Saturday, December 28, 2019

Frequencies and Relative Frequencies in Histograms

In the construction of a histogram, there are several steps that we must undertake before we actually draw our graph. After setting up the classes that we will use, we assign each of our data values to one of these classes then  count the number of data values that fall into each class and draw the heights of the bars. These heights can be determined by two different ways that are interrelated: frequency or relative frequency. The frequency of a class is the count of how many data values fall into a certain class wherein classes with greater frequencies have higher bars and classes with lesser frequencies have lower bars. On the other hand, relative frequency requires one additional step as it is the measure of what proportion or percent of the data values fall into a particular class. A straightforward calculation determines the relative frequency from the frequency by adding up all the classes frequencies and dividing the count by each class by the sum of these frequencies. The Difference Between Frequency and Relative Frequency To see the difference between frequency and relative frequency we will consider the following example. Suppose we are looking at the history grades of students in 10th grade and have the classes corresponding to letter grades: A, B, C, D, F. The number of each of these grades gives us a frequency for each class: 7 students with an F9 students with a D18 students with a C12 students with a B4 students with an A To determine the relative frequency for each class we first add the total number of data points: 7 9 18 12 4 50. Next we, divide each frequency by this sum 50. 0.14 14% students with an F0.18 18% students with a D0.36 36% students with a C0.24 24% students with a B0.08 8% students with an A The initial data set above with the number of students who fall into each class (letter grade) would be indicative of the frequency while the percentage in the second data set represents the relative frequency of these grades. An easy way to define the difference between frequency and relative frequency is that frequency relies on the actual values of each class in a statistical data set while relative frequency compares these individual values to the overall totals of all classes concerned in a data set. Histograms Either frequencies or relative frequencies can be used for a histogram. Although the numbers along the vertical axis will be different, the overall shape of the histogram will remain unchanged. This is because the heights relative to each other are the same whether we are using frequencies or relative frequencies. Relative frequency histograms are important because the heights can be interpreted as probabilities. These probability histograms provide a graphical display of a probability distribution, which can be used to determine the likelihood of certain results to occur within a given population. Histograms are useful tools to quickly observe trends in populations in order for statisticians, lawmakers, and community organizers alike to be able to determine the best course of action to affect the most people in a given population.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Black Panthers Essay - 1159 Words

The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 by party members Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in the city of Oakland, California. The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King. The Party disembodied itself from the non-violence stance of Dr. King and chose to organize around a platform for â€Å"self-defense†, (which later became part of the party’s original name). The party was established to help further the movement for African American liberation, which was growing rapidly throughout the sixties because of the civil rights movement and the work of Malcolm†¦show more content†¦(Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 1997).The Black Panthers based their agenda around a Ten Point Plan a document that was mainly used by the party, and its distribution played a major role in the partyâ€⠄¢s method propaganda, education, and recruitment. We hold these to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence ,indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is theirShow MoreRelatedThe Black Of Black Panther Party1314 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica. The Black Panther Party did this through many different ways such as food banks, newspapers, free food and clothing. Led by many influential and powerful people, such as Martin L. King, Bobby Seale , and Huey Newton. Even though the Black Panthers were considered radical because of their use of force to protect the African American communities, their actions were just because their goals were to receive equal rights and opportunities as the white community had obtained. The Black Panther PartyRead MoreBlack Panthers. The Black Panther Is A Group Or A Party1007 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Panthers The Black Panther is a group or a party of African Americans that was formed to protect blacks from the white law enforcement. Established in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The two leading revolutionary men created the national organization as a way to collectively combat white oppression. Dr Huey Percy Newton (February 17 1942-August 22, 1989) was born in Monroe, Louisiana. He was the youngest of seven children of Armelia Johnson and Walter Newton, a sharecropper and BaptistRead MoreThe Black Panther Party711 Words   |  3 PagesNext, the Black Panther Party provided a variety of social services and programs designed to meet the needs of the black community. Often times overlooked, these services have been virtually absent in the mainstream media’s coverage of the Panthers. Often times â€Å"the government’s myopic perception of the party as a glorified street gang, clouded substantial analysis of their social programs by outside observers† (Kirby). The Panthers were known to offer a â€Å"wide range of health and social servicesRead More Black Panthers Essay855 Words   |  4 Pages1966, the national Black Panther party was created. Their platform and it’s ideals struck a chord with blacks across the country, especially in the inner cities of the north. The Panthers were able to organize and unite these blacks. This alarmed the federal government. They instituted many controversial, illegal programs of harassment, infiltration, and instigation which led to the deaths of many Panthers. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;From their inception, the Black Panthers were treated withRead MoreThe Black Panthers For Self Defense1649 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Panthers, originally named as the Black Panthers for Self-Defense, was an African American revolutionary party that had originated in Oakland, California. It was an organization that was founded by Huey Percy Newton and Bobby Seale in 1966. Not only that, but it was also the largest revolutionary organization that had ever existed. Their purpose was to protect fellow African-American residents from mistreatment from the authorities. During the 1960s, racial injust had spreaded throughoutRead MoreEssay on Black Panther Party2252 Words   |  10 PagesFounded on October 15th 1966 in Oakland, California, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was an organization opposed to police brutality against the black community. The Party’s political origins were in Maoism, Marxism, and the radical militant ideals of Malcolm X and Che Guevara. From the doctrines of Maoism they saw the role of their Party as the frontline of the revolution and worked to establish a unified alliance, while from Marxism they addressed the capitalist economic system, and exemplifiedRead MoreBlack And The Black Panther Harlem 1969 Essay2229 Words   |  9 Pagesphoto for dear life. In it, was a man wearing all black and had an afro the size of a big o’l bush. His facial expression was tight and firm as if no one could break his concentration. His hand clenched into a fist and raised to the sky. Surrounding him was a group of other young African American men and women, all wearing black attire with afros ranging in all different sizes looking straight ahead. I turned to the back of the photo it read, Black Panther Harlem 1969. I placed the picture beside me andRead MoreThe Black Panther Party Essay1064 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Panther Party â€Å"We knew, as a revolutionary vanguard, repression would be the reaction of our oppressors, but we recognized that the task of the revolutionist is difficult and his life is short. We were prepared then, as we are now, to give our all in the interest of oppressed people† (Baggins). Radical and provocative, the 60’s was an era of complete political and social upheaval. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had banned the discrimination of people based on race, color, religionRead MoreThe Impact Of The Black Panther Party 1156 Words   |  5 PagesNick Smith J. Buergel Civil Rights 5/11/16 The impact of â€Å"The Black Panther Party† â€Å"We knew, as a revolutionary vanguard, repression would be the reaction of our oppressors, but we recognized that the task of the revolutionist is difficult and his life is short. We were prepared then, as we are now, to give our all in the interest of oppressed people† (Baggins). Radical and provocative, the 60’s was an era of complete political and social upheaval. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964Read MoreThe Black Panther Party Formed1313 Words   |  6 Pages The Black Panther Party formed as a result of Black Nationalism which came from a multitude of events that began to form decades before any mention of The Black Panther Party. To even begin to understand a group such as this, one must first attempt to grasp the historical context which lies behind them. Blake (1969) asserts that the initial onset began back in 1619 when the first of the colonial settlers accepted a number of captured Africans which were to be used as servants leading to the period

