circulatory system in serviceman is also known as the cardiovascular system. The main parts of the comprise circulatory system are xylem and phloem. Humans and plants assert on their circulatory system a great deal. Plants and humans rely on their circulatory system to supply the body or plant with nutrients, humans to transport oxygen through with(predicate)out the body, and plants to carry carbon dioxide throughout the body.The circulatory system in both humans and plants also help the body eliminate waste from the body of plants and humans. The xylems in plants are vessels, starting with the root of the plant where water and minerals are absorbed and efficiently carry the water throughout the body of the plant. The xylem also suffers support to the plant. Nutrients or sugars produced through photosynthesis need to be displace to every cell in the plant, phloem makes this possible.Similar essa y Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in An Aquatic EnvironmentPhloem lives as long as the plant while xylems race for one year. The xylems of a plant can be seen when a tree is cut the rings of the xylem can be seen also telling the age of the tree, apiece ring represents one year. The heart in humans hearts the nutrient rich blood throughout the human circulatory system via blood vessels. The blood vessels pump the blood throughout the body allowing oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to be picked up in the lungs, intestines, and endocrine system.The various blood vessels in the human body then make a delivery to each cell in the body. The blood vessels then head back to the heart, on the way back carbon dioxide and waste is picked up to be exerted. Plant and animal circulatory systems are high functioning. Plants rely on gravity and water surface tension to transport nutrients throughout the body of the plant, humans need a pumping heart to continuously pump blood throughout th e body.Plants and humans both have tube shaped vessels to carry the nutrients, water, blood throughout the body of the plant or human, they both also have two sets of vessels that travel in opposite directions, both circulatory systems are designed to ferment nutrients throughout the body. Plant vessels have only water solutions going through the vessels while humans have red and white blood cells flowing through the vessels as well. Plant and human circulatory systems have a great deal in common and differ greatly. The two distinct system provide the best function for the human and plant.Humans are highly active and need the quickly action of the human circulatory system to reproduce and keep a continuous cycle of nutrients throughout the body. The circulatory system of plants are more constant and depends on the nutrients available in the environment in which the plant lives. . Rutishauser, S. (2011). manoeuver in Plants UntamedScience. Accessed Nov 21, 2012 at http//www. untame dscience. com/biology/plant-biology/transport-plants Carter, J. (2006) The Circulatory System. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from http//biology. clc. uc. edu/courses/bio105/circulat. htm

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Creative writing about my room Essay

The stairs creak as i tiptoe up them to the second floor of my house where my elbow room awaits me. I make my way of life up to the doorway while tightly grasping the rail. I approach the wooden door and slowly turn the chromatic knob. Suddenly i am now inside a room with cool air and a fresh scent of cleanliness blowing through my nose. On my way to the crystal sliding glass door, i take notice of how the room is so neat and clean. The room is a sterilized doctors office where patients have not yet arrived.The fresh aroma of simmering potpourri and the fragrance of recent blown out candles spills out in every direction. The freshly sky no-good painted walls are encompassed with pictures of friends and family members neatly placed in their proper spots in a collage with other pictures. Each picture is trying to base out and be more noticed than the rest as if they were all running in a beauty pageant. The walls are all neatly dressed to the nines(p) with their own unique outfit of posters and pictures. The pictures and cheerleading awards overwhelm the room with glary colors and pastels.With another step, i notice how all the furniture is aligned perfectly with the unison of the room like a life size geometry proof. The furniture is identical in color, each piece a fluorescent pink. The vanity and nightstand are calorie-free of clutter with not even a thin film of dust in the smallest crevice. The fibers of recently vacuumed carpet stand at attention displaying how clean they are. The bright pink dresser glistens as the sunlight shines through the crystal can window reflecting off its soft glossy finish.As i approach the clear glass door, it is shiny and smudge free just like a Windex commercial. Glancing out the window, i receive an immediate sense of relief and comfort. The sun is shimmer down on the white blanket of degree centigrade that lies upon the ground. The falling snow trickles down making it seem as if i were in a snow globe. I sway over to my perfectly made bed and gracefully sit down being careful not to wrinkle the fragile covers. fetching one more look around, i think about my room. It is like my shadow following me on a sunny day. My room reflects my personal interests and talents and authentically is a part of me

