Saturday, December 28, 2019

Frequencies and Relative Frequencies in Histograms

In the construction of a histogram, there are several steps that we must undertake before we actually draw our graph. After setting up the classes that we will use, we assign each of our data values to one of these classes then  count the number of data values that fall into each class and draw the heights of the bars. These heights can be determined by two different ways that are interrelated: frequency or relative frequency. The frequency of a class is the count of how many data values fall into a certain class wherein classes with greater frequencies have higher bars and classes with lesser frequencies have lower bars. On the other hand, relative frequency requires one additional step as it is the measure of what proportion or percent of the data values fall into a particular class. A straightforward calculation determines the relative frequency from the frequency by adding up all the classes frequencies and dividing the count by each class by the sum of these frequencies. The Difference Between Frequency and Relative Frequency To see the difference between frequency and relative frequency we will consider the following example. Suppose we are looking at the history grades of students in 10th grade and have the classes corresponding to letter grades: A, B, C, D, F. The number of each of these grades gives us a frequency for each class: 7 students with an F9 students with a D18 students with a C12 students with a B4 students with an A To determine the relative frequency for each class we first add the total number of data points: 7 9 18 12 4 50. Next we, divide each frequency by this sum 50. 0.14 14% students with an F0.18 18% students with a D0.36 36% students with a C0.24 24% students with a B0.08 8% students with an A The initial data set above with the number of students who fall into each class (letter grade) would be indicative of the frequency while the percentage in the second data set represents the relative frequency of these grades. An easy way to define the difference between frequency and relative frequency is that frequency relies on the actual values of each class in a statistical data set while relative frequency compares these individual values to the overall totals of all classes concerned in a data set. Histograms Either frequencies or relative frequencies can be used for a histogram. Although the numbers along the vertical axis will be different, the overall shape of the histogram will remain unchanged. This is because the heights relative to each other are the same whether we are using frequencies or relative frequencies. Relative frequency histograms are important because the heights can be interpreted as probabilities. These probability histograms provide a graphical display of a probability distribution, which can be used to determine the likelihood of certain results to occur within a given population. Histograms are useful tools to quickly observe trends in populations in order for statisticians, lawmakers, and community organizers alike to be able to determine the best course of action to affect the most people in a given population.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Black Panthers Essay - 1159 Words

The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 by party members Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in the city of Oakland, California. The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King. The Party disembodied itself from the non-violence stance of Dr. King and chose to organize around a platform for â€Å"self-defense†, (which later became part of the party’s original name). The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm†¦show more content†¦(Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 1997).The Black Panthers based their agenda around a Ten Point Plan a document that was mainly used by the party, and its distribution played a major role in the partyâ€⠄¢s method propaganda, education, and recruitment. We hold these to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence ,indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is theirShow MoreRelatedThe Black Of Black Panther Party1314 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica. The Black Panther Party did this through many different ways such as food banks, newspapers, free food and clothing. Led by many influential and powerful people, such as Martin L. King, Bobby Seale , and Huey Newton. Even though the Black Panthers were considered radical because of their use of force to protect the African American communities, their actions were just because their goals were to receive equal rights and opportunities as the white community had obtained. The Black Panther PartyRead MoreBlack Panthers. The Black Panther Is A Group Or A Party1007 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Panthers The Black Panther is a group or a party of African Americans that was formed to protect blacks from the white law enforcement. Established in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The two leading revolutionary men created the national organization as a way to collectively combat white oppression. Dr Huey