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MSD in Aged Care Industry

Question: Discuss about the MSD in Aged Care Industry. Answer: Introduction In certain jobs performing some manual task is vital part of the profession. From that context, in Aged Care industry, the use of body in order to hold or move the care seekers, moving, lifting or pushing trolleys are vital part of the duties that the care providers have to perform. Among the care providers, due to performing such hazardous manual tasks results in musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). In the context of the Aged Care industry in Australia, musculoskeletal disorders are the most common and general work place injuries. Here, it is required to discuss the meaning of musculoskeletal disorders which is the main emphasis of the report(Podniece and Taylor, 2008). A disease or injury of the musculoskeletal system, which may occur over time or suddenly, may be referred as musculoskeletal disorder. Among the musculoskeletal disorders that occur in association with work place disorders low back pain (LBP) occurs at the highest level (Swezey and Calin, 2006). Other forms of MSD can also be observed in reference to the work place injuries which are strains and sprains of muscles, tendons, ligaments, damage to spinal discs, joints, bones, as a result of hand-arm vibration, vascular and muscular disorders, chronic pain etc. Musculoskeletal disorders in the work place may occur either from gradual tearing and wearing of ligaments, joints etc as a result of constant pressure of the same part of the body or by sudden damage caused as a result of laborious activity or abrupt body movements. A task requiring an individual to push, pull, lifts, lower or resisting an individual, tedious movement can be termed as a hazardous manual task. While performing hazardous manual task, repetitive, sustained and high force are the three types of forces that are involved in it(Reilly, 2006). In the context of Aged Care industry, continuous and long-term application of therapeutic treatments with the help of massage that is an example of repetitive force, pushing and pulling of trolley around hospital wards, an example of sustained force and lowering, lifting or carrying patients, example of high force can be seen to be present in it. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, the core point of assessment of the report would be Musculoskeletal Disorders in Aged Care Industry. In the process of discussion of the topic, on aspects like hazardous manual task its impact on MSD and professionals of Aged Care Industry will be highlighted upon. The reason of assessment of this topic is the fact; characteristics of hazardous manual task can be seen in the Aged Care industry, which exposes the professionals to high risk of MSD that makes it essential to assess this topic, which is the core emphasis of the report. All Hallows Court Residential Care has been chosen for the effective completion of the report. Methodology For the successful completion of any report selection of any appropriate type of data plays a crucial role and contributes in the data evaluation process. There are two types of data, which are primary and secondary data. With the help of both online as well as offline sources secondary data would be collected(Jha, 2008). Online published early researches, peer reviewed journals and articles would form the online sources. On the other hand academic sources like newspaper, magazines library has been used to collect the offline sources. While in order to collect primary data 4 managers have been interviewed and 20 nurses have been surveyed with the help of questionnaire of the chosen Ages Care Organization i.e. All Hallows Court Residential Care. 30 nurses were approached in order to conduct the survey out of which 20 nurses participated in the survey. In a subjective manner the qualitative data which are the responses received with the help of interview has been analyzed. The quantitative data, which are the responses of the nurses from the questionnaire survey would be analyzed with the help of statistical tool and techniques like tables, graphs charts etc. Managers have been chosen in order to collect the qualitative data, the reason being, they form the edifice of functionality of the organization and they are well aware of the improvements and strategies of the organization which helps in analyzing the situation effectively and receive appropriate data effectively. On the other hand, nurses have been chosen as the target group in order to conduct the survey because; they provide services and support to the care seekers for most of the time, hence, they are going to get most affected from conditions like MSD, which makes the appropriate target group in order to conduct the survey(Hadler, 2005). In order to conduct the interview with the managers the questions that were asked are: Qualitative Analysis Do you find any kind of kind of relation between increased work pressure and MSD among the employees? In accordance to my experience, I have noticed that when work pressure increases, nurses tend to suffer from back pain, neck pain etc, which if continues results in MSD. Also I have noticed that, as a result of this, their work performance and impact on the attendance establishes the correlation between increased work pressure and occurrence of MSD. Quantitative Analysis The questionnaire with the help of which the survey was conducted were: Are you suffering from any kind of long term musculoskeletal pain? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 15 75 No 20 5 25 Source: Self Are youexperiencing any MSD which is lasting for more than 24 hours in the last 12 months? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 18 90 No 20 2 10 Source: Self Any MSD persisting for more than seven days is experienced by you? Category Number of respondents replied Number of respondents replied on the respective category % of the responses Yes 20 16 80 No 20 4 20 Source: Self Results In the basis of the conducted survey it can be noticed with the help of the firsts figure 75% of the participants were suffering from musculoskeletal pain, Figure 2 reflected that 90% of participants reported suffering from at least one MSD which lasted for more than 24 hours in the 12 months before conducting the survey. Similarly, and MSD persisting for more than seven days were reported by 80% of the participants in the same period can be seen in Figure 3. The survey further reflected the fact that, the nurses and the workers suffered from low back pain most frequently along with neck and shoulder pain. Other than the above mentioned MSD, the nurses were also observed to suffer from wrist, knee and elbow pain. The survey further reflected the fact that, like LBP neck pain was also equally prevalent among the nurses(Sadeghianet al., 2014). One of the major negative impacts of MSD like LBP is reduction of productivity due to this, which specially impacts the performance of the profe ssionals associated with Ages Care Organization that is physically demanding. It can also be observed that due to the pain and suffering from the MSD it results in impacting the work place attendance of the nurses as well. As the nurses suffer from MSD, it tends to affect their attendance, the reason being they are not physically fit to perform the duties any more. The sick leave percentage also tends to increase as a result of MSD. MSD in the long run is also seen to result in disability and morbidity which is one of the major negative impacts on the health condition of the professionals. Another mentionable impact on the aspect of health as a result of MSD increased economic burden in health care. As this condition do not allow the individuals to perform at their best level, as already mentioned, results in decreasing their functional capacity, performance and productivity, which may in turn lead to their lost salaries. Some of the mentionable negative impacts on the heath condition of the nurses as a result of MSD are tendons inflammations and associated condition like tendinitis, epicondylitis etc. The professionals are also seen to suffer from myalgias which include functional injury of muscles and related pain etc. Dysfunctional nerve function particularly seen to occur in the low back, wrist, forearm are also noticed to have impacted the professionals. Degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis are also s een to impact their physical condition (Arden et al., 2008). The psychological factor of the professionals is also negatively impacted as a result of this condition. On the primary level, it increases stress level among individuals. The reason being, on one hand the performance of the individuals gets affected due to the condition which naturally increases their stress level (safeworkaustralia, 2006). Moreover, the insecurity of losing the job due the condition further increases the stress level. The impact of MSD is further boosted due to the combination of stress level among individuals and physiological associates of stress which may damage tissues of the body, which in turn increases the risks associated with MSD. Hence, it can be stated that, stress- associated mechanisms, psycho-physiological factors are some of the major negative impacts of MSD on the professionals. As a result of which, they are also at times, seen to get ignorant towards the care seekers as well. Recommendations It is essential on the part of the care providing organization to optimize the efficiency of the professionals and reduce the risks associated with the work place, which can be done by reducing and controlling the occurrence of MSD(Safeworkaustralia, 2016). In order to curb the occurrence and prevalence of MSD it is essential to control the risks associated with the condition, at the primary level. In order to control the risks, there are number of initiatives that can be taken, like, the hierarchy of control. It includes ranking the ways of controlling the risk from highest protection level and reliability to the lowest level. In order to execute it, a single or a combination of multiple strategies may be opted. Elimination of hazardous manual tasks and related risk is one of most controlling measures. However, it is a step by step process, which requires minimizing the risk in the prior stage. In order to diminish the risk that may result in the occurrence of MSD, the aspects that result results in the hazard is required to be substituted with elements which have less risk. The individuals who are exposed to the hazard are required to be isolated from it, in order to diminish the risks. Implementation of engineer controls plays vital role in this process as well. The purchase of the tools, equipments, machineries should be ensured to reduce or minimize the risks. Emphasis should also be given on altering the work areas layout and design(Anderson, 2012). This includes changing the workstation design as per the requirement of the professionals which should be adjustable as per their needs. This should include highlighting on aspect like customizing the work station that meets varied range of workers physical condition. The working height of the workstation is also required to be emphasized upon that should also be compatible as per the requirement of the professionals. It should incorporate aspect like; the height of the working elements of the work station should be located within their comfortable reaching distance. Theworking position of the work station should also be as per the need of the professionals. It should consist of aspects like, standing work position that is apt when there are present of elements like no knee room, along with th e seating position etc. Aspects like work is also required to be worked upon which should have adequate space, so that the workers can perform their task effectively along with operating the equipments in a safe and effective manner, so that it can be accommodated. The nature, weight, number of handled items is also required to be changed. This should strategies incorporating handle tools from manual handling. The handling of the tools and equipments should also be worked upon. In order to minimize the level of use of muscular force which is the main reason of MSD, tools that reduce the impact shocks should be preferred(Sanders, 2006). The tools should be maintained effectively maintained. The use of mechanical aids also helps in improving the situation like turntables. It should also be emphasized upon by the professionals that, unaided person should not be completely lifted by a person. In this process aspects like the mobility risk are required to be assessed. Conclusion It can be concluded by stating that among the professionals who are exposed to the risk associated with MSD, Aged Care industry is one of those(Safeworkaustralia, 2016). However, there are certain initiatives with the help of which the professionals can be protected from those risks. References Anderson, M. (2012).Contemporary ergonomics and human factors 2012. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Arden, E., Arden, N. and Hunter, D. (2008). Osteoarthritis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hadler, N. (2005). Occupational musculoskeletal disorders. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Jha, N. (2008). Research methodology. Chandigarh: Abhishek Publications. Podniece, Z. and Taylor, T. (2008).Work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Reilly, T. (2006).Musculoskeletal disorders in health-related occupations. 6th ed. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Sadeghian, F., Hosseinzadeh, S. and Aliyari, R. (2014). Do Psychological Factors Increase the Risk for Low Back Pain Among Nurses? A Comparing According to Cross-sectional and Prospective Analysis.Safety and Health at Work, 5(1), pp.13-16. (2006).work-related MUSCULOSKELETAL disease in Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2016]. (2016).Model Codes of Practice - Hazardous Manual Tasks - Safe Work Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug. 2016]. Sanders, M. (2006).Ergonomics and the management of musculoskeletal disorders. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo.: Butterworth-Heinemann. Swezey, R. and Calin, A. (2006). Low Back Pain. Abingdon: HEALTH Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ozymandias poem analysis free essay sample