Friday, May 24, 2019

Expository Essay: Body Image Essay

Most women could agree that it merchantman be rather frustrating and sometimes difficult to find the perfect clothes for that perfect fit. much mevery women may feel they run into fat in their skin tight jeans, or do not have sharp, shapely legs to wear those attractive short shorts during the summer months. several(prenominal) women may have some extra padding they would like to conceal, whereas others may want the extra padding. There argon specific body types for all women, and when people refer to body types they may refer to a pear shaped body that entails acquiring a gauzy neck, narrow shoulders, small bust line, a shapely waist, and generous lower hips and full thighs. Some women may have a round figure, which may intermit them a giving bust, fuller back, generous middle, narrow hips, and slender legs (which m any(prenominal) women may love to have). In any case, many plus sized women display case conflict concerning selecting clothes however, in that respect be nu merous options that feces flatter any body type.Accentuating AssetsFor those women who know they have a grand set of brilliant, gilded mammillas, remember that cleavage is a much more than tasteful and yet sexy way to go then(prenominal) onerous to show full breast for the world to see. Instead, turn up wearing a slinky halter neck garment or shirt to skim modestly over breasts and show mangle any curves. Also investing in a well fitted bra result also second in accentuating those brilliant beauties. At hand, there are uncounted women with amazingly shaped, long, slender legs and many women with nice, toned arms. A fair sex with long, shapely legs could be wearing supra the kneeskirts or short shorts. Women with the nice toned, tendinous arms should try wearing more sleeveless shirts or dresses to show off those shapely toned muscles.For women who seem to have that excess skin nether the arms, try opting for a shirt with fitted sleeves just above the elbow to help mini mize any sagging they may not want seen. Women are continually trying to focus always on hiding what they do not want to be seen. However, instead of trying to focus on hiding what they do not like about their body, they should try to focus on what they do like most and in turn the observer will focus more on the positives rather than the negatives. Remember, focusing more on showing off the goods will derail the audience in trying to focus on any flaws a cleaning lady is trying to cover up.Jeans and PantsIt is true for some women that the pants or jeans they buy just do not side or feel right ontheir body. Do they feel they make them look larger than they are? What if these pants or jeans make them look even slimmer then they want to look? There are numerous diverse styles of jeans and pants that will look amazing on any figure. For women who worry about their waistline, perchance try pants that sit low on the hips, which will help to slenderize the trouble area. Slacks that sit just below the naval will make a womans midriff seem longer and more slender, according to a contributor at (http// a woman is trying to hide thighs, saddlebags, or a big booty, she should try opting for a slightly flared or boot-cut style jean or pant. This type of style will in turn help draw attention away from those problem areas. According to Falcon (2011), another marvelous idea to help hide those unwanted manna from heaven thighs try a pair of skinny jeans with a tailored blazer, a longer shirt, and high heels. Flat-front pants and a side or back fix can help flatter the figure. For those women trying to hide the tummy area, try to avoid pockets and tight pants, for they will only draw that unwanted attention to the midsection.Dresses and SkirtsSome women believe they are feminine and sophisticated in a nice flowing dress whether it is a glamorous formal g ingest to something as round-eyed as just awrap around. However, it can be sometimes difficul t to find that perfect dress or skirt that will look perfect on a woman and appeal to her body type. A woman can never go wrong with an A-line cut dress. According to a contributor from (, these styles flow naturally over the stay and hips, and will draw attention to the waist at the smallest part. When looking for glamorous gownslook for a dress that flows with the natural curves of the body. Falcon (2011) says that scoop necks, sweetheart cuts, and even off-the-shoulder are especially flattering. A woman who may be on the heavier side should try to stay away from gowns that could leave her looking plump, so instead stay with thicker lined fabrics (example would be a stretch satin) that will help in secrecy those unattractive ripples.Angie (2008) suggests that for women who want to conceal their stomach area more could lean toward a printed wrap dress, which helps in defining the waistline while the print camouflages the stomach area. Many women struggle with below t he waistline areas like the hips and thighs. Women can solve this by looking for dresses that create volume on the bottom. Pencil style and bias-cut skirts are frowned upon slightly for any woman and her body type. These styles tend to cling to the body more and emphasize those areas she does not want noticed.Colors and PatternsNot only do the right clothes make a difference, but colors and patterns can play a big role as well. If a woman is wide of the mark around the middle she may want to avoid any horizontal striping on clothing. Wide horizontal striping is a huge NO for wide figured women Vertical stripes are wide-reducing friendly, and they also give off a more professional look as well. However, maybe there are women who need or want to look a little wider? That is alright and by all means horizontal stripes could be their outperform friend. However, try not to overdo it or get too carried away. Less is more. Also pin stripes and tunics give off an attractive lengthening lo ok to a womans body.As far as colors are concerned, even though black is the number one choice incolor for slimming the body, it certainly does not have to be the last. Jewel tone colors like garnet, cobalt, and even plum are great colors to experimentation with. Women can even try colors like navy blue, burgundy, or even a dark brown. A splash of color can help lively up any persons mood. However, if black is her favorite color try dressing it up a bit with a nice colored belt, jewelry, or even a great pair of dresss (Falcon, 2011).AccessoriesMany women love to accessorize. Accessorizing the outfits should be fun for everyone and are the final finishing touches to a great ensemble. However, there are women that like the simple look, so if they are not into accessorizing, a simple pair of earrings of their choice or a necklace can help to simplify their ensemble. Quite a few women like the belt look and, will use that as an accessory. The secret to wearing belts is to wear them ab ove a womans natural waistline according to Falcon (2011). Waist high belts can make an ensemble look good. Scarves seem to be a trendy new look for a woman dressing casual or if she is going for a more elegant style. Wool scarves are best worn in winter, while cotton scarves with bright colors are well suited for the spring and summer. Silk scarves are very exotic and can add some elegance to any dress. Beautiful, bright, and exotic silk and linen scarves will not only liven up any wardrobe, but add that aestival euphoria to a womans personality.A womans shoes are her very middle alright maybe not her core but close to it. She should always finish an outfit with a great pair of shoes. High heels are nice in that they elongate, making a woman look taller and leaner. Open toed shoes can give those thighs and calves a slimmer look than wearing a closed toe shoe that would give off the opposite illusion. Women should avoid ankle straps if their legs are already slim. However, for th ose women who want to add a fuller appearance, ankle straps are their friends. When concerning wearing boots, the knee-high boots, or boots that descent just below the knee have become a popular trend for short skirts according to a contributor from (http// Whatever the style shoe or boot a woman should be sure the shoe or boot is comfortable for her and emphasizewhat she wants to accentuate the most.In all, a woman should have fun experimenting. Women can mix and match to suit any kind of ensemble. A woman can even come up with her own styles that better suit her and how comfortable she feels wearing what she chooses. Remember, there are numerous styles out there that will fit any body style, whether a woman has a pear shaped body, hourglass, or even round. It is just a matter of living happy and confident not only on the interior but on the outside as well that will really grab a persons attention.ReferencesFalcon, A. (Copyright 2011). Fashion How Tos Plus-Size No- Nos wiped out(p) How to WearTricky Looks.http// to Dress to Make Yourself Look Skinnier Anonymous. (Last edited December 28, 2010). http//, V. (Copyright 1999-2011). How to Wear Clothes That Make You Look Slimmer. http// J. R. (Updated September 28, 2009). 10 Tips to expression More Slender. http//

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Demographic Profile Of The Respondents Accounting Essay