Percy Newton (February 17 1942-August 22, 1989) was born in Monroe, Louisiana. He was the youngest of seven children of Armelia Johnson and Walter Newton, a sharecropper and BaptistRead MoreThe Black Panther Party711 Words   |  3 PagesNext, the Black Panther Party provided a variety of social services and programs designed to meet the needs of the black community. Often times overlooked, these services have been virtually absent in the mainstream media’s coverage of the Panthers. Often times â€Å"the government’s myopic perception of the party as a glorified street gang, clouded substantial analysis of their social programs by outside observers† (Kirby). The Panthers were known to offer a â€Å"wide range of health and social servicesRead More Black Panthers Essay855 Words   |  4 Pages1966, the national Black Panther party was created. Their platform and it’s ideals struck a chord with blacks across the country, especially in the inner cities of the north. The Panthers were able to organize and unite these blacks. This alarmed the federal government. They instituted many controversial, illegal programs of harassment, infiltration, and instigation which led to the deaths of many Panthers. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;From their inception, the Black Panthers were treated withRead MoreThe Black Panthers For Self Defense1649 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Panthers, originally named as the Black Panthers for Self-Defense, was an African American revolutionary party that had originated in Oakland, California. It was an organization that was founded by Huey Percy Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966. Not only that, but it was also the largest revolutionary organization that had ever existed. Their purpose was to protect fellow African-American residents from mistreatment from the authorities. During the 1960s, racial injust had spreaded throughoutRead MoreEssay on Black Panther Party2252 Words   |  10 PagesFounded on October 15th 1966 in Oakland, California, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was an organization opposed to police brutality against the black community. The Party’s political origins were in Maoism, Marxism, and the radical militant ideals of Malcolm X and Che Guevara. From the doctrines of Maoism they saw the role of their Party as the frontline of the revolution and worked to establish a unified alliance, while from Marxism they addressed the capitalist economic system, and exemplifiedRead MoreBlack And The Black Panther Harlem 1969 Essay2229 Words   |  9 Pagesphoto for dear life. In it, was a man wearing all black and had an afro the size of a big o’l bush. His facial expression was tight and firm as if no one could break his concentration. His hand clenched into a fist and raised to the sky. Surrounding him was a group of other young African American men and women, all wearing black attire with afros ranging in all different sizes looking straight ahead. I turned to the back of the photo it read, Black Panther Harlem 1969. I placed the picture beside me andRead MoreThe Black Panther Party Essay1064 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Panther Party â€Å"We knew, as a revolutionary vanguard, repression would be the reaction of our oppressors, but we recognized that the task of the revolutionist is difficult and his life is short. We were prepared then, as we are now, to give our all in the interest of oppressed people† (Baggins). Radical and provocative, the 60’s was an era of complete political and social upheaval. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had banned the discrimination of people based on race, color, religionRead MoreThe Impact Of The Black Panther Party 1156 Words   |  5 PagesNick Smith J. Buergel Civil Rights 5/11/16 The impact of â€Å"The Black Panther Party† â€Å"We knew, as a revolutionary vanguard, repression would be the reaction of our oppressors, but we recognized that the task of the revolutionist is difficult and his life is short. We were prepared then, as we are now, to give our all in the interest of oppressed people† (Baggins). Radical and provocative, the 60’s was an era of complete political and social upheaval. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964Read MoreThe Black Panther Party Formed1313 Words   |  6 Pages The Black Panther Party formed as a result of Black Nationalism which came from a multitude of events that began to form decades before any mention of The Black Panther Party. To even begin to understand a group such as this, one must first attempt to grasp the historical context which lies behind them. Blake (1969) asserts that the initial onset began back in 1619 when the first of the colonial settlers accepted a number of captured Africans which were to be used as servants leading to the period

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MSD in Aged Care Industry