Pharaoh Ozymandias was a cruel tyrant, who thought himself to be the most mighty person on earth; almost as mighty as a god. The statue is described as having â€Å"two vast and trunkless legs† (line 2) inspiring the reader to comprehend Ozymandias’ power; he was so mighty that no-one could even measure his â€Å"vast† power. The reader is led to understand that Ozymandias was an arrogant, cruel leader with the words: â€Å"frown† (line 4), â€Å"wrinkled lip† and â€Å"sneer† (line 5). These physical features captured on the visage expose the Pharaoh’s true character as a nasty tyrannical leader, sneering and frowning at his subjects if they didn’t follow his â€Å"cold command† (line 5), proving his absolute dominion over his kingdom1. The inscription Ozymandias had placed by his statue, allows the reader to fully comprehend the extent of his arrogance. He considered himself to be â€Å"King of Kings† (line 10), a cut above everyone else. Ozymandias aimed to intimidate mighty warriors as well, he wanted to awe them with his power this is shown with the words â€Å"ye mighty and despair† (line 11). The engraved words on the pedestal and the sheer enormity of the statue; seem to be intended to spark fear and dread in those who see it. Anyone compared to him is nothing, and worth nothing. Question 2: Ozymandias’ angry, cruel â€Å"passions† (line 6) were so evident and strong that it was easy for the sculptor to capture them in their entirety for eternity. The irony that the passions, so strong and full of life, remain only due to a â€Å"lifeless thing† (line 7) is emphasised by the juxtaposition of the two contrasting words. Human ambition can be strong and powerful but unless one uses them to create something concrete they will be lost forever, when they die along with the person they burn within – only lifeless, hard proofs remain to testify our full of life, flighty emotions and aspirations. Ozymandias is dead and so is the sculptor, yet the arrogant and cruel passions survive because of the concrete and tangible statue. The King’s passion is now, â€Å"lone and level sands stretch far away†, yet the great work of the sculptor remains to some degree; testifying to his ambitions as a talented sculptor. 1 Shmoop54461332 Question3: The inscription that remains beside this statue reads; â€Å"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty and despair† (lines 10 and 11). As mentioned before this inscription enables the audience to understand his power and greatness, as even other kings and mighty warriors were warned that they would never reach, and should des pair from even trying to reach, his level. Yet ironically all that remains is the work of the â€Å"hand† and â€Å"heart† (line 8) of the sculptor. Humans are vain and aspire to be remembered forever2, to leave an everlasting mark on this world. However often those not seeking this level of immortality are the ones to receive it and those who do pursue it are somewhat forgotten. The sculptor is now getting all the attention and praise, for his accurate portrayal of the Pharaoh, which Ozymandias felt he deserved and therefore strove to preserve. The only thing that has survived of Ozymandias’ kingdom is the sculptor’s carvings; â€Å"stamped onto these lifeless things† (line 7). Everything that resembled Ozymandias’ power is now a â€Å"colossal wreck, boundless and bare† (line 13). What does remain of Ozymandias’ arrogance and dominion is what the artist recorded by carving into the stone. Art has endured and served as tool to preserve the history of mankind. The statue has remained causing the sculptor to become more ‘powerful’ than Ozymandias himself. Question 4: This poem highlights man’s mortality and his inability to fight the power of nature, despite his possibly extreme physical might. â€Å"Two vast and trunkless legs† (line 2) leads the reader to wonder what happened to the rest of the awe-inspiring statue, and become disheartened that this impressive statue is now nothing more than a â€Å"colossal wreck† (line 13). This poem teaches us that even the strongest and mightiest will eventually fall; Ozymandias considered himself the â€Å"king of kings† (line 10) yet now his visage is â€Å"half sunk† and â€Å"shattered† (line 4). The very statue Ozymandias thought would remain to forever testify his greatness now lies in ruins. The inscription of the pedestal was once intended Ozymandias’ subjects to despair at their inability to reach his level of majestic power, yet now it seems to beg passer byes to despair at the sorry state in which the statue is now lying, to despair at the fleeting nature of humanity. The scene described in this poem brings 2 3 gradesaver Wikihow 54461332 to mind the cliche yet true expression of; ‘Pride before fall’4, we in hindsight can see that nothing remains of Ozymandias’ might or power but what the sculptor recorded. He, who was a cruel tyrant; â€Å"sneer of cold command† (line 4), has his memory at the fate of nature the sculptors â€Å"hand† and â€Å"heart† (line 8). Ozymandias thought his power was so exceptional it would remain for aeons, yet the reader is made to understand that his statue is decaying alone; â€Å"nothing beside remains† (line 13). The short, not-real, sentences of line 12: â€Å"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay†, add to the sense of finality that man is mortal and will not last forever in any form or any what way. The poem ends on a depressing note, the words â€Å"sands stretch far away† (line 14) suggest to the reader that there is nothing man can do about his mortality, nature- the sand- stops for no one. â€Å"Far away† hints to sense of man giving up and giving into nature, losing the will to try remain immortal forever. Question 5: The writer uses alliteration as he ends the poem to emphasize that man has no hope, no capabilities to fight and emerge victorious, against nature and time. The words â€Å"boundless and bare† (line 13) accentuate how desolate the desert now is, leading the reader to wonder what it once possibly looked like during Ozymandias’ rule. Yet nothing remains of the mighty kingdom and the king’s statue is surrounded by vast stretches of nothing. An element of eeriness is added to the poem with the use of the words; â€Å"lone and level† (line 14), as what once had beauty and power remains as a silent and destitute land. The â€Å"sands stretch† (line 14), another use of alliteration, reminds the reader once again that only nature prevails. â€Å"Stretch† is a word in the present tense, hinting to us that the sand will continue to do its job of decaying the statue, and destroying the â€Å"two vast trunkless legs† (line 2), that do remain. Thereby obliterating from the world the last memories of Ozymandias and with it man’s hope of immortality. Bibliography: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 4 Wikihow BBC – GCSE bitesize Shmoop Gradesaver BBC- GCSE bitesize 54461332

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bias in the Media essays

Bias in the Media essays News broadcasters have a basic job , that of supplying their viewers with the facts. With this occupation news anchors and reporters can remain seen as human beings, humans with feelings and opinions. However, their job is not to reveal these to the public. Viewers should be able to feel confident that a program will be sharing factual information on subjects and then they will be able to form their own opinions and judgments. Unfortunately with many of todays newsmakers this ideal can not always be made possible. The number of democratic party members is very high in journalism. In fact in a 1996 survey, as reported in a book titled Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg, a considerable eighty nine percent of journalists voted for Bill Clinton in the presidential election compared to only a forty-three percent vote from the general American population. In particular primary news sources, CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC have long been viewed my many people as possessing and distributing a liberal tone (1). Many viewers are easily swayed to more liberal ways of thinking due to the structure of the reporting by these newscast stations. Many viewers however can realize that the women and men of television are political partisans. They take the facial expressions, aside comments and tone of voice, used by these professionals light heartedly and it has been accepted. However it becomes unaccepted when their political opinions bring about falsities delivered to the public as facts. On September 8th of this year CBS news anchor, Dan Rather, reported documents concerning President George W. Bushs Air National Guard service during his nightly show 60 minutes. Details of the documents included that Bush had been receiving requested special treatment in order to avoid his service commitments. Mr. Rather spent most of the following week defending his sources and the l...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Unorthodox Writing Tips