In this chapter, consequence is obtained through the informations aggregation method from 300 questionnaires. The informations obtained from questionnaires ar analyzed and computed by utilizing the Statistical Package societal Science ( SPSS ) package. parrys and charts leave be exhibited to show the consequences in an apprehensible mode. This chapter started off with the descriptive abstract of the respondent demographic profile and profound inclinations measuring of concepts. Next, scale measuring is to offer the consequences of dependability trial. This is followed by the illative analysis with the Pearson coefficient of correlation coefficient analysis and multiple additive arrested outgrowth analysis. Last is to reason this chapter.4.1 Descriptive Analysis4.1.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents board 4.1 sex of RespondentsGenderFrequencyPercentageValid Percentage additive PercentageValidMale10551.751.751.7Female9848.348.3100.0Entire203100.0100.0Beginning Developed for the researchIn the Table 4.1 above, it showed the frequence and per centum of gender of 203 respondents. There were a sum of 105 male respondents ( 51.7 % ) and a sum of 98 female respondents ( 48.3 % ) .Table 4.2 The Age base of RespondentsAgeFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValidUnder 21 sure-enough(a) ages52.52.52.521-30 emeritus ages6733.033.035.531-40 hoar ages5426.626.662.141-50 gaga ages3115.315.377.351 old ages & A above4622.722.7100.0Entire203100.0100.0Beginning Developed for the researchTable 4.2 presented the frequence and per centum of the age group of respondents. 5 respondents ( 2.5 % ) were under 21 old ages old, 67 respondents ( 33.0 % ) were 21 to 30 old ages old, 54 respondents ( 26.6 % ) were 31 to 40 old ages old, 31 respondents ( 15.3 % ) were 41 to 50 old ages old and 46 respondents ( 22.7 % ) were 51 old ages old and above.Table 4.3 The Marital Status of RespondentsMarital StatusFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValid genius7336.036.036.0Married13064.064.0100.0Entire203100.0100.0Beginning Developed for the researchThe Table 4.3 indicated the frequence and per centum of the matrimonial position of respondents. The bulk of the respondents were married which represented 64.0 % that is nigh 130 people out of 203 respondents. Meanwhile, 73 respondents ( 36.0 % ) were still individual.Table 4.4 The Education Level of RespondentsEducation DegreeFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValid native pedagogics83.93.93.9Secondary instruction7737.937.941.9Certificate / Diploma8039.439.481.3Bachelor s seduce3316.316.397.5Master s grade52.52.5100.0Entire203100.0100.0Beginning Developed for the researchFrom the Table 4.4, it showed the frequence and per centum of the instruction degree of respondents. From the information above, bulk of 80 respondents held a certification or sheepskin ( 39.4 % ) . The 2nd and 3rd largest groups were 77 respondents who had completed the seco ndary instruction ( 37.9 % ) and 33 respondents who held a unmarried man grade ( 16.3 % ) . Last, the respondents who had completed the primary instruction and which is a maestro grade holders were 8 people ( 3.9 % ) and 5 people ( 2.5 % ) sever wholey.Table 4.5 The Working Period of RespondentsWorking Time periodFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValidLess than 1 twelvemonth2311.311.311.31-5 old ages6331.031.042.46-10 old ages4823.623.666.011-15 old ages2512.312.378.316-20 old ages199.49.487.7 higher up 20 old ages2512.312.3100.0Entire203100.0100.0Beginning Developed for the researchThe Table 4.5 represented the frequence and per centum of the on the line of products period of respondents. The respondents were divided into sixsome classs. 23 respondents worked as an insurance agent for less than one twelvemonth ( 11.3 % ) , 63 respondents worked for 1 to 5 old ages ( 31.0 % ) , 48 respondents worked for 6 to 10 old ages ( 23.6 % ) , 25 respondents worked fo r 11 to 15 old ages ( 12.3 % ) , 19 respondents worked for 16 to 20 old ages ( 9.4 % ) and 25 respondents worked as an insurance agent above 20 old ages ( 12.3 % ) .4.1.2 Cardinal Tendencies Measurement of Constructs4.1.2.1 Commission PayTable 4.6 Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Commission Pay no.StatementMean received DeviationCP1I echo the committal operate is a really of import incentive for me.4.34480.75078CP2I am motivated by committee lease to seek my best attempts in work.4.25620.73350CP3My bloodline public presentation determine the extra committee wage when achieve higher mark.4.28080.81141CP4I will retain the business organization because I am well-off with the committee wage.4.09850.85025CP5I work rocky is to acquire a better committee wage in this occupation.4.30050.78561Beginning Developed for the researchTable 4.6 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of committee wage. Mentioning to the tabular array above, most respondents agreed to the CP1 w ith honest think of of 4.3448. The 2nd highest was CP5 with fair honor of 4.3005. The 3rd and 4th highest were CP3 and CP2 which had the average value of 4.2808 and 4.2562 severally. The last-place average value was CP4 which was 4.0985.From the tabular array above, CP4 had highest measuring stick conflict value which was 0.85025. The 2nd and 3rd highest standard remainder value was CP3 and CP5 which had 0.81141 and 0.78561 severally. The 4th highest standard divergence was CP1 with the value of 0.75078. The utmost standard divergence value was 0.73350 by CP2. strain SecurityTable 4.7 Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job SecurityNo.StatementMeanmeasure DeviationJSM1I think occupation security is another of import incentive for me.4.12320.68188JSM2I am motivated by the good occupation security in current occupation.3.98520.74779JSM3I feel my current occupation is unafraid, dependable and lasting.3.99510.82951JSM4My occupation public presentation is influenced by the occupation security.4.00000.79603JSM5I work rocky is because I m afraid to loss this stable occupation.3.71431.00845Beginning Developed for the researchThe Table 4.7 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation security. The consequence from the tabular array above, JSM1 had the highest average value of 4.1232. The 2nd highest average value was JSM4 which was 4.000. The 3rd highest was JSM3 with the average value of 3.9951 which was followed by JSM2 which had a average value of 3.9852. The JSM5 had the last average value of 3.7143.Harmonizing to the Table 4.7, the JSM5 had the highest standard divergence value of 1.00845. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was JSM3 which was 0.82951. The 3rd highest was JSM4 with the standard divergence value of 0.79603 which was followed by JSM2 which had a standard divergence value of 0.74779. The lowest standard divergence value was JSM1 which was merely 0.68188. Opportunities for Advancement and Development Table 4.8 Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Opportunities for Advancement and DevelopmentNo.StatementMeanStandard DeviationAD1I think the rules for promotion and ripening is another of import incentive for me.4.10340.79238AD2I am motivated by chances for promotion and development in current occupation.4.04430.75321AD3I fuck off much chances for promotion and development in current occupation if I retain the occupation for longer period of clip.4.09360.78734AD4I have more chances to direct for preparation, learn accomplishment and developing myself in current occupation.4.10840.81330AD5I work hard is to acquire more chances for promotion and development in this occupation.4.16750.74563Beginning Developed for the researchTable 4.8 illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of chances for promotion and development. In the term of average value, AD5 had the highest mean of 4.1675. Second, it is followed by AD4 of 4.1084, AD1 of 4.1034 and AD3 of 4.0936. The AD2 had the low est average value of 4.0443.From the Table 4.8, the AD4 had the highest standard divergence value of 0.81330. Second, it is followed by AD1 with the standard divergence value of 0.79238, AD3 with the standard divergence value of 0.78734 and AD2 with the standard divergence value of 0.75321. The lowest standard divergence value was 0.74563 by AD5. Work ItselfTable 4.9 Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Work ItselfNo.StatementMeanStandard DeviationW1I have more independent when I m working.4.17240.78654W2I have more assurance to accomplish the mark of the occupation.4.22170.75461W3I am willing to work hard with current occupation.4.20690.72886W4I am non willing to alter another occupation even if I get other occupation in elsewhere.3.82270.98909W5I think my ability can execute good in current occupation.4.15270.75211W6I am proud to work with current occupation.4.20200.77944Beginning Developed for the researchThe Table 4.9 above, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measu rings of work itself. Based on the tabular array, W2 had the highest average value of 4.2217. The 2nd highest was W3 that had 4.2069 of average value. The 3rd highest was the W6 that had 4.2020 of mean value which was followed by, the W1 and W5 which had the average value of 4.1724 and 4.1527 severally. The W4 had the lowest average value was 3.8227.In the tabular array above, the highest standard divergence value was 0.98909 by the W4. The 2nd highest standard divergence value was W1 which was 0.78654. The 3rd highest standard divergence value was the W6 that had 0.77944 which was followed by, the W2 and W5 which had the standard divergence value of 0.75461 and 0.75211 severally. The lowest standard divergence value was W3 which was 0.72886. Job SatisfactionTable 4.10 Cardinal Inclinations Measurement for Job SatisfactionNo.StatementMeanStandard DeviationJS1In general I am satisfied with my occupation.4.13300.74265JS2I am satisfied with the flexibleness of the on the job hou rs in current occupation.4.30540.68601JS3I am satisfied with the committee wage strategy in current occupation.4.03940.78250JS4I will retain the occupation because I am satisfied with the occupation security.4.01480.74779JS5I am satisfied with the accomplishment in current occupation.4.05910.78125JS6I am happy with the manner my co-workers and higher-ups treat me.4.09360.79982JS7I am truly enjoyed with my occupation.4.22660.81925Beginning Developed for the researchHarmonizing to Table 4.10, it illustrated the cardinal inclinations measurings of occupation satisfaction. Based on the tabular array, most respondents agreed to the JS2 with average value of 4.3054. The 2nd highest was JS7 that had 4.2266 of average value. The 3rd and 4th highest average value was JS1 and JS6 which is 4.1330 and 4.0936 severally. The 5th highest was JS5 with the average value of 4.0591 which was followed by JS3 which had a average value of 4.0394. The lowest average value was the JS4 which was merely 4.01 48.In the term of standard divergence value, JS7 had the highest standard divergence of 0.81925. Following, it is followed by JS6 of 0.79982, JS3 of 0.78250, JS5 of 0.78125 and JS4 of 0.74779. The two lowest standard divergence values were JS1 of 0.74265 and JS2 of 0.68601.4.2 get over Measurement4.2.1 Internal Reliability TestTable 4.11 Reliability StatisticVariableCronbach s AlphaN of ItemsCP0.8815JSM0.8055Ad0.9115Tungsten0.8996Joule0.9017Beginning Developed for the researchThe dependability trial is test the consistence and truth of the IVs and DV which the credence degree of cronbach s alpha more than 0.70.Based on the Table 4.11, the highest cronbach s alpha is chances for promotion and development standing at 0.911. The 2nd highest is occupation satisfaction which the cronbach s alpha is 0.901 followed by committee wage and work itself which the cronbach s alpha ar 0.899 and 0.881. The lowest cronbach s alpha is occupation security standing at 0.805.From the consequence, ove rall the cronbach s alpha for all variable quantity are more than 0.70. Therefore, the questionnaire in this research is dependability and consistence.4.2.2 Normality TestThe trial of normalcy, histogram with normal curve, P-P secret plan and spread secret plan plot are being utilise to demo the normal distribution of informations.Table 4.12 Trials of NormalityKolmogorov-SmirnovaShapiro-WilkStatisticdfSig.StatisticdfSig.Standardized Residual.055203.200*.988203.091a. Lilliefors Significance Correction* . This is a lower environ of the true significance.Beginning Developed for the researchThis research uses 203 study questionnaires which the sample size is more than 100. Therefore, Kolmogorov-Smirnov s trial is usage for proving the normalcy as it is used to analyze larger sample size ( n & gt 100 ) . Based on the Table 4.12, the important value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov s trial is equal to 0.200, which is more than 0.05. Thence, as the normalcy premise is achieved, the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed.Besides, based on the Appendix D, the histogram with normal distribution curve of profession name trueness demoing a sensible bell-shaped and therefore the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed.In add-on, from the Appendix E, the normal chance secret plan of trade name prevarications near to the fanciful heterosexual line which is lifting from the lower-left corner to the upper right corner and demo a up incline of the graph. This can connote that the informations can be assumed to be usually distributed.4.2.3 Multicollinearty TestBased on the Table 4.14, the correlativity coefficient between IVs were 0.581 for CP and JSM, 0.496 for CP and AD, 0.528 for CP and W, 0.604 for JSM and AD, 0.612 for JSM and W, and 0.657 for AD and W. Therefore, these correlativity coefficients are high between IVs but there is no multicollinearity job since they are all less than 0.8 in this research ( Field, 2005 ) .Furthermore, harmonizing to T able 4.13 the tolerance and VIF value for CP ( 0.606 1.650 ) , JSM ( 0.493 2.029 ) , AD ( .497 2.013 ) and W ( .478 2.094 ) are more than 0.1 and less than 10 severally in the multicollinearity statistics. Hence, multicollinearity job do non show in this research ( Hair et al. , 1992 ) .Table 4.13 Multicollinearity precedentCollinearity StatisticssToleranceVIFCP_Average.6061.650JSM_Average.4932.029AD_Average.4972.013W_Average.4782.094Beginning Developed for the research4.3 Inferential Analysis4.3.1 Pearson s Correlation AnalysisTable 4.14 Pearson s Correlation AnalysisCPJSMAdTungstenJouleCommsion Pay ( CP )1Job Security ( JSM ).581**1Opportunities for Advancement and Development ( AD ).496**.604**1Work Itself ( W ).528**.612**.657**1Job Satisfaction ( JS ).557**.659**.674**.836**1** . Correlation is important at the 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) .Beginning Developed for the researchBy implementing Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Table 4.14 illustrates the consequences of the correlativi ty analysis of the four independent variables ( CP, JSM, AD and W ) and one strung-out variable ( JS ) .The consequence from Table 4.14 shows that p-value of committee wage is 0.000 which is less than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.557. Therefore, the analysis consequence concludes that committee wage is moderate compulsory correlated with occupation satisfaction.For occupation security variable, the p-value is 0.000 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.659 which indicates there is moderate positive kind between occupation security and occupation satisfaction.In the Table 4.14, the p-value of chances for promotion and development is 0.000 ( P & lt 0.01 ) and the R value is 0.674. Hence, the chance for promotion and development is moderate positive correlated with occupation satisfaction.As shown in the Table 4.14, the p-value of work itself is 0.00 which is lower than the significance value 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) and the R value is 0.836. As a consequence, the work itself has high positive relationship with occupation satisfaction.4.3.2 Multiple Regression AnalysisTable 4.15 Multiple Regression AnalysisIndependent VariablesUnstandardizedCoefficientsStandardizedCoefficientst-valueSig.Bacillusgenus BetaChangeless.3502.069.040Commission Pay.069.0741.610.109Job Security.158.1603.154.002Opportunities for Advancement and Development.130.1432.834.005Work Itself.562.60511.724.000R2.748Adjusted R2.743F147.264**Beginning Developed for the researchFrom table 4.15 above, shows that the correlativity coefficient, R= 0.864, means that there is a positive correlativity between the four independent variables and dependent variable. The value of R Square is 0.748 which indicates that 74.8 % of the discrepancy in the hooklike variable ( occupation satisfaction ) is explained by the 4 independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) . However, it is still leaves 25.2 % of occupation satisfaction is explained by other factors in this survey.Furthermore, harmonizing to table above, p-value ( Sig. 0.000 ) is less than alpha value 0.05, therefore, the F- statistic which equals to 147.204 is important. That mean this theoretical account is a good form for the relation between the residuary and forecasters. Therefore, the independent variables ( committee wage, occupation security, chances for promotion and development, and work itself ) are significantly explicating the discrepancy in the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents. Since the p-value is less than 0.05 and is in the tweak part which H0 is rejected.Harmonizing to Table 4.15, occupation security ( p=0.002 ) , chances for promotion and development ( p= 0.005 ) , work itself ( p & lt 0.001 ) are important to foretell the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) in this survey because their p-values ( Sig. ) are less than alp ha value 0.05. From the multiple arrested development analysis, occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself are the of import motive factors that affect the occupation satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. Among these IVs, work itself is the strongest determiner. However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non significantly foretelling the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . This is because committee wage ( p=0.109 ) is more than the alpha value 0.05.Therefore, a multiple additive arrested development is formed by utilizing the information from the column headed B shown in the tabular array 4.15 above. The arrested development equation is as belowJob satisfaction = 0.350 + 0.069 committee wage + 0.158 occupation security + 0.130 chances for promotion and development + 0.562 work itself4.4 DecisionThree independent variables ( occupation security, chances for promotion and development and work itself ) for this rese arch are found to hold important relationship with the independent variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . However, the independent variable ( committee wage ) is non important relationship with the dependant variable ( occupation satisfaction ) . Consequences of the analysis and back uping grounds for the consequences are being discussed in the undermentioned chapter.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Questionnaire for Mcd