Question: Discuss about the MSD in Aged Care Industry. Answer: Introduction In certain jobs performing some manual task is vital part of the profession. From that context, in Aged Care industry, the use of body in order to hold or move the care seekers, moving, lifting or pushing trolleys are vital part of the duties that the care providers have to perform. Among the care providers, due to performing such hazardous manual tasks results in musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). In the context of the Aged Care industry in Australia, musculoskeletal disorders are the most common and general work place injuries. Here, it is required to discuss the meaning of musculoskeletal disorders which is the main emphasis of the report(Podniece and Taylor, 2008). A disease or injury of the musculoskeletal system, which may occur over time or suddenly, may be referred as musculoskeletal disorder. Among the musculoskeletal disorders that occur in association with work place disorders low back pain (LBP) occurs at the highest level (Swezey and Calin, 2006). Other forms of MSD can also be observed in reference to the work place injuries which are strains and sprains of muscles, tendons, ligaments, damage to spinal discs, joints, bones, as a result of hand-arm vibration, vascular and muscular disorders, chronic pain etc. Musculoskeletal disorders in the work place may occur either from gradual tearing and wearing of ligaments, joints etc as a result of constant pressure of the same part of the body or by sudden damage caused as a result of laborious activity or abrupt body movements. A task requiring an individual to push, pull, lifts, lower or resisting an individual, tedious movement can be termed as a hazardous manual task. While performing hazardous manual task, repetitive, sustained and high force are the three types of forces that are involved in it(Reilly, 2006). In the context of Aged Care industry, continuous and long-term application of therapeutic treatments with the help of massage that is an example of repetitive force, pushing and pulling of trolley around hospital wards, an example of sustained force and lowering, lifting or carrying patients, example of high force can be seen to be present in it. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, the core point of assessment of the report would be Musculoskeletal Disorders in Aged Care Industry. In the process of discussion of the topic, on aspects like hazardous manual task its impact on MSD and professionals of Aged Care Industry will be highlighted upon. The reason of assessment of this topic is the fact; characteristics of hazardous manual task can be seen in the Aged Care industry, which exposes the professionals to high risk of MSD that makes it essential to assess this topic, which is the core emphasis of the report. All Hallows Court Residential Care has been chosen for the effective completion of the report. Methodology For the successful completion of any report selection of any appropriate type of data plays a crucial role and contributes in the data evaluation process. There are two types of data, which are primary and secondary data. With the help of both online as well as offline sources secondary data would be collected(Jha, 2008). Online published early researches, peer reviewed journals and articles would form the online sources. On the other hand academic sources like newspaper, magazines library has been used to collect the offline sources. While in order to collect primary data 4 managers have been interviewed and 20 nurses have been surveyed with the help of questionnaire of the chosen Ages Care Organization i.e. All Hallows Court Residential Care. 30 nurses were approached in order to conduct the survey out of which 20 nurses participated in the survey. In a subjective manner the qualitative data which are the responses received with the help of interview has been analyzed. The quantitative data, which are the responses of the nurses from the questionnaire survey would be analyzed with the help of statistical tool and techniques like tables, graphs charts etc. Managers have been chosen in order to collect the qualitative data, the reason being, they form the edifice of functionality of the organization and they are well aware of the improvements and strategies of the organization which helps in analyzing the situation effectively and receive appropriate data effectively. On the other hand, nurses have been chosen as the target group in order to conduct the survey because; they provide services and support to the care seekers for most of the time, hence, they are going to get most affected from conditions like MSD, which makes the appropriate target group in order to conduct the survey(Hadler, 2005). In order to conduct the interview with the managers the questions that were asked are: Qualitative Analysis Do you find any kind of kind of relation between increased work pressure and MSD among the employees? In accordance to my experience, I have noticed that when work pressure increases, nurses tend to suffer from back pain, neck pain etc, which if continues results in MSD. Also I have noticed that, as a result of this, their work performance and impact on the attendance establishes the correlation between increased work pressure and occurrence of MSD. Quantitative Analysis The questionnaire with the help of which the survey was conducted were: Are you suffering from any kind of long term musculoskeletal pain? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 15 75 No 20 5 25 Source: Self Are youexperiencing any MSD which is lasting for more than 24 hours in the last 12 months? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 18 90 No 20 2 10 Source: Self Any MSD persisting for more than seven days is experienced by you? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 16 80 No 20 4 20 Source: Self Results In the basis of the conducted survey it can be noticed with the help of the firsts figure 75% of the participants were suffering from musculoskeletal pain, Figure 2 reflected that 90% of participants reported suffering from at least one MSD which lasted for more than 24 hours in the 12 months before conducting the survey. Similarly, and MSD persisting for more than seven days were reported by 80% of the participants in the same period can be seen in Figure 3. The survey further reflected the fact that, the nurses and the workers suffered from low back pain most frequently along with neck and shoulder pain. Other than the above mentioned MSD, the nurses were also observed to suffer from wrist, knee and elbow pain. The survey further reflected the fact that, like LBP neck pain was also equally prevalent among the nurses(Sadeghianet al., 2014). One of the major negative impacts of MSD like LBP is reduction of productivity due to this, which specially impacts the performance of the profe ssionals associated with Ages Care Organization that is physically demanding. It can also be observed that due to the pain and suffering from the MSD it results in impacting the work place attendance of the nurses as well. As the nurses suffer from MSD, it tends to affect their attendance, the reason being they are not physically fit to perform the duties any more. The sick leave percentage also tends to increase as a result of MSD. MSD in the long run is also seen to result in disability and morbidity which is one of the major negative impacts on the health condition of the professionals. Another mentionable impact on the aspect of health as a result of MSD increased economic burden in health care. As this condition do not allow the individuals to perform at their best level, as already mentioned, results in decreasing their functional capacity, performance and productivity, which may in turn lead to their lost salaries. Some of the mentionable negative impacts on the heath condition of the nurses as a result of MSD are tendons inflammations and associated condition like tendinitis, epicondylitis etc. The professionals are also seen to suffer from myalgias which include functional injury of muscles and related pain etc. Dysfunctional nerve function particularly seen to occur in the low back, wrist, forearm are also noticed to have impacted the professionals. Degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis are also s een to impact their physical condition (Arden et al., 2008). The psychological factor of the professionals is also negatively impacted as a result of this condition. On the primary level, it increases stress level among individuals. The reason being, on one hand the performance of the individuals gets affected due to the condition which naturally increases their stress level (safeworkaustralia, 2006). Moreover, the insecurity of losing the job due the condition further increases the stress level. The impact of MSD is further boosted due to the combination of stress level among individuals and physiological associates of stress which may damage tissues of the body, which in turn increases the risks associated with MSD. Hence, it can be stated that, stress- associated mechanisms, psycho-physiological factors are some of the major negative impacts of MSD on the professionals. As a result of which, they are also at times, seen to get ignorant towards the care seekers as well. Recommendations It is essential on the part of the care providing organization to optimize the efficiency of the professionals and reduce the risks associated with the work place, which can be done by reducing and controlling the occurrence of MSD(Safeworkaustralia, 2016). In order to curb the occurrence and prevalence of MSD it is essential to control the risks associated with the condition, at the primary level. In order to control the risks, there are number of initiatives that can be taken, like, the hierarchy of control. It includes ranking the ways of controlling the risk from highest protection level and reliability to the lowest level. In order to execute it, a single or a combination of multiple strategies may be opted. Elimination of hazardous manual tasks and related risk is one of most controlling measures. However, it is a step by step process, which requires minimizing the risk in the prior stage. In order to diminish the risk that may result in the occurrence of MSD, the aspects that result results in the hazard is required to be substituted with elements which have less risk. The individuals who are exposed to the hazard are required to be isolated from it, in order to diminish the risks. Implementation of engineer controls plays vital role in this process as well. The purchase of the tools, equipments, machineries should be ensured to reduce or minimize the risks. Emphasis should also be given on altering the work