Unorthodox Writing Tips Unorthodox Writing Tips If you’ve ever stared at a blank page, trying to conjure the right words and coming up empty, you’re not alone. Many writers, despite being passionate about their craft, find the writing process long and challenging. Here are some unorthodox writing tips to try when you’re stuck on a blank page: Begin in the Middle A piece of writing typically starts with an introduction, followed by the body of the piece and the conclusion. However, many writers get stuck at the beginning. You can avoid this by going straight to the body of your piece and writing the introduction last. Take Your Time If inspiration eludes you, perhaps it’s time to put the pen down for an hour or two and allow your mind to wander. Try an activity that does not require much mental effort. A long drive, a walk, or even cleaning the house can get your creative juices flowing. Return to your desk when you’re feeling less frustrated. â€Å"Ramble on!† If this is your first draft, have fun. Let the words flow without censorship and write whatever comes to mind. This gets you â€Å"in the zone† and puts words on the page. You’ll be surprised how good some of them might be. Late, you can edit and refine your work. Remember the Purpose of Writing To set the proper tone, you must know what you want to accomplish. There are three main goals of writing. Knowing into which category your piece falls will help you keep on track. These are: To Inform Informative pieces educate the readers. They are clear, precise, and (most importantly) objective. If you’re writing to inform, leave out your opinions and stick to the facts. To Express Expressive pieces establish human connections, convey values, and contribute to culture. They generally have a more casual tone and structure, and often include feelings and opinions. To Persuade Persuasive pieces are a serious form of writing meant to change the mind of the reader, or at least make them question their stance. A persuasive piece must be backed by reliable sources and based on facts to maintain its credibility. Given the time and effort writing requires, even professional writers experience writer’s block sometimes. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you get stuck. Use these tips, or get assistance from professional writers and editors to complete your piece. If you need help writing papers, is here to help. You can contact us at (647) 436-7280.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Involvement in the Manufacturing Industry and High Rates of Research Paper - 4

The Involvement in the Manufacturing Industry and High Rates of Joblessness - Research Paper Example Trade between two economies is very sensitive to the slightest changes in understanding. It is factual that the cost of tyre production in China is lower than that in America. This enables the sales of Chinese tires at affordable prices while still making profits. Furthermore, some American firms have established their tyre manufacturing industries in China to benefit from the least cost of production (Mankiw et al. 165). This implies that the imposition of the trade tariffs cannot be effective without an equal disruption of the American investors in China. On the other hand, the imposition of specific tariffs for partner countries arouses diplomatic questions on the legitimacy of the protective approach to trading. During the accession of China to the World Trade Organization, it ratified the agreement that gave a loophole for such unprecedented tariffs. This ratification gave room for The protectionist measures undertaken by the American government translates into mere political posturing without any substantial positive effects on trade (Sutter 214). This scenario may escalate into a trade war and inflict a serious economic slump on both the American and Chinese economies. The spill of the trade row may necessitate equal invocation of key agreements such as the anti-dumping policy for the American goods by the Chinese government. Setting the tariffs on Chinese rubber tires at 35% may have appeared plausible for the American government since the world trade organization had preferred a 55% tariff. However, as it turns out, this form of protectionism in the end only incurs expenses to the American economy overly.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Group Leadership and Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group Leadership and Reflection - Assignment Example On the other hand, Goldman Sachs represents the Bad and Ugly side of Capitalism. Through the discussion questions, it is established that a socially responsible corporate culture is manageable and profitable. Discussion Questions 1. 2. 2.1. What is the role of corporate culture in promoting social responsibility? 2.2. What are the challenges a company can face when they try to integrate CSR policies in their corporate culture? 2.3. Do you think this article is another attempt at bad publicity of the corporate culture of a successful company such as Goldman? 2.4. The article suggested that â€Å"Goldman’s attitude has been: This, too, shall pass.† But will it? Can they continue believe this without changing their corporate culture and making it more socially responsible? 2.5. What practices of leadership and corporate culture distinguish Starbucks from Goldman Sachs? Overview of Group Discussion 1. 2. 2.1. Corporate Social Responsibility presents itself as a strategic op portunity and obligations, thus it is very important for organizations to evaluate CSR with the same business acumen and skills as they would any market strategy (Husted & Alen, 839). The enterprise is considered as a cornerstone for implementing all cultural projects (Storey, 2007, p.190). Thus a corporate culture of socially responsible business practices would have a company-wide impact. The employees mirror the corporate culture of an organization to all stakeholders. The stakeholders of the company communicate within the corporate culture and jointly they contribute towards sustainability in an organization (Arnorld, 2010). 2.2. The very dynamic nature of CSR and the fact that the CSR values and implementations vary from culture to culture create problems for the organizations. The 1789 Law of Alien Tort Claim Act, forces US firms to be accountable for their actions in international operations (Werther & Chandler, 2010). Thus MNEs are confronted with the mammoth task of integra ting a corporate culture that meets global expectations. MNEs can tackle this problem by treating CSR policies in a similar manner as they would any marketing or organizational policy—compliant with the cultural expectations of the host country (Husted & Allen, 2006). 2.3. This article refers to an article by Greg Smith, a former Goldman Sachs employee who quit his job because of the low-moral corporate culture that had become prevalent at Goldman (Smith, 2012). Goldman has the culture of treating clients as â€Å"pigeons† that need to be hunted down rather than the â€Å"valued customer†. Usually such an article would have low credibility. But looking at the questionable business ethic practices prevalent in the corporate culture of Goldman Sachs that encouraged the company to push risky loans onto their clients which led to the financial crises, such accusations hit close to home (Norcera 2012). 2.4. The culture of corporate social responsibility is constantly evolving and business practices that were acceptable once may fall short of CSR standards prevalent in the societal and legal environment (Werther and Chandler, p.11). So Goldman Sachs need to get over their dinosaur-approach of believing that their corporate culture and business practices are above ethics and policies. Werther and Chandler evaluate the impact of the such unethical policies in the corporate culture and identify significant litigation costs and public relation fiascos. The recent

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Role of the Financial Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Role of the Financial Manager - Essay Example Therefore it is imperative that the CEO knows how to manage investment and protect the interest of shareholders. He must be able to strategically plan ahead and decide on policies and activities that would increase operating income and stockholder’s equity. Evidently, the best candidate to the CEO post should be the CFO. Maximizing wealth is not something that is new to a CEO who has been managing the finances of the organization. The primary role of the CFO in the firm is to plan strategies and pursue activities that will improve the total value of the firm. In most successful organization, CFOs basically work side by side with the CEO in strategic planning and decision making. He has developed excellent communication skills as he present the current financial condition of the firm to different stakeholders, has been closely oriented with the company’s product and operations, has been consistently working in line with the company’s vision, and has been able to d evelop managerial skills. However this does not absolutely imply that all CFO’s make successful CEO’s. The total personality of the CFO, his business acumen, the quantity and quality of his past experiences, and his continuing passion for the organization combined, make for a better CEO. D.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Autocratic Style Of Leadership Management Essay