We are currently conducting a research on ethics of McDonalds advertisement. We are surveying on the opinions of college students towards the ethics of McDonalds advertisement. Are they really advertising their fast regimen ethically? Your response and feedback result be much appreciated. It will take 5 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Gender Age _20_ potrect decipherrect Male Female Which faculty do you study in? projectrect strayrect cast offrect drawrect Business Engineering Biomedical Law How often do you eat McDonalds fast nutriment every month? drawrect drawrect drawrect Seldom 1-3 times 3 times What do you think about the taste of McDonalds food? drawrect drawrect drawrect Not tasty Tasty Very tasty Do you think that McDonalds food is as tasty and attractive looking as shown in their advertisements? drawrect drawrect Yes No Do you think that McDonalds advertisements are affecting kids to eat to a greater extent fast food? drawrect drawrect Yes No Do you think that McDonalds food is as healthy as advertised? drawrect drawrect Yes No Do you think that the education provided about the food by McDonalds is complete and true? drawrect drawrect Yes No What factor makes you eat McDonalds food? drawrect drawrect drawrect drawrect Taste Advertisement/ Promotion Price Time saving Do you agree that McDonalds advertisement has caused people to eat more than and become more obese? drawrect drawrect Yes No Does the advertisement or promotion made by McDonalds make you consume more McDonalds fast food? drawrect drawrect Yes No Do you think that McDonalds should put complete information about the nutrition in the food prepared in the advertisement? drawrect drawrect Yes No Consider this scenario You are the sales manager of McDonalds and you have to make a finis in a meeting with colleagues to decide on the advertising plans for McDonalds. Your colleagues suggested that you should advertise McDonalds food as healthy as the society now is acquire mo re conscious of health issues.However, you know that McDonalds food is not the ideal healthy food. What would you do? drawrect Advertise McDonalds food as healthy and earn more profits in order to get a higher commission. drawrect Gives full information about McDonalds food and risk your job as a sales manager because it may affect the sales. When you buy burger from McDonalds, does it exactly look like how it is advertised? drawrect drawrect Yes No If no, do you feel that you are misled by the advertisement? drawrect drawrect Yes No

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Successful Development Of Technology At Microsoft