areas layout and design(Anderson, 2012). This includes changing the workstation design as per the requirement of the professionals which should be adjustable as per their needs. This should include highlighting on aspect like customizing the work station that meets varied range of workers physical condition. The working height of the workstation is also required to be emphasized upon that should also be compatible as per the requirement of the professionals. It should incorporate aspect like; the height of the working elements of the work station should be located within their comfortable reaching distance. Theworking position of the work station should also be as per the need of the professionals. It should consist of aspects like, standing work position that is apt when there are present of elements like no knee room, along with th e seating position etc. Aspects like work is also required to be worked upon which should have adequate space, so that the workers can perform their task effectively along with operating the equipments in a safe and effective manner, so that it can be accommodated. The nature, weight, number of handled items is also required to be changed. This should strategies incorporating handle tools from manual handling. The handling of the tools and equipments should also be worked upon. In order to minimize the level of use of muscular force which is the main reason of MSD, tools that reduce the impact shocks should be preferred(Sanders, 2006). The tools should be maintained effectively maintained. The use of mechanical aids also helps in improving the situation like turntables. It should also be emphasized upon by the professionals that, unaided person should not be completely lifted by a person. In this process aspects like the mobility risk are required to be assessed. Conclusion It can be concluded by stating that among the professionals who are exposed to the risk associated with MSD, Aged Care industry is one of those(Safeworkaustralia, 2016). However, there are certain initiatives with the help of which the professionals can be protected from those risks. References Anderson, M. (2012).Contemporary ergonomics and human factors 2012. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Arden, E., Arden, N. and Hunter, D. (2008). Osteoarthritis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hadler, N. (2005). Occupational musculoskeletal disorders. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Jha, N. (2008). Research methodology. Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications. Podniece, Z. and Taylor, T. (2008).Work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Reilly, T. (2006).Musculoskeletal disorders in health-related occupations. 6th ed. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Sadeghian, F., Hosseinzadeh, S. and Aliyari, R. (2014). Do Psychological Factors Increase the Risk for Low Back Pain Among Nurses? A Comparing According to Cross-sectional and Prospective Analysis.Safety and Health at Work, 5(1), pp.13-16. (2006).work-related MUSCULOSKELETAL disease in Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Model Codes of Practice - Hazardous Manual Tasks - Safe Work Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2016]. Sanders, M. (2006).Ergonomics and the management of musculoskeletal disorders. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo.: Butterworth-Heinemann. Swezey, R. and Calin, A. (2006). Low Back Pain. Abingdon: HEALTH Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ozymandias poem analysis free essay sample

Pharaoh Ozymandias was a cruel tyrant, who thought himself to be the most mighty person on earth; almost as mighty as a god. The statue is described as having â€Å"two vast and trunkless legs† (line 2) inspiring the reader to comprehend Ozymandias’ power; he was so mighty that no-one could even measure his â€Å"vast† power. The reader is led to understand that Ozymandias was an arrogant, cruel leader with the words: â€Å"frown† (line 4), â€Å"wrinkled lip† and â€Å"sneer† (line 5). These physical features captured on the visage expose the Pharaoh’s true character as a nasty tyrannical leader, sneering and frowning at his subjects if they didn’t follow his â€Å"cold command† (line 5), proving his absolute dominion over his kingdom1. The inscription Ozymandias had placed by his statue, allows the reader to fully comprehend the extent of his arrogance. He considered himself to be â€Å"King of Kings† (line 10), a cut above everyone else. Ozymandias aimed to intimidate mighty warriors as well, he wanted to awe them with his power this is shown with the words â€Å"ye mighty and despair† (line 11). The engraved words on the pedestal and the sheer enormity of the statue; seem to be intended to spark fear and dread in those who see it. Anyone compared to him is nothing, and worth nothing. Question 2: Ozymandias’ angry, cruel â€Å"passions† (line 6) were so evident and strong that it was easy for the sculptor to capture them in their entirety for eternity. The irony that the passions, so strong and full of life, remain only due to a â€Å"lifeless thing† (line 7) is emphasised by the juxtaposition of the two contrasting words. Human ambition can be strong and powerful but unless one uses them to create something concrete they will be lost forever, when they die along with the person they burn within – only lifeless, hard proofs remain to testify our full of life, flighty emotions and aspirations. Ozymandias is dead and so is the sculptor, yet the arrogant and cruel passions survive because of the concrete and tangible statue. The King’s passion is now, â€Å"lone and level sands stretch far away†, yet the great work of the sculptor remains to some degree; testifying to his ambitions as a talented sculptor. 