Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 24

Management - Essay Exampleodel, which has since long dominated the people management strategies adopted by managers in workplaces to constantly keep their employees motivated in order to derive better performances. However, during the historic pair of years organizational management has undergone significant transformation in the manner in which it seeks to motivate its employees. The conventional methods of offering extrinsic rewards or economic benefits to the employees in order to keep them motivated and garner high productivity and hence revenues, has become obsolete ever since the introduction of the concept of intrinsic motivation, which is required in todays workplace.One of the intimately commonly discussed economic ideologies is the fact that it emphasizes on the aspect of individual(prenominal) economic gain as a anchor motivating factor within an organizational environment. variant eminent theorists and authors such as Ed Schein, Abe Maslow and the likes have stat ed that employees have a higher-order personal unavoidably which govern their behavior. There is a wide amount of literature which claims economic rewards as a key motivator however the evidence on higher employee productivity on account of intrinsic rewards has been ascent in the past couple of decades (Thomas, 20022).Extrinsic benefits or rewards commonly include monetary compensation as a primary tool of enhancing employee performance. However, despite its widespread acceptance, especially among the managers who view it as a most effective means of improving worker productivity, this method has attracted severe criticisms recently. A significant proportion of these criticisms are mainly on account of wide spread research, which offers empirical evidence regarding the failure of extrinsic motivation to ensure and sustain, long term organizational performance (Perry et al. 20093 Ingraham 19934 Kellough and Lu 19935 Milkovich and Wigdor 19916). Furthemore, it has also been observ ed in past researches that debates concerning employee

Monday, April 29, 2019

Challenges of trading minerals in brazil Coursework

Challenges of trading minerals in brazil - Coursework ExampleThe use of the minerals in the production has led to slower economic growth in the country. The mineral export from Brazil grew by 4% from 1950 to 2003 (Geological Survey, 2008). The challenges Brazil face is that, the country exports its raw minerals and ends up importing the finished products. Developing countries do not have people with the knowledge to manufacture goods from the minerals, and then importing the products (Davies, 2009). Another challenge is that one needs energy, labor, and capital in order to extract the mineral from the ground. The money that goes into extracting the minerals is a challenge to the country that is not economically stable (Geological Survey, 2011). It is bad for Brazil as it affects Brazils economic growth (Gereffi & Wyman, 2014). As the economic growth slows down, the country has to look for manufacturers or industries from other countries (World Bank & IMF, 2011). The country needs to train its people in order to have decorous labor force the industry needs. The use of external labor forces to provide finished product proves to be a disadvantage to

Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Position Paper on the Current State of the Music Recording Industry Case Study

A Position Paper on the Current state of the Music Recording Industry - Case Study ExampleBut more than a elementary issue of finances and revenues is the issue of the product that Springsteen is selling, other than the show ups the tracks are charged with marketing. In the tradition of arguing and roll, a tradition that Springsteen is now a large part of, the live performance is the musicians venue for making that personal connectionan emotional connectionwith his fans. Through tours and concerts, the rock musician continues a legacy in which millions of people are emotionally invested.Firstly, because Bruce Springsteen is so well-established, his concert, performance, and appearance revenues actually outweigh revenues of sales from his album releases. This fact makes two things clear set-back, the choice between record label distribution and self-distribution is less(prenominal) important, and second, Springsteen can focus on performing instead of writing sore material to p lay to new audiences. Instead, he can perform his classic repertoire of music that multiple generations have loved and enjoyed. For that reason, his record label should actually have very little impact on his musical career breathing out forward, which is a similar case to Radiohead, who decided to self-distribute new material. Clearly, the ending to trust a record label or to self-distribute is up to the individual artist, and his decision will be influenced by a number of factors. For Springsteen, first and foremost, is his age. At 60, a 10-year contract may last him through the remainder of his performing career. Also, for many artists, the decision to self-distribute is a philosophical one trying to shift away from the label-dominated paradigm that exists in the United States. These impalpable issues aside, perhaps the best advice one can give Bruce Springsteen, when faced with these two options, is to reflect on his experiences from the historical 35 years, and whether he h as had a satisfying experience with Columbia.Another

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

marketing - Essay ExampleMarketing is therefore an essential incision in every organization since it deals with the product and service proportion thereby catering for the organizations operations. The department works in close relation with other counsel departments to ensure the organization operates as a unified whole. In carrying out their mandate, the marketing department develops its operations depending on the nature of the target market for every product or service in the industry. Addition bothy, the department counsels the production department thereby ensuring that the company produces appropriate goods and services that meet the market demand. Apple manufactures founder held telecommunication devices such as tablets, computers, and laptops. However, the companys products and services access the international market owe to the fact that some of the phones and products it manufactures are marketed globally. This implies that the company has a big market and therefore se veral competitors all that it must compete effectively against to maintain its operations. With this understanding, Apple has a dedicated marketing department, which has steered the organization by means of success within the years of its operations.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Inclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