The success of Microsoft can be viewed from a number of perspectives. This ranges from its managerial and organizational position to the development and processing of its products and services for its customers. This implies look at how Microsoft invents tender products with substantial utility to the customers, strategies implemented by the company to make different groups and divisions to work to threadher in harmony to achieve mega success.Having the better(p) brains in the organization is non just enough to bring out the best softw atomic number 18 system and the best products for the market. on that point mustiness be effective managerial skills these would harness the potentials the best brains in technology improvement, retain their autonomy just like any former(a)wise highly qualified person would do, yet still work in concert to give the company the best. This paper evaluates the secrets of Microsofts success in developing superb technology and remaining on top of the market.Since it is in truth difficult to maintain the best brains within an organization without having them move out to practice their skills on the private basis, the paper tries to evaluate how the company maintains these best software developers and their work in harmony to bring out the best for the company. Microsoft currently is the worlds largest manufacturer of PC software, and having annual r correctue of $8. 7 billion.It is credibly the all PC Company that has handled to a greater extent PC software construes than any other company in the world. This task is Herculean as at that place is a lot of complexity involved in the process, for example the development of Windows 95 that has more(prenominal) than 11 million lines of code and required an expansion police squad up of more than 200 programmers as well as testers. This is one of the greatest ch all in allenge that most of the rivals to Microsoft are unable to do and therefrom the difficult in competing Reime r, 2008Their ism on product development and improvement for the last few years has been to develop its roots as a highly flexible, entrepreneurial company that does not to take up too numerous of the structured software-engineering practices that are commonly practiced and promoted by organizations such as the International Standards Organization and Software technology Institute. Microsoft strategy is developing a loosely structured small-team that some people might refer to as hacker style of product development.Their objective is to get many small as well as parallel teams that are composed of three to eight developers each, or individual programmers who eventually work together as one team in order to general anatomy large pile of products relatively fast while still admiting individual programmers and the team members their independence to evolve their designs and even operate nearly autonomously Hardmeier, 2008. The small parallel teams develop features and whole product s freely while at the same time frequently introducing new technologies concepts.However, since the developers are free to innovate while working with Microsoft, they are required to synchronize their changes frequently so that the product components work in harmony. In this regard, there are several(prenominal) lessons to be learned from how Microsoft develops its software products some apply to other organizations, and some may not. Software developers as well as their managers from other organizations can discover useful ideas after careful consideration of such factors as their companys goals, strategies, marketing re ancestry constraints, and development culture and software reliability requirements Reimer, 2008.They can also learn to frequently synchronize and carry out periodic stabilizations of their products. Without this approach implemented by Microsoft, it would probably never do been able to design, develop, and ship the products it offers now and is planning to offer in the future Reimer, 2008. Teams of programmers at Microsoft and testers usually synchronize and periodically stabilize the changes they make to their products in progress, therefrom yielding products such as Publisher, Excel, Office, Windows 95, Word, Works, and Windows NT etc.Since the mid-1980s, Microsoft as well as other PC software companies has recognized that they build software products in response to quality. umteen of them have also found it important to have larger teams in order to come up with PC software products that consist of hundreds of thousands or even millions of lines of source code hence requiring hundreds of people to build and indeed test them over a certain period Hardmeier, 2008. The technology development approach must have a mechanism that allows developers to test their product with their customers and also refine their designs during the development process.In most industries, many of the companies are now using prototyping and multiple cycles of cooccurring design, build, and testing activities aimed at controlling interactions and also make fundamental changes in their product development. In the software industry, researchers and their managers have talked about interactive enhancement, a spiraling model for iteration in the phases of the project development, and the concurrent development of multiple phases and the activities for the past 20 years.Unfortunately most companies are reluctant to formally adopt these recommendations. Since users involve for most software are very difficult to understand and the changes in hardware and software technologies are very frequent, it is not wise to design a software system completely in advance Lemo, 2008. Microsoft teams start the process of product development at the point of creating a vision statement, and then define the goals for the new product and the user activities that need to be supported by the new product features.Then, the product managers or the marketing special ists take weight while the consulting program managers who specialize in writing functional specifications of the product are also incorporated. In consultation with developers, program managers, then write a functional specification that outlines the product features with organized entrys and the staffing allocations the initial specification document rarely covers all the details of each feature. During product development, team members revise the features roach and details, and learn about the new product.Experience at Microsoft has shown that the feature set in a specification document may sometime change by 30% or even more. Project managers are obliged to divide the product and the entire project into different parts they also divide the project schedule into three or four milestone junctures called sequential sub projects meant to represent the completion points for major portions of the new product in each of the milestone subproject, all the feature teams are expected to go through a complete cycle of development, feature integration, testing, as well as fixing paradoxs.Throughout an entire project, they (feature teams) are required to synchronize their work in the process of building the product as well as finding and fixing errors on a daily, hebdomadary basis. The program developer is expected to fix detectable errors at the end of a milestone subproject. These error correction is a way of stabilizing the product and thus enable the product developing team to have a clear understanding of the parts of the product that have been successfully completed. After this achievement, the development team usually proceeds to the next milestone, Hardmeier, 2008.One of the most important things in high-tech companies is employing creative people, but directing their creativity is supreme. This is the task of the managers. Microsoft has a strategy for tackling this problem it structures projects into subprojects that contain priority-ordered features and th e buffer time that is within each subproject gives the developers adequate time to respond to the changes, unexpected delays and difficulties. Microsoft projects usually use the vision statements as well as outline specifications rather than a detailed design and the complete product specifications before coding.This is done because the teams have realized that they cannot determine, in advance, what the developers need to build a good product. This approach gives the developers and program managers enough room to adapt to change, the unforeseen competitive opportunities and even threats. This is particularly related to the applications products, since development teams try in many instances to devise features that copy directly to the activities that typical customers perform. Thus the teams need to have continual observation and testing with the users during development Lemos, 2008.Most of the product designs have modular architectures that allow team members to add or combine fea tures in a predictable straightforward manner. In addition, the presence of managers allows team members to have their own schedules, but this is only after the developers have critically analyzed tasks in detail. Managers are then mandated to fix project resources by limiting the number of experts they allocate to each of the project they also limit the time spent on projects, especially for the applications like Office and multimedia products, so that team members can delete features if they are utmost from reaching deadlines.But it should be noted that cutting features in order to save schedule, time has not always been possible with the operating systems projects. In these kinds of projects, reliability is of more importance than the features. Most of the features in the operating system are closely coupled and thus cannot be easily deleted individually. The daily building of processes at Microsoft has several steps. First, to develop a feature for a product, developers accomm odate out private copies of source code files which are located at a centralized attain version of the source code.They then implement their individual features by making necessary changes to their private copies of the source code files. The developers are then mandated to create a private build of the product that contains the new features and test it. Changes from the developers private copies are then checked from the source code files to the main master version of the source code. This sign in process has an automated regression test to ensure that changes to the source code files do not create errors in other parts of the product.This check-in by the developers back to the master copy is done at least twice a week but in some instances they may check it daily Lemos, 2008. Irrespective of the way the individual developers check in their changes to the main source code, a designated developer, often called the project build master, generates a complete build of the product on a daily basis by using the master version of the source code. Product teams at Microsoft also test features as they continuously build them from various perspectives. This may include bringing in customers from the street to try prototype in a Microsoft usability lab.Also most of the Microsoft teams work from a single physical billet with common development languages (primarily C and C++), standardized common coding styles and development tools. This common language and common site and tools admirer team members, debate, communicate, resolve problems face to face and design ideas. A small set of quantitative metrics is used in the project teams to help guide decisions in order to complete a project and also when to ship a new or upgraded product to market Lemos, 2008. Conclusion There are important lessons to be learnt from Microsoft especially for organizations and managers in various industries.The synch-and-stabilize approach that is used at Microsoft is particularly suited to fast-evolving markets that have complex systems products, competition slightly fast-evolving product features as well as defacto high technical standards and the short life cycles. Of particular interest and important lesson is how Microsoft coordinates the work of a large team of professionals thus successfully building many interdependent parts although continually changing and requiring a constant high level of communication, coordination is still maintained.Indeed, one should cherish that it is difficult to ensure such communication and the effective coordination there, and at the same time still allow engineers, designers and marketing people enjoy the freedom to be creative. Achieving this sought of balance is inevitably the central dilemma that the managers of product development usually facein PC software and in many other industries.REFERENCEJeremy Reimer. Microsoft set to launch new marketing campaign. Ars Technica. Retrieved on 28th March 2008. Sandi Hardmeier. Microsof t The History of Internet Explorer. Microsoft. Retrieved on 28th March 2008 Robert Lemos. Trust or treachery? Security technologies could backfire against consumers. CNet Retrieved on 28th March 2008