Autocratic Style Of Leadership Management Essay The autocratic leadership style means that the person in charge has the entire control upon all decision making. In addition, in this style of leadership, managers dont take care of the opinions of their staff and ore not open to changes. The communication in the autocratic leadership can be considered as one-way ( the manager say something and staff comply) This leadership style, has some advantages but many disadvantages and is considered as an old way of manage people. One of the advantages of this style of management is the rapidity of decision making. According to Money Zine, in emergency situation, people prefer to be told exactly what to do and where to do it because of the stress. So because of this the autocratic leadership is more effective in stressful situations and military situations because subordinate want be guide. But this kind of leadership has many disadvantages and is criticize by many researchers. The one-way communication of this leadership can be considered as a problem because just one person decide and if this managers does an error event if staff found it they will not be able to tell him. So because of this, autocratic management slows down the progress of the whole organization. Moreover, the autocratic management, because of the high level of control of the managers, gives a high level of stress to the managers and this stress can be a problem. In addition, the characteristic of autocratic leadership can conduct to the decrease of motivation within the whole organization. In fact, people dislike to be ordered what they have to do. To conclude on autocratic leadership, all these disadvantages generally conduct to a high employee turnover. In over word the high turnover of employment is one of the main characteristic of Autocratic style of management. Mrs. Sarah applies a democratic style of management at the Hotel Cote dAmbre. The democratic can be defied as a style of management which delegate authority to staff by the process of delegating responsibility to complete the given task. The big difference between Autocratic and Demographic leadership style is the fact that in democratic style employees take part (give their opinion) in decision making. In contrast of autocratic style, democratic takes more time for decision making because of the participation of all staff. Such as the other leadership style, democratic has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of democratic style is the motivation of employee within the whole organization. By putting them in the process of decision, employees feel part of the company and at the same time important. Moreover because of the concentration of everybody the initiative are more profitable for the organization. In addition, the relationships in the company are better than in autocratic style of management. In fact, there are less friction at the workplace and the working environment is better. Because of all these characteristic employees are motivate and the turnover level stay low. Employees feel good in their organization. But this management style has also some disadvantages such as the time of decision making. In fact, all employees take part of the decision making and this can make the decision take time. In addition, managers can do as if they follow democratic management style but in reality they are simply doing a disguise autocratic style of management. These two management style is the opposite of the other one. But both are good but they have to be use in the good situation. But generally the democratic style of management is better to motivate and decrease turnover rate in the organization. The democratic style can be useful in emergency domain such as fireman and Army because of the rapidity of decision making due to the situation. 2) The relation approach is the process by which experts want and tries to combine the Sociology and the Psychology in management. Experts find this process useful because they found that an organization is a social system with relationship between groups. The main tenet of this theory is the fact that managers can make work be done by satisfying the social and psychological needs of employees. This process is composed by 8 basics principles: Humans are not only interested by cash they also need appreciation and recognition. Organization has to treat their employees as human and not as machine In an organization it is normal to have formal relation, but informal relation is also very important and managers should encourage it. Job satisfaction is very important and to do this one of the main element is job security Managers should consider their employee as they equal and should not express an superiority complex Managers have to prevent conflict and misunderstand and provide good relationship to increase satisfaction of employee Autocratic leadership style must be avoid to increase freedom. This will increase motivation and satisfaction of employees Make employee participate to decision making can be a good thing to make them feel part of the company (democratic style of leadership) This human relation has advantages such as: Managers see their company as a part of a whole Managers put the emphasis on improving communication and coordination Managers found that a good internal management will help and insure the company survival Managers see that the environment is a important factor of the organization survival But it has also some disadvantages: Long time of decision making Friendship relationship between managers and employees Employees can consider work as granted and make poor performance Low productivity because of a sort of laisser-faire management In contrast we also have the Bureaucratic approach of management. It is a style of management based on the logic, order and the use of formal authority because of this we can say that it can work with the autocratic management style. Generally this approach of management is known as a efficient and fair style of management. The main principals of bureaucratic approach are: Promotion based on skills Strict hierarchy of authority Division of labor Formal rules and procedures The advantages are: Presence of top level managers that operate a great control on the organization Rapidity of decision making Efficient and effective work Standardization The disadvantages are: Discourage creativity and innovation because of the absence of participation of employees Decrease of motivation and satisfaction The rigid structure make the employee feel them jailed High turnover rate Task b) 3) In a company we can found two type of group that operates within the organization, the formal and informal groups. The informal groups can be defined as employees that put themselves into non-officially structured groups. Such as an example, groups of friend, ectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The formal groups are groups that are formed by the company to do a special task. In contrast of the informal groups these groups are structured for a efficient division of work. In these groups we can also found a sense of identity, loyalty and finally leadership and purpose. 4) Generally, a team is a group of person with complementary necessary skills to complete a specific job. Teamwork can be defined as work done by a group of persons and each person of this team has done a part of the whole work. Working in team brings many advantages to the organization, but generally the main advantage is the increase of productivity and efficiency. In addition, the motivation is better than in a single working. In our case XYZ Ltd want to develop effective teamwork within the organization to decrease competition between employee and increase productivity. To do that the company will have elaborates some things to make possible the apparition of teamwork. So the first step of the apparition and maintains of teamwork in the organization is the organization culture and this come with the appropriate leadership. The leader must have the required skills and in addition must apply the appropriate style of management (democratic) to make a positive culture within the organization. These factors (such as culture and leadership) have an effect on the motivation of employees and bring commitment in their mind and this is very important with no motivation there is no success because of the lack of effort. Secondly, after the leadership and the culture, employees have to improve communication in the organization because teams need communication to operate to share information, opinions, etc. Communication is one of the bases of teamwork. Thirdly, the confidence is also important. All members of the team have to have skills to manage their task. Without this members of team will not trust each over the will not share the necessary information and this will slow down the effectiveness of the team and will be a barrier to success. Moreover management has to act on the opinion of employees. A bad opinion will conduct to the failure of the project. To act on this and on motivation, one of the main arms of managers is the working environment. A good working environment will improve behavior, satisfaction, motivation and opinion of employees. 5) During the past ten years, because of the globalization, the domain of technology and communication has known a crazy increase and improve. This has helped the amelioration of communication around the world. Thus, we can say that telecommunication and technology can improve team functioning by permitting the exchange of information around the world. In fact, it is the Globalization that brings the new technology appears because of the need of exchange information around the world. The main innovation is this domain was the apparition of the internet and by this email (allows communication (exchange of data) around the world). This will facilitate communication between team members of General Electronic and make the progress to the target easier despite the distance between them. More recently we can see the use of skype a program that allow people to do video conference to be more in contact to each over. Computer makes team members more productive and efficient by permitting the carry of several tasks at the same time. Mobile phone permits the exchange of information orally and at real time. Thus, this technology allows team to save time. In addition, phone makes possible the contact of person even if they are not at the office. Moreover we also have 3G device such as blackberry of Android that permit owner to read their mail at any time (save time and thus money). In conclusion, nowadays working in team, despites if the members are not in the same country, is easy than in the past because of these technologies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Electrical Engineer Essay -- essays research papers

ELECTRICAL ENGINEER DESCRIPTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “Electrical engineers design, and evaluate the manufacture, testing, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical and electronic components, equipment and systems.';1 Electrical engineers work with an array of equipment and machinery, such as transformers, switches, electrical appliances and types of generators, and are considered in fields involving communications, radar, aerospace guidance, medical and biomedical research and computers. ENVIRONMENT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Precision is a very regarded value for an electrical engineer. The use of hands on techniques and a vast knowledge of mathematics makes for the engineer to be very detailed in his or her work. Must be creative and initiating, and must be perspective in dealing with work and the communication of others. Must have a feel for science and technicality. Work is mostly done indoors in offices, labs, and factories. Teamwork is essential, as work is often compared with others. Since technology is expanding as time goes on, a continuing education is a must. Computers are used often to learn applications and techniques. PAY AND OUTLOOK   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pay varies depending on education, experience, and your place of employment. “Starting salaries range from $805 to $3,810 per month. Experience will land you from $1,295 to $4,980 per month, and top ranges $1,510 to $5,199 per month. (California pay) St...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mayan Civilization and ruins