inclusion body - rise ExampleThe term inclusion captures the two-way movement taking place to abolish the distinction in the midst of the disable and the general population. Rather than treat the disabled as a separate group, those who support the archetype of inclusion call(a)ed for promoting the principle that society and its institutions have to structure its processes and systems to accommodate everyone without any form of discrimination so that a wide range of people with their individual characteristics, including that portion although a minority to be a part of, and not apart from, of the bene hold outs that can be enjoyed by the general population.Thus, while inclusion has been astray used in the field of education, arising from the roots of liberal and progressive interpretations of the declaration of human rights, it has widened its scope to perceive the ideal of an inclusive society (Ainscow). An inclusive society is one where any person can fit in and realize his/h er full potential with the help of social institutions that are prepared to do so, kind of of focusing mainly its resources to the general population that is characterized by the statistical mean.The reasons for the increment popularity of inclusion are leisurely to understand. With the growth in prosperity of human societies, there is likewise an improvement in the level of cognition and science that has enabled society to better understand many of the scientific causes of disabilities. There is likewise a growing sensitivity to the plight of those with these disabilities, and the growing realization that the opportunities enjoyed by the majority of the population should also be enjoyed by those members of society who, regardless of where the fault lies, have disabilities.Therefore, the purpose of inclusion is humane and recognizes the idea that the quality of a society can be gauged by the way it takes care of those who suffer and are least sufficient of taking care of themsel ves because they participate and carry out their social function with a physical or mental handicap. Inclusion, therefore, is a good development because it recognizes the dignity and value of every person, and that everyone, including (or especially) those with disabilities can contribute in their own way to make the world a better place for everyone until the end of time.Meanings of InclusionInclusion is a term that has several meanings of varied depth and scope. It means more than the simple integration of disabled persons in mainstream or regular schools and in society (Low). The meaning has developed into an ideal of inclusivism that takes into consideration all children as a whole and focuses on radical changes that need to be made in schools and educational and teaching systems, instead of just re-placing children from a special to a mainstream education setting (Booth et al. Wedell Porter in Thomas et al.).Inclusion is easier dreamt of and said than done because of its comple x nature that demands a reorganizing and reconstructing various aspects of the educational system. Gregory argues that these adaptations digress according to the disability, but several changes apply to the wider set of students.Gregory adds that changes would include environmental arrangements like the physical layout of classes, play off access to facilities from anywhere, playground adaptations material and equipment

Convergence from GAAP to IFRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Convergence from generally accepted accounting principles to IFRS - Essay utilizationThe paper will further discuss the benefits, which will accrue to United States firms, investors, and the economy as a whole, as a result of converging from United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to International monetary insurance coverage Standards. Convergence from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to International pecuniary Reporting Standards Currently, International Financial Reporting Standards are mathematical functiond by more than 12,000 companies in the world and ingest been in use in over 100 countries around the globe. tally to Kaiser et al. (2012), there are various ongoing tolerates, which were initiated by the International Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board with an aim of enhancing the International Financial Reporting Standards and America Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and eventually making the principle s fully compatible. Majority of these projects covers the key components of the fiscal reports. Through these projects, the boards plan to enhance financial disclosure information for shareholders while also aligning U.S. GAAP and international bookkeeping standards. Revenue recognition, financial instruments, and leases are deemed as the priority projects largely as a result of existing difference of IFRS and U.S. GAAP and the necessity for enhancements, especially in the principles they are intended to replace. The boards have also concentrated on financial reports presentation and consolidations projects due to considerable implications they might have (Kaiser et al., 2012). According to Henson (2012), in late 2011, SEC Chief Accountant, James Kroeker, indicated that considerable progress had taken place on numerous IASB and FASB Memorandum of Understanding overlap projects encompassing other comprehensive financial and income reporting bring together value guidance. In January 2012, the chairman of IASB, Hans Hoogervorst acknowledged that International Financial Reporting Standards pose several challenges for the SEC. U.S. uses a sophisticated, mature and time stated set of bookkeeping standards, and this makes it difficult to make the convergence decision. In June 2012, IASB and FASB agree on lease bookkeeping model where all leases with a period of one year or more would be reported on the balance sheet. Hans Hoogervorst indicated that the two boards anticipate completing the convergence project by year 2013 (Henson, 2012). The considerable progress in the convergence projects requires the United States companies, to start examining the implications of the convergence on their operations. This would enable companies to plan how to adopt the changes, which will arise from the convergence. This implies that, at the beginning of 2014, the U.S. public traded corporations might be obligated to file financial reports with the SEC using the International Finan cial Reporting Standards. In my opinion, it is just for the United States to converge from America Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to International Financial Reporting Standards. The convergence has various challenges and advantages. The challenges facing the transition may be addressed appropriately by all stakeholders pertain in the convergenc