Monday, May 20, 2019

Convey the story Essay

Heloise and Abelard by James Burger has its place among the most famous biographies that were scripted about the pair of lovers who lived in Medieval Age, and which is based on the correspondence the two held. It opens a new(a) perspective on the lifetime of the Dark Ages, on its institutions and philosophies, and most of tout ensemble, on its theology. The lovers who became the victims of the religious age they lived in, that could non admit their love, or any other type of love, for that matter, except religious love.The characters themselves are besides the initiators of redundant love, the angiotensin-converting enzymes who foresee the escape from the too relentless, rule-based religion of the Medieval centuries Let us read after this the famous Colloquy of Erasmus, The Franciscan, and we go away find repeated altogether the essential ideas of Heloise Christ preached scarce one religion, the same for layfolk and monks the Christian renounces the world and professes to live only for Christ, and St.Paul did not preach this doctrine for monks moreover for everyone layfolk, even the married, are squinch to chastity and poverty quite as much as monks in short, the only rule binding the Christian is the Gospel. Once she has adopted this course, Heloises frank and direct curtilage would not let her stop. Carried away by her accept logic she was to touch, one after the other, almost all the critical aspires on which the humanists and re complianceers of the sixteenth century are so insistent. Why forbid meat to monks? shopping mall in itself is neither good nor bad. Let us not attach religious importance to things which in fact halt none.Nothing counts save what can lead us to the kingdom of God. Let us forget, then, these exterior practices common to truly pious souls and to hypocrites, It is only interior acts that really count for the Christian. The rest is Judaism. (Gilson, 132) Thus, the distri thoor point that the story of Heloise and Abel ard is trying to make, is that theirs was the one of the most tragic examples of the many failures of the Medieval Age, which persecuted through religion and rigid commandments, trough enclosing monasteries and punishments of all kind, instead of opening the road to what true spirituality means.The touching and tragic story of the lovers impresses because of the nobility of their thoughts and feelings, and also to the spectacular love story, which remains intense throughout their lives. Love is intermix with the Christian doctrine, and the lovers try to find a bridge in the midst of the two, something that will only be tack together later in the history or religion, with the advent of humanism. 2. Explain who Heloise and Abelard were. What is their background and upbringing? What brings their paths together?Heloise and Abelard form one of the most famous couples known for their romantic love, so often compared to such immortal stories wish that of Romeo and Juliet. However, their story is the real account of a twelfth century couple that lasted throughout the centuries both because of the quaint love story that united them, and also because of the startling sincerity and openness of the letters that favors a get to view of their characters and lives, and of the circumstances of the century they lived in.Pierre Abelard was a well-known philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages, whose studies have been come to with mainly with logic and dialectics in the early years, and then with ethics and theology later on in his life. Of the account he himself gives of his early life in the letter addressed to his friend Philintus, we find that in his early youth he discovered his natural genius for study, and became smitten with love for books, so much so that he decided to renounce at once the fortune that father had bestowed on him as his eldest son, to his brothers and to dedicate himself entirely to learning.His passion and ambition to become a massive logici an soon brought him notoriety inside the circles of scholars, and he stood out as one of the most reputed teachers of his time. It is in the thick of his anchor ring as a philosopher that the event that will change his life forever occurs he sees Heloise, the niece of a certain Fulbert. She is belongs to a lower social class than he but she is equal in all else to him she is literate and very learned, mayhap even surpassing him in depth of thought and feeling. All these were alone(p) and very rare qualities in a medieval woman.Abelard concocts the perfect means of making her acquaintance, with a recognise intention to conquer her and make her his mistress. He talks to the uncle, and after having offered him a sum of money, he obtains the last mentioneds assent to instruct his daughter as her teacher. Heloise, who has reason enough to admire him for his knowledge and splendid mind, soon falls in love with him and becomes his lover, without the slightest resistance. It is here th at their fascinating but tragic story very begins. 3. Who was William of Champeaux?Discuss his influence in the life of Abelard. Why did Abelard achieve both acclaim and notoriety? Abelard has been, because of his originality of thought, in controversy with many of the philosophers of the age, among these, William of Champeaux, who began by being his teacher, but who was soon outwitted in the lectures he gave by his student. This naturally created animosity between the two, and it became even much founded when Abelard started teaching himself, and drew to his side most of the students that formerly had been instructed by ChampeauxI put myself under the direction of one Champeaux, a professor who had acquired the character of the most sharp philosopher of his age, but by negative excellencies only as being the least ignorant He legitimate me with great demonstrations of kindness, but I was not so happy as to please him long for I was too knowing in the subjects he discoursed upo n, and I often confuted his notions. Frequently in our disputations I pushed a good argument so home that all his subtlety was not able to elude its force.It was infeasible he should see himself surpassed by his scholar without resentment. It is sometimes dangerous to have too much merit. resent increased against me in proportion to my reputation. ( I) Abelard was many times an envied scholar, and later on, he was even accused of heresy for his ideas, by the enemies he ever so made in his circle. But, nevertheless, he became more and more notorious, because of the originality and novelty of his ideas, and specially because of his passion and ability for logic and argumentation. 4. How do Heloise and Abelard fall in love?What challenges must their relationship subordinate? What were the consequences for both Abelard and Heloise? What is transcendent or universal about their love story? Together in the preindication of Heloises uncle, under the assumed masks of teacher and stud ent, Heloise and Abelard begin their love story. As it becomes clear from Abelards own confessions in the letters to her, and from the imputations she brings on him, in her turn, the beginning of their of their affair was due more to his lust and incontinence rather than to his feelings for herWas it not the sole thought of pleasure which engaged you to me? And has not my inviteness, by leaving you nought to wish for, extinguished your desires? Wretched Heloise you could please when you wished to avoid it you merited incense when you could remove to a surmount the hand that offered it but since your heart has been softened and has yielded, since you have devoted and sacrificed yourself, you are deserted and forgotten (II) Heloise however, seems to have given herself completely to her feelings to him, from beginning to end of their love story.After they remained together for the space of a a couple of(prenominal) months, but their love was son discovered by Heloises uncle, who, enraged, demanded compensation from Abelard for his offense against the family honor. Abelard decides to marry Heloise, and when the last mentioned becomes pregnant he sends her away to Britanny, to the care of his sister. The actual situation of the two lovers can not be fully comprehended without placing it in the Medieval context of use.Thus, it would perhaps seem natural to a modern contributor that marriage be a solution for Abelard and Heloise, one that would confer legitimacy on their bond, both from the point of view of religion and from that of moral. However, this was not the case at all, for a few clear reasons. First of all, both Abelard and Heloise were both learned people, with such strict and high spiritual aspirations that they were incompatible with the idea of lay marriage. Abelard valued for himself the kind of pure life that he admired in Saint Jerome or Seneca, and which would bring him the glory he longed for.For Heloise his glory would have been her glory too, so she was actually the one who withstood all she could the idea of marriage. In the strict sense of the world, according to the Medieval moral and religious laws, Abelard had the mighty to marry, without losing by this act the right to teach or his clerical dignity. The actual danger was that they, as all Medieval scholars, regarded marriage as a form of weakness and incontinence, that would inevitably and permanently drive a scholar away from his prayers and philosophic inquiries.Marriage was therefore considered degrading, and not a lot better than fornication for the ones who aspired to become theologians, because it had the same consequences surrendering to stupid pleasures and forgetting ones duty to God If therefore laymen and pagans have lived thus, without the restrictions of a religious profession, how much the more is it your duty to do so, you who are a cleric and a canon, lest you should come to prefer shameful pleasures to the elysian service, lest you cast y ourself into the gulf of Charybdis and perish, lest you should destroy yourself in these obscenities to the mockery of the whole world. (III) It is precisely in this conflict between their great passion and their aspiration for spiritual heroism, that the tragedy of Heloise and Abelard begins, even more so, when we consider that the spiritual ideals they tried to attain were not imposed on them from the outside, but were their own, and therefore as powerful as their love. It is this context that makes possible the famous and extraordinary statement of Heloise to Abelard, in which she declares that she would rather be his mistress or his victimize than his wifeYou cannot but be entirely persuaded of this by the extreme unwillingness I showed to marry you, though I knew that the name of wife was honorable in the world and holy in religion but the name of your mistress had greater charms because it was freer. The bonds of matrimony, however honorable, still bear with them a necessar y engagement and I was very unwilling to be necessitated to love always a man who would perhaps not always love me. (II)As she herself declares it, Heloise believed in the disinteresedness of love, and considered, ahead of the time she lived in, that marriage does nothing to preserve the purity of love, but, on the contrary, makes it the slave of ambition or other favors that are not love itself. Love is not to be confused with mere life or be put under the same necessities as the latter, as it would happen in a marriage, and this is seemingly what the story of Heloise and Abelard signified a love that surpassed in tawdriness and nobility the limitations of simple lifeYou have very justly observed in your letter that I esteemed those public engagements insipid which form alliances only to be dissolved by death, and which put life and love under the same unhappy necessity. ( )With what ease did you compose verses And yet those ingenious trifles, which were but a recreation to you, are still the entertainment and delight of persons of the best taste. The smallest song, the least sketch of anything you made for me, had a thousand beauties capable of making it last as long as there are lovers in the world.Thus those songs will be sung in honor of other women which you designed only for me, and those tender and natural expressions which spoke your love will help others to explain their passion with much more advantage than they themselves are capable of. (IV) Heloise already takes pride in their love story as something universal that will be used as a ground for comparison for future couples who will be bound by so great a love. The two loved each other with such great ardor and nobility, that their love is pure in spite of their sin.In spite of Heloises noble military strength that can not consent either to the loss of glory by the man she loves or to the degrading of noble and free love by binding it to the hearse of marriage, the two eventually contract a mystifying marriage, a compromise imposed by Abelard, so as not to lose Heloise but at the same time, to maintain his respectfulness in public. Abelard sends his wife to the monastery of Argenteuil to avoid further rumors about their marriage, already dressing her in the nun habit, without knowing that she will wear it forever afterwards .The climax of these happenings comes with the baseless act of revenge that Heloises uncle commits. He bribes the servants of Abelard and these allow for someone to enter the room of their master by night and castrate him. This terrible and symbolic revenge is perhaps what made the love story between Heloise and Abelard legendary. Afterwards, they both retire in convents, Heloise being the first to put on the veil, at Abelards command, who not being able to posses her anymore, shuts her up from the world in his jealousy, so that she might never belong to anyone else.This is perhaps the greatest and incontestable act of love and sacrifice she perfor ms for him, surrendering herself completely, and renouncing the greatest thing for him not the world, as he thought, but him, the man she loved. Their love becomes transcendental and universal through the very passion that fettered them when they were together, but which also manifested itself in their acts of renouncement.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Raise the Red Lantern by Zhang Yimou Essay