Since the dawn of mankind, there has always been civilizations have that have made a lasting impression on the world. There very few civilizations that have been that have achieved the term greatness associated with it and ‘Mayan civilization’ is one of the rare few. It can be dubbed as one of the longest serving civilizations of the ancient times as it is noted that it started around 1000 B.C but ended by 1500 A.D. It was considered as they were one of the most advance civilizations on the western hemisphere until the arrival of the Europeans. This civilization was located in Central America and was found from the north central down to the southern part of Mexico. This was a civilization that went through periodical changes in its living due to external factors associated with it. This Native American culture is noted in the history as one of the advance civilizations of that era. There has been a popular belief that has been associated with the Mayan civilization that it was an amalgamated empire. In actual terms it was a whole host of divided units having a common cultural background. The entire ‘Yucantan Pennisula’ had around 20 states which were all ruled by different sovereign leadership, but on an inventive logic, they were a nation on their own with religion being an important aspect of their lives. Since the Mayan civilization was spread on a large area, the geographical conditions for the civilization varied with extremities, which can adjudged from the fact they had volcanic mountains from the highlands in the south to porous limestone areas dominating the central and the northern regions of the civilization. Mayan civilization can be categorized into three categories, pre-classic period, classic period and post classic period. The entire culture has revolved and evolved around these three periods. The civilization had huge forests and because of the diversity of the topographical situation of the civilization, varied no of animals like the ‘caiman’, a fierce kind of crocodile to different kinds of monkeys was found. Mayan pre classic period This was supposed to be the period of formulation in which the population boomed and new innovative techniques were made for agriculture. The leaders were chosen from strong spiritual backgrounds and it was considered as that the lowlands of the civilization held acute importance because it was supposed to be a ceremonial centre. The following will explain the Mayan professional inclinations and techniques: ‘In the Preclassic period, they adopted intensive farming techniques such as continuous cultivation involving crop rotation and fertilizers, household gardens, and terraces. In some areas, they built raised fields in seasonal swamps. Their main crops included maize (corn), beans, squash, avocados, chili peppers, pineapples, papayas, and cacao, which was made into a chocolate drink with water and hot chilies. Rabbits, deer, and turkeys were hunted for making stews. Fishing also supplied part of their diet. Turkeys, ducks, and dogs were kept as domesticated animals. When they were not hunting, fishing, or in the fields, Maya men made stone tools, clay figurines, jade carvings, ropes, baskets, and mats. The women made painted pottery vessels out of coiled strands of clay, and they wove ponchos, men’s loincloths’ (Encarta) Mayans were very much influenced by spirituality and had gods for almost every thing that even included gods for rains, good harvest. As time passed by the study of astronomy became popular in that era leading to studies of astrology on the basis of sun moon and other planets. Major edifices were constructed then like ‘kaminaljuyu’ and ‘tikal’ were constructed which were pyramid shaped high temples, where the system of sacrifice was started to be used. More and more massive pyramids started building in that era and the priests started enjoying super powers. Women weren’t that important from political point of view and it was a very rare sight to see women on top chieftain positions. Mayan Classic period This was an era of the Mayan civilization that can be considered as its prime era and here the system of king and kingship started which had a system of the king’s family continuing as future leaders. There was also a hierarchical system in which the government functioned.   There was major research done in the field of medicine and writing was developed extensively. The subject of astronomy had become more enhance with calculative movements predicting rains to fortune to the cities.   This was the time when societies had turned into complex models the king was noted the highest figure after which there were the priests and then the nobles who mainly responsible for protecting land and attacking enemies. This was the time of more gore and violence and mini wars were constantly waged between one and other. What mad this era special was the Mayan civilization themselves started noting rituals and their history with their elaborative writing skills. The transition of power from generations to ethical rituals along with its architectural secrets was all jotted down on stone and wood. Later on folding tree books were made as they were more handy then carrying stones. Due to the high humidity and invasions, these books didn’t survive and only 4 books are known today, i.e., the Dresden codex, the Madud coded, the Paris codex and the Grolier codex. The learning also was limited to mostly priests and few nobles and a monopoly was played so that only few people could learn and use their knowledge on others. The writing also consisted of mostly pictures and pictography was first devised by Mayan civilization for learning purposes. This was also an important era that marked trade as an important aspect of the civilization. Sacrifice was an important aspect for the culture and the following would hard line the fact of Mayan civilizations involvement in sacrifices:‘Indian pictorial texts known as â€Å"codices,† as well as Spanish accounts from the time, quote Indians as describing multiple forms of human sacrifice. Victims had their hearts cut out or were decapitated, shot full of arrows, clawed, sliced to death, stoned, crushed, skinned, buried alive or tossed from the tops of temples. Children were said to be frequent victims, in part because they were considered pure and unspoiled. The first researchers tried to make a distinction between the ‘peaceful' Maya and the ‘brutal' cultures of central Mexico and But in carvings and mural paintings, he said, â€Å"we have now found more and greater similarities between the Aztecs and Mayas,† including a Maya ceremony in which a grotesquely costumed priest is shown pulling the entrails from a bound and apparently living sacrificial victim’ (Mark Stevenson). Mayan post Classic period This can be considered as a time when the decline of the Mayan civilization started step by step. Since the governments had become much segmented, there was more violence and war during that phase, where entire villages would get destroyed in the name of war. There was also the Toltec domination followed by Spanish invaders taking over Mexico by the early 16th century.   This was however the phase of having plastered walls and painted murals. Socially the civilization had peaked and it was mandatory for guests to bring in gifts while visits. Slave culture flourished in this era and slaves which were mostly people who were captured from wars were highly mistreated and often sacrificed after their masters dies, as they had an ideology that they would serve their masters in afterlife. Mayan Ruins Ruins of Mayan civilization can still be found it the entire peninsula. Their culture had so many architectural advancements that it is today possible to watch quiet a lot of their ruins and gather more information about them. Ruins like ‘the temple of the inscriptions’ in Mexico and the ‘palenque’ are very prominent ruins of the civilization. The former rises 75 feet and it is rested neatly over a hill and is one of the prime examples free standing pyramids. Another site in Mexico located in Coba, was built around 4 large lake structures and had been inhabitant for more than thousand years. The biggest pyramid of that site 120 feet and is known as Nohoch Mul. The following piece will explain the beauty and architectural genius of the civilization: ‘Miguel à ngel Asturias, named Nobel Laureate in 1967, wrote â€Å"Only Guatemala is comparable to itself,† describing it as â€Å"a land of natural dreamscapes†¦mysterious presences and absences.† Tikal, the largest known Mayan city, is incomparable in the same way; its size imposing and intimidating, its setting lush and teeming with wildlife, and with a mysterious and overwhelming atmosphere best described in the writing of Asturias’ Works Cited: 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Encarta, â€Å" Mayan civilization†. 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mark Stevenson, â€Å"Evidence may back human sacrifice claims†. 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maya Ruins, â€Å"Photos of Tikal†. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚                     