1 Shmoop54461332 Question3: The inscription that remains beside this statue reads; â€Å"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty and despair† (lines 10 and 11). As mentioned before this inscription enables the audience to understand his power and greatness, as even other kings and mighty warriors were warned that they would never reach, and should des pair from even trying to reach, his level. Yet ironically all that remains is the work of the â€Å"hand† and â€Å"heart† (line 8) of the sculptor. Humans are vain and aspire to be remembered forever2, to leave an everlasting mark on this world. However often those not seeking this level of immortality are the ones to receive it and those who do pursue it are somewhat forgotten. The sculptor is now getting all the attention and praise, for his accurate portrayal of the Pharaoh, which Ozymandias felt he deserved and therefore strove to preserve. The only thing that has survived of Ozymandias’ kingdom is the sculptor’s carvings; â€Å"stamped onto these lifeless things† (line 7). Everything that resembled Ozymandias’ power is now a â€Å"colossal wreck, boundless and bare† (line 13). What does remain of Ozymandias’ arrogance and dominion is what the artist recorded by carving into the stone. Art has endured and served as tool to preserve the history of mankind. The statue has remained causing the sculptor to become more ‘powerful’ than Ozymandias himself. Question 4: This poem highlights man’s mortality and his inability to fight the power of nature, despite his possibly extreme physical might. â€Å"Two vast and trunkless legs† (line 2) leads the reader to wonder what happened to the rest of the awe-inspiring statue, and become disheartened that this impressive statue is now nothing more than a â€Å"colossal wreck† (line 13). This poem teaches us that even the strongest and mightiest will eventually fall; Ozymandias considered himself the â€Å"king of kings† (line 10) yet now his visage is â€Å"half sunk† and â€Å"shattered† (line 4). The very statue Ozymandias thought would remain to forever testify his greatness now lies in ruins. The inscription of the pedestal was once intended Ozymandias’ subjects to despair at their inability to reach his level of majestic power, yet now it seems to beg passer byes to despair at the sorry state in which the statue is now lying, to despair at the fleeting nature of humanity. The scene described in this poem brings 2 3 gradesaver Wikihow 54461332 to mind the cliche yet true expression of; ‘Pride before fall’4, we in hindsight can see that nothing remains of Ozymandias’ might or power but what the sculptor recorded. He, who was a cruel tyrant; â€Å"sneer of cold command† (line 4), has his memory at the fate of nature the sculptors â€Å"hand† and â€Å"heart† (line 8). Ozymandias thought his power was so exceptional it would remain for aeons, yet the reader is made to understand that his statue is decaying alone; â€Å"nothing beside remains† (line 13). The short, not-real, sentences of line 12: â€Å"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay†, add to the sense of finality that man is mortal and will not last forever in any form or any what way. The poem ends on a depressing note, the words â€Å"sands stretch far away† (line 14) suggest to the reader that there is nothing man can do about his mortality, nature- the sand- stops for no one. â€Å"Far away† hints to sense of man giving up and giving into nature, losing the will to try remain immortal forever. Question 5: The writer uses alliteration as he ends the poem to emphasize that man has no hope, no capabilities to fight and emerge victorious, against nature and time. The words â€Å"boundless and bare† (line 13) accentuate how desolate the desert now is, leading the reader to wonder what it once possibly looked like during Ozymandias’ rule. Yet nothing remains of the mighty kingdom and the king’s statue is surrounded by vast stretches of nothing. An element of eeriness is added to the poem with the use of the words; â€Å"lone and level† (line 14), as what once had beauty and power remains as a silent and destitute land. The â€Å"sands stretch† (line 14), another use of alliteration, reminds the reader once again that only nature prevails. â€Å"Stretch† is a word in the present tense, hinting to us that the sand will continue to do its job of decaying the statue, and destroying the â€Å"two vast trunkless legs† (line 2), that do remain. Thereby obliterating from the world the last memories of Ozymandias and with it man’s hope of immortality. Bibliography: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 4 Wikihow BBC – GCSE bitesize Shmoop Gradesaver BBC- GCSE bitesize 54461332