Raise the Red Lantern (1991) directed by Zhang Yimou was based on a novel c completelyed Wives and Concubines by Su Tong. This painting takes place in the early 1900s which tells the story of a woman named Songlian (played by Gong Li) who was struck by the harshness of reality. Her father died during the Chinese Civil War when she was nineteen. Facing the finish of her father and the severity of the family financial situation, she was leftover with no choice but to espouse the wealthy subgenus Chen family. Upon arrival to the Chens estate, Songlian was greeted with open arms and was treated like royalty. She later came to the realization that it was exclusively a mere fantasy as she experience more of the traditions and rules set by the overtake Chen. The Master has 4 mistress, Songlian being the fourth, and all was in competition with one another for the masters nerve and attention. Each mistress has her own quarter in the castle and her own personal servant.The routine on a daily basis was to stands in front of their quarters and awaits the Masters decision on his sexual needs. Once his decision is made, the quarter of the mistress elect was lit up with florid lanterns. For that day, the chosen mistress is rewarded with foot massage, meal of her choice, and the respect of all the servants in the estate. At first glance, Songlian finds Zhuoyun, the Second Mistress, to be trusting and kind. She laters found out that Zhuoyun was said to have a face of the Buddha, but the heart of a scorpion. Songlian, yearning for her husband affection, decides to fake her own pregnancy. Yaner backstabbed Songlian by revealing the bloodstain undergarment to Zhuoyun. Feigning her fear for Songlians pregnancy, the second mistress requested the family doctor to examine Songlinas condition.Infuriated by Songlians deception, the master ordered all the red lantern in her quarters to be covered by a black canvas. As an act of revenge, Songlian revealed Yaner secret obsession w ith the master and ordered all the red lantern in Yaners room to be burned. Yaners refusal to apologize to Songlian kneel all night which eventually led to her death. During Songlians birthday, she drunkenly professes the Meishan, third mistress, affairs with the family doctor. Being manipulative as she is, Zhuoyun caught the third mistress and the doctor in the act of adultry. As punishment for infidelity, Meishan was hanged. The following summer, the master marry yet another concubines. At this point, Songlian has at last went completely insane and was just wandering around in her own quarters.In order for this film to be called a Classical Hollywood Narrative, it must adheres to the four simple stages in which this narrative composes. First stage, the hero, is naturalised clearly at the beginning revealing his/her strengths and flaws. This film adhere to the first stage in which it did reveals who is the main protagonist at the very beginning. However, it is very ponderous to determine whether Songlian is actually a hero in this film. At the beginning, it did shows that her motive is very admirable in accepting her fate in order to save her family from poverty. As the story progresses, in my opinion, she is reveal to be weak and unforgiving. Her weakness shows in her selfishness as she yearn for affection and attention. Her unforgiveness shows when after her deception was reveal in her pregnancy.She became very vengeful and it causes the death of Yaner and Meishan. For those reason, it is hard for me to consider her only as a protagonist. Instead, I see her as protagonist with the negative traits of an antagonist. Second stage, the intent, is established for the protagonist to pursue. In this case, Songlians goal is to become a concubine to a wealthy family to save her family from poverty. The success of this goal is very simplistic. Although her long term goal is unclear, the sense of belonging is very clear. Clearly Songlian did not want to live a li fe as a concubine. She does belong here, but her fate is inevitable.Third stage, the obstacle, can be established as the lifestyle of the concubines and upholding the traditions and rules set by the master of the house. Unlike most obstacles which has a clear clock period of resolution, the obstacle in this film appears to be never ending. Final stage, the success, is established when the protagonist finally achieve his/her goals and overcome the obstacle with great success. Unlike Classical Hollywood Narrative, the ending to this film left the protagonists problems unresolve and distraught. She just went insane and became mentally ill at the end. That is a complete un lucky person for a hero of a narrative. I believe a better way to become successful in this films obstacles would be death because it is the only escape for the fate a concubine.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ethnic Literature Essay