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sony EyeToy †Harvard Case

Sony EyeToy – Harvard Case Free Online Research Papers Being that SCEE is responsible for the highly successful EyeToy product, it is now faced with several challenges surrounding maintaining that success, creating an ongoing market for future EyeToy software, and commercializing the hardware/software and marketing it cost-effectively. Specifically, SCEE needs to develop a marketing strategy that is concerned with the EyeToy’s appropriate development pipeline, future EyeToy software development and releases, and expanding the EyeToy market. The EyeToy is an important product for Sony because it fit with the strategic objectives of the SCEE, as Phil Harrison said, â€Å"what we strive for in developing games- it’s be first or be best.† Not only was the EyeToy technologically innovative, but it also proved to be a commercial success. The EyeToy is a phenomenal product for Sony because it has a wider demographic than other games in the market. For SCEE, the EyeToy represented a golden opportunity to profit from the development and marketing of more games utilizing the new camera hardware. However, sales of the second EyeToy game, Groove, were disappointing. This was due to the bundling, marketing, and pricing strategy of Groove (which I will later discuss further). SCEE will have to reevaluate the EyeToy line to formulate an appropriate target market, development, bundling, pricing, and marketin g strategies that will expand the EyeToy market, cost-effectively develop games to market, and successfully market and sell said games for maximized profits. Firstly, SCEE must select the appropriate target market by evaluating the video-game consumers, the company’s position compared to its competitors, and the opportunities available. The gaming market is dominated by male’s aged 16-30. Sony’s PlayStation2 is the leading console. The situation for SCEE is strong, and full of opportunity, due to the strength of the PS2 console and its current customer base; worldwide there are 70 million PS2 consoles (compared to only 15million Xbox and/or GameCubes), and there are 1 million online subscribers. Thus, while the new EyeToy technology has the ability to reach younger, older, and female consumers, that segment is nowhere as large, nor as profitable as the traditional hardcore gamers, the customer base that they already have. However, the EyeToy is nontraditional and is the opportunity to appeal to the nontraditional audience. In 2003, of the top 10 Video-Game Console Titles 6 (including the top 5) were rated ‘Every one’ and only 1 title was rated ‘Mature (17+)’; that being said, it is worthwhile for SCEE to go after the ‘Everyone’ segment of the market (children and families). Given that hardcore gamers are the largest segment, SCEE has to successfully market the EyeToy to these young men, in addition to any expansion of the market that they attempt to create. Secondly, what may be the most important factor for the success of the EyeToy product will be the development of further EyeToy software. Having a variety of EyeToy games consistently being released in the market is what will prevent the EyeToy from becoming a fad. One of SCEE’s critical moves was releasing the code for EyeToy programming and supporting the efforts of third party developers. This will increase the number of games with EyeToy capabilities on the market, thereby increasing the consumer awareness. Moreover, if a third party game is popular, that will boost EyeToy sales; at the same time, if a third party title is unsuccessful, there was no financial loss for SCEE, nor a loss in Sony’s reputation. Additionally, the games developed by third parties that are â€Å"EyeToy enhanced† will satisfy the traditional hardcore gamers (likely sports). Furthermore, regarding in-house development, the SCEE currently has 4 EyeToy projects in the works: Play2, Chat, Kinetic, and SingStar. Like EyeToy Play, these games are not for the traditional gamer, Kinetic and SingStar specifically, are targeted towards women. With the third party developers releasing titles for the traditional gaming market, SCEE is free to handle the task of expanding the market demographics; using 3 of these development projects, SCEE will expand the gaming market to include young children, their parents, and women aged 16-35. EyeToy Play2 is an unnecessary title as: this has been done before; the consumers did not appreciate all 12 games on Play. In the next year, SCEE should release two of these titles: EyeToy Chat and Kinetic; by spacing out the release dates it shows that Sony is committed to the new EyeToy technology and to releasing titles specifically to cater to this new audience. The SingStar game should be more heavily invested in and further developed. The SingStar game will be SCEE’s next big hit title; with a greater budget, the most popular song tit les will be incorporated into the game. By following this development strategy, SCEE will be able to create and sustain an ongoing market for EyeToy software, in addition to, enlarge the size of the market (to include women and children) and capture all of the market that they create. Thirdly, an important consideration for the future of the product is the bundling strategy of the EyeToy’s hardware and software components. With the next-generation of PlayStation consoles to be released in 2005-06, the EyeToy hardware will be bundled with the new consoles. With EyeToy’s as a standard in the next generation console, it will be impossible to consider the EyeToy a fad; this may also convert current PlayStation customers who are not EyeToy owners through upgrading of their consoles. Currently the camera hardware is only available as bundled with the Play software. The camera hardware will be made available as a stand-alone product. This is because consumers found the Play game to be rather juvenile, and as such it will be targeted primarily to the non-traditional audience (families and children). Therefore, accordingly, a stand-alone EyeToy will be sold as an alternative for the hardcore gamers (who will be buying â€Å"EyeToy Enhanced† games as de veloped by third parties) and women aged 16-35 may also opt for the stand-alone EyeToy when the games Kinetic and SingStar are released. Furthermore, to continue to appeal to the new segment of young families with children and females, the EyeToy games Play will continue to be sold as a bundle with the camera hardware. The strategy for bundling outlined above will appeals to the targeted segments of the market and will transform the EyeToy from what may be a fad, to permanent PlayStation technology. The next factor to consider is the pricing strategy for the EyeToy and the software that will be released. The camera hardware and Play game bundle is currently priced at approximately ?60 for the consumer and the Groove game has a price of ?40. Sell-in of the EyeToy Play bundle as at February 2004 exceeded 1.5million units and sales are steadily growing, so there is no need to lower the price of the bundle at this point in time. The pricing for the stand-alone EyeToy is very strategic (see Appendix 1). It will be priced at ?60; being priced the same as the bundle, SCEE does not expect to sell very many stand-alone units. The reason why SCEE would want to do this is to imply to the consumers that the EyeToy hardware costs ?60 and that the software game Play is a collection of 12 mini-games created as an introductory free-gift. This clears up some confusion customers had with the price of Groove, only a game, at ?40. In addition, the EyeToy Chat and Kinetic software will also be priced at ?40. SingStar, with further investment is going to be developed and marketed to be the next hit game developed by SCEE, and as such, will be priced higher at ?50. There is strategy in the release of the stand-alone product, and that is in the pricing, with this strategy SCEE can continue to maintain the pricing and sell more units. SCEE used an effective sampling-driven marketing campaign to introduce the EyeToy Play to the European market, the use of EyeToy demo units was a critical decision and this aspect of the campaign will be kept; however, into the future, SCEE will also use more traditional methods of marketing. Hit video games tend to â€Å"generate 90% of their sales in the first six weeks,† Harrison once stated, EyeToy Play, on the other hand, has had slow and steady growth. This implies that the new technology is spreading slowly by word-of-mouth, by people trying the new technology on their own time (at the mall, video game store, or a friend’s) and then going out to purchase the product. It is for this reason that the EyeToy demo units will remain a fundamental part of the EyeToy marketing strategy, they offer â€Å"potential users the opportunity to try the product.† Moreover, for the upcoming releases of EyeToy software, traditional TV ad campaigns will be run targeting the ‘Everyone’ audience. Furthermore, the ads will remind consumers to go to the EyeToy website to find a demo unit near them. Additionally, for the upcoming year, point-of-sale materials will remain for the EyeToy product; the following year, the point-of-sale materials will be specifically marketing the release of the SingStar game. This marketing strategy will continue to expand the EyeToy and PlayStation market and will be effective in increasing unit sales while also being cost-effective. The cost-effectiveness of this entire marketing strategy is high as sales are expected to continue to rise and the cost side remains as budgeted. The suggested pricing strategy yields a large profit for SCEE now, and SCEE retains the ability to lower the price in the future when sales begin to slow. The new budget for the EyeToy pipeline will be raised to ?15million to be allocated amongst the development of the 3 in-house games. SingStar is to be a hit and as such will get ?10million of the budget towards development. Kinetic will be allocated ?3million. Lastly, EyeToy Chat, for the 1 million online subscribers, will be allocated ?2million. These games require large investments because they are going to bear the PlayStation name, and they will be competing with the strong third party developer titles. Furthermore, Sony will receive additional income from the third party developers, as they will be paying royalties. This budget will yield great profits and ensure that SCEE’s titles remain â€Å"first or†¦ best† and competitive in the video-gaming market. This marketing plan solves the concerns for SCEE that arose due to the disappointing sales of the EyeToy Groove. Firstly, EyeToy Groove was released 4 months after the EyeToy Play, and being that it was not sold as a bundle, it was only being sold to the customers who had already bought the EyeToy Play bundle (or forced customers to buy both). Secondly, the price of Groove was ?40, and consumers did not know why Groove cost so much when the EyeToy bundle contained 12 mini-games and the camera hardware for only ?20 more. SCEE failed to properly market EyeToy Groove; the marketing campaign for Groove was an extension of the EyeToy Play where as it should have highlighted its special features. Specifically, Hardy was correct to claim that Groove should have been marketed based on the quality and quantity of licensed music in the game, as well as the dancing and party aspect of it, not the interact with your TV, which was similar to the EyeToy Play campaign. The lesson to be learned from the failure of EyeToy Groove is that the marketing campaigns must now be specific to the game that they are marketing. In conclusion, with sales for EyeToy Play in excess of 2.5million units in the SCEE territories (as of Feb. 2004), and only 100,000 units of Groove sold, SCEE needed to reconfigure the EyeToy marketing strategy and fast. With this marketing strategy, SCEE will be able to establish that the EyeToy is not a fad. They will create and sustain an ongoing market for EyeToy’s and EyeToy software. Furthermore, this will be done profitably and cost-effectively for the benefit of SCEE and SCEI. WORD COUNT: 1944 Appendix 1: Strategic pricing, like the concept that I proposed in this case, was taught to me by Prof. Hawkins with the case of Williams-Sonoma. Williams-Sonoma sold two types of toasters one for a low price, $50, and one for a higher price, $150. They found that the majority of toasters being sold were of the low priced type. To change this, they introduced a ridiculously high priced unit, $350. The intention of doing so was not to sell the units for $350, but to sell more of the $150 unit. This strategic pricing strategy worked for Williams-Sonoma, and as such I applied a similar strategy to this case. Research Papers on Sony EyeToy - Harvard CaseAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWThe Hockey GamePETSTEL analysis of IndiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Concepts of Migration and Its Types

The Concepts of Migration and Its Types Migration refers to a situation where individuals and /or family members relocate to a foreign country or region to ameliorate their economic or social prospects. According to the United Nations, a migrant is someone who has lived in a foreign country for a period exceeding one year, regardless of the circumstances that prompted them to move.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Concepts of Migration and Its Types specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Considering this definition, those visiting for shorter durations cannot be classified as migrants. There are several concepts that relate to migration. They include transnationalism, transnational migrants, and migrant transnationalism. Transnationalism refers to any social process that surpasses national borders. These activities are not confined to a particular country or region. Transnational migrants are those in constant motion. They constantly cross national borders as opposed to settling in one country. Migrant transnationalism refers to a situation where migrants retain and maintain ties with their home countries. This accords them an opportunity to participate in affairs of the host country, as well as their home country. There are various types of migrant transnationalism. They include economic transnationalism, and political transnationalism. In economic transnationalism, migrants contribute to the economy of the host country, as well as maintain relations with their home country. Such migrants send money back to their country of origin. These remittances are meant to support families that were left behind by the migrants. The remittances largely impact on the economies of sending countries. In political transnationalism, immigrants participate actively in political activities both in the host and home country. Most immigrants retain right to vote in their home country. However, migrant transnationalism is not a new occurrence. In contempora ry society, migration is made easier by technological advancements and developments in international mass media. These factors have increased the visibility of migrant transnationalism. Migration impacts heavily on the identity of immigrants. Identity refers to consciousness of belonging to a certain social grouping. Types of identity are ethnic identity, national identity, occupational identity, and social class identity. Migration plays a key role in altering identity of individuals. In migration trends, women are constantly put to focus. Most immigrant women find it difficult to move around and search for employment in the host country. Any form of movement by women impacts negatively on familial bond and structure. This is attributed to the fact that family relations and interactions are anchored on women.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If women are away from thei r families for long periods, the family gets to realign itself to the prevailing circumstances. Immigrant women earn less compared to men. This is because women are mostly semi-skilled. This makes it difficult for them to get well-paying jobs. In many societies around the world, women are required to stay at home and look after children. This means that immigrant women do not get support from their male partners. Therefore, migration for women is an occasion for possible rejection. It is evident that women face numerous challenges relating to migration. Women find it difficult to move around with their families. Consequently, they have to arrange on how their families will be catered for in their absence. Immigrant women often perform jobs that are lowly ranked in society. They work as sexual workers, caregivers, and domestic household workers. These jobs attract poor compensation rates. Women are disadvantaged by their subordinate gender position in society. Their jobs are exploita tive and demeaning. Most women migrate for economic reasons. Others are forced to migrate in order to escape abusive spouses. Others migrate to reunite with their families. Women have more to lose in comparison to men. The circumstances surrounding migration of women are difficult and unique. Women face difficulty in finding employment in host countries. However, men are well placed in terms of employment prospects in the host country.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pick any of Emerging markets - India or China and write a research Paper

Pick any of Emerging markets - India or China and write a regarding them - Research Paper Example 8). Clothing and footwear also accounts for 10.5% of the total sales in retail. The â€Å"entertainment, books and sports goods equipment† registered a CAGR of 21.3% in the financial year 2007 and 2012. According to Research and Markets, the retail industry in India has grown at CAGR of 14.6% in the financial year 2007 to 2012. The growth is influenced by the growing economic rate, change in the consumption pattern of the populace which are driven by higher standard of living, greater proportion of women, growth in middle class population and the increased level of penetration of organized retail segment. Despite of the prevailing growth rate, the retail segment of India remains fragmented with the organized sector still accounting for a miniscule percentage of the total market size of Indian retail market. The organized retail segment however accounted for a CAGR of 26.4% of the total retail. However with global and Indian economy reviving from post recession, the organized r etail segment has witnessed a gradual increase in the footfall during FY2011 (Research and Markets, 2012). ... The Indian retail segment is pegged at 500billion US dollar and is further expected to attain US $1.3trillion by 2020 and the organized retail sector is expected to reach about 25% by 2012. Indian e retailing market also has high potential for future growth with estimates to be US 1.26billion by 2015 and currently the e-retail segment accounts for US$ 361.66million (IBEF, 2012). In 2011, the Central Government of India had announced reform with respect o retail for both single brand and multi brand stores. The market reform have paved reform for competition and retail innovation with the multi brands such as Carrefour, Tesco and Wal-Mart and also for the single brands like Nike, Apple and IKEA. India had approved reform in January 2012 providing with the opportunity to innovate in the retail market with 100% ownership but for single brand imposed 30% of requirements of goods from India (Gupta, 2012). The Indian retailing structure can be divided into two groups, the organized and the unorganized retail sector. The unorganized retail sectors are the vendors, handcart, kiranas and others. This sector contributes to 98% of the total retail value. But with FDI in picture, the retail sector is expected to shrink employment in the unorganized sector and latter expand in the organized sector. The organized sector is undertaken by licensed retailers who are registered under income tax and sales. Another form of retailers is the in store retailers also known as brick and motor formats and are designed in order to lure its customers. Different kind of stores such as branded stores which appear in the form of executive showrooms, multi brand specialty store, department stores, convenient stores, supermarkets and shopping malls (Economy Watch, 2010). Liberalization and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Stylistic Analysis of peer Reviewed Articles Essay

Stylistic Analysis of peer Reviewed Articles - Essay Example There are no references from other sources of information are conservative and keenly asserted by the author. The article is based on the author’s perspective. Federspiel and Fisks works are an example used by the author. The level of vocabulary used is intermediate to enhance comprehension of the article. It focuses on a particular discipline (Matsuoka, 2005). In the third article, which is a report prepared by the Ministry of Education, the language used is formal. It is mainly because it is a formal report addressed to the ministry related to education. The use of tables, presence of introductive and conclusive sub-headings in the work further support that it is a formal article (Ockert, 2012). Quotations from trustees, students and teachers cater for the void left by the absence of in-text citations that are common in formal texts. The level of vocabulary used is interactive to enhance the effectiveness of the delivery of the message intended to be passed to the ministry. However, it is not specific to a particular

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Basilica di santa maria del fiore Research Paper

Basilica di santa maria del fiore - Research Paper Example The cathedral complex is composed of the basilica, the baptistery and Giotto’s Campanile. The basilica was regarded as Italy’s largest church and the dome is deemed as the world’s largest brick dome ever constructed. Although the church still serves as a whole, history of its construction is still ambiguous. Plan and structure, dome, facade, and gothic elements are the main points that hold the crucial evidences of medieval architecture. Thesis To analyze the development of urbanism, Christianity, and power in the Early Modern Florence City after the crumbling of the Roman Empire in the sixth century, leading to the construction of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. Bibliography Florence: The Biography of City. Hibbert, Christopher. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1993. This book will help me with in-depth insight into the transition of Florence as symbol of wealth and power among other the Tuscan communities in the medieval era. The Gothic Cathederal C hristopher Wilson April 1, 2005 | ISBN-10: 0500276811 | ISBN-13: 978-0500276815 | Edition: 2nd Revised This book will allow me to study the gothic elements in the church and, if necessary, compare it to other significant churches. A Presentation Drawing for the Facade of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Mary L. ... New York: William Morrow, c2002. xv, 269 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Achieving great success by engineering the biggest brick dome in the entire world, Brunelleschi is considered as a pivotal architect who has changed and challenged the art world ever since. This evidence will help be praise Brunelleschi with his magnificent work. Arnolfo's S. Maria del Fiore: A Working Hypothesis Franklin Toker Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 42, No. 2 (May, 1983), pp. 101-120 I will be using this source despite its focus on the engineering part of architecture, because Toker is a major scholar of this building. Trachtenberg, Marvin. Dominion of the Eye: Urbanism, Art, and Power in Early Modern Florence, Cambridge, 1997. I will use this book because it focuses on the urban transformation of Florence in the 14th century which is a hypothetical subject of this paper. Introduction Since the emergence of architectural designs practices long before Santa Maria del Fiore was constructed, the design and construction of buildings, has always relied on the ability of an architect to graphically visualize and present their ideas using a variety of different media. Architects formulate and refine spatial, artistic, and functional concepts through drawings, sketches, and models, whereby they rely on their personal artistic skills and preferences to accomplish this (Myers 7). Around the period when the Duomo was constructed, new architectural advances were being invented as is true of the advanced structure and interior design of the building. This advancement in