The term ethnic when in conjunction with the word literature in the academic discourse community of students, often brings out mixed zero(prenominal)ionings of excitement and dread. On the one hand, students understand that they will be getting away from the disregar seizeical American literature which can fair to middling boring in their eyeb tout ensemble on the other hand, students interpret the term ethnic literature to mean distinctive which can equal confusing or ambiguous and perhaps at times not relatable because it is outside their scope of experiences. possibly before jumping into why it matters, the term ethnic literature should be defined first and because I am still learning how to interpret this term myself, I searched for a suitable one I could agree with. I found one in an article entitled Assessing Teachers Knowledge of Multi-Ethnic literature, and the article actually used another source themselves to come up with a workable, laymans definition. Ethnic li terature as defined by D. E.Norton (as the articles source) is, Literature roughly racial or ethnic minority groups that be culturally and socially different from the white Anglo-Saxon volume in the United States, whose largely middle-class economic values and customs argon most represented in American literature (qtd. in Hager & Thompson 22). I think this definition works well to define what ethnic literature is on a surface level, but the more I dig in, I feel that this idea goes much deeper. I asked myself, who can print some ethnic literature?Can anyone comely pick up a pen so to speak and tell a bosh about a young Japanese boy, or a Hispanic family? Can an black writer write about Hispanic or Chinese batch and claim it is ethnic literature? And the answer to myself is no. Why? Because unless that African-American has been submersed in the Hispanic or Japanese husbandry from the time of childhood, how are they going to capture the very essence of being, thinking, and l iving day-to-day in that culture?And even if that African-American had, they would still most likely endure a different perspective from the average Hispanic or Chinese person because of being different themselves (i. e black) and perhaps are treated different by the community at large which corrupts the normal cultural thinking. At this deeper level I am nerve-wracking to get at, I find John M. Reillys article Criticism of Ethnic Literature beholding the Whole Story helpful in acquiring this.He states that, the assertion of ethnicity in literature can be made only through a procedure by which the writer resolves formal problems what moves from fruition of identity to creation of a strategy for handling reality still is not literature until the unmarried author sustains her or his ethnic identity through a sequence of formal choices (4). I am interpreting this to mean that as a reader of this literature, I should see and feel throughout the story (perhaps subtlety) that in some way, the characters mindset (and perhaps actions) in the story differ from my own specifically because of the culture they have grown up in in, which has shaped that characters thinking.There are thoughts and feelings ideas, I dont understand without further explanation from the author, which is sometimes provided, and sometimes not. An exemplification of this is in Brando Skyhorses novel The Madonnas of Echo Park, I find myself wondering what the significance of the jacaranda trees mentioned in different separate of the concur. Looking up what they are, it becomes apparent to me as jacaranda trees are native to Central America root back to their homeland. The blossoms from the trees fall and are scattered everywhere. Felicia in chapter 2 states that theres no way getting away from them (25).Basically meaning, you cannot escape who you are and where you come from. I would not have understood this had I not explored the history of that tree to uncover the significance in the boo k. Another example is in Seventeen Syllables in the story Seventeen Syllables. The story about a Japanese family is thriving to read, but is hard to connect with as I dont share the same philosophies about a womans place in the Japanese culture. A specific instance in the story was when Mrs. Hayashi, Rosies mother received her the first place prize for her stellar Haiku.When the man from the composition presented her with a package, Mrs. Hayashi, stating she knew it was unorthodox, asked if she might pay it because she was very curious. (Yamamoto 17). At this point, I am thinking to myself, I dont get it why wouldnt she open it? but upon reflection, I considered the patriarchal society that is prevailing in this culture, and perhaps it is the wifes obligation to consult or have the husband open the gift, even if it is not specifically for him. Yet another example is in Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz.To come specifically to the point, I do not understand this idea of why it is understo od that Dominican men are supposed to be these manly men that women flock to and fall on their knees for. That the sexual appetite along with innate sense of charisma from Dominican men is expected, and when its lacking, it doesnt go unnoticed. Anywhere else his triple-zero hit average with the ladies might have passed without comment, but this is a Dominican kid were talking about, in a Dominican family dude was supposed to have Atomic Level G, was supposed to be twist in the bitches with both hands (24).Why is this idea so indoctrinated in this culture according to the book? This is perhaps something I will neer understand, except that it is a part of their culture. All of these examples are all good and well, but the important question is why is ethnic literature important? What can be gained from reading it? From a most basic viewpoint, it is a highly effective vehicle for helping people understand themselves and the world around them.Thompson and Hager in their article state that, multi-ethnic literature mirrors and validates the experiences for minority groups and juxtaposes the beaten(prenominal) with the less familiar for mainstream children (22). In other words, through reading ethnic literature, readers can find slipway to connect with others around them that are different. The article also states that when readers are exposed to divergent thoughts, language patterns, value systems, and different ways of living, that it can open up awareness about others and create compassion and sense towards them that might not have happened without the literary exposure (23).To sum it all up, I will never argue against the instruction of ethnic literature in the school setting. In fact, I think belief it should begin right from the beginning in kindergarten, and perhaps one day we wont indispensableness the designated term ethnic literature perhaps one day it can just be American Literature and part of the regular American canon of literature. Works Cited Diaz, Junot. The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. new-sprung(prenominal) York Penguin, 2007. Print. Reilly, John. M.Criticism of Ethnic Literature Seeing the Whole Story. Critical Approaches to Ethnic Literature. 5. 1 (1978) 2-13. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. Skyhorse, Brando. The Madonnas of Echo Park. New York Free Press, 2010. Print. Thompson, Deborah L. and Jane Meeks Hager. Assessing Teachers Knowledge of Multi-Ethnic Literature. Yearbook of the American Reading Forum. 1990. 21-29. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. Yamamoto, Hisaye. Seventeen Syllables. New Brunswick, NJ Rutgers University Press, 2001. Print.

Friday, May 17, 2019

National University Essay

American students have different attitudes about trying Contents 1. capital of Florida Democrat, Flag. Tallahassee Democrat, Flag. BY Quit Lie One and a half years ago, when my husband came to Florida State University for his doctors degree in oceanography, I accompanied him from China. When I first stepped on American soil, many American things profoundly attracted me. Since enrolling at the community college for my associates degree, I have especially noticed the differences between Chinese and American attitudes toward studying. galore(postnominal) of my American lacerates are also Curious about societal, family and educational systems in China.Expressing my ideas about the effects of these systems on college students in China may help my friends here understand the differences between us. China is a bulky country, not only in its land but also in its tremendous population. Although the government spends a huge amount of funds on developing education every year, It still cant satisfy the innumerable students who are seeking knowledge. Thus,unlike in America, where everybody can go to college, a lot of Chinese students do not have the opportunity to study at colleges. For example, the government has a policy that mass must be under 25 years of age to be able to go to college.Also, students must pass on an annual National University Entrance Exam, which Is very strict. Often, only one out of 10 students pass It. The students call this testing month Dark July, implying that this exam decides their fate. Not only do the students regard it as important, but also their parents treat It seriously. In America, students can decide to go to college by themselves and their parents hardly Interfere with them. In China, old, traditional thoughts are still kept In peoples minds. They think that studying at allege Is an Incomparable honor. If a student Is enrolled In college, his or her parents are extremely happy.They entrust Immediately tell all their relatives and friends. just now If a student doesnt pass the entrance exam, his parents will feel as If they cannot raise their heads In front of others. Some parents will even blame their sister for not studying hard enough. These common views make some students feel pressure on their hearts. By comparison, American students leave their parents earlier and live and work In society by themselves. Most Chinese students never leave their parents before they go to college. This dependent purport makes them want to obey their parents advice about everything. Prenatal advice Is their mall trance.Some parents Insist that their child attend the July exam year after year until he or she passes It. The Influence of the family Is very Important on students In China. When I first came to college here, the American laissez-fairer style of education deeply Interested me. American colleges give students broad space and allow students to develop Independently. Students can freely lease their favorite courses, except for certain required courses. They can even choose their favorite teachers. This Is Incredible to e. In China, the field of study cant be changed from the first day that the students come to college.Furtherto a greater extent, every semester the work has already formulated the limits their development. At the community college, I also observe that quite a phone number of students cut class without excuses. This behavior is really strange. In China, even if a student is sick, he will normally persist in attending classes. Although the school has strict rules for absent students, the majority of students think that they should dramatize responsibility for their own education. Chinese students study very hard and treasure the opportunity to study. Everyone wants to get the highest score.In China, there are no part-time students in a university. Tuition is provided by parents, so students want to get the highest scores to repay their parents love. Unlike American stud ents who have a lot of chances to get a good Job, when Chinese students graduate, their grades become a major factor for a good company to choose them. To get a good Job in the future, students must study hard. Obviously, compared with the American educational system, the Chinese educational system could be improved by giving students more freedom to develop their abilities based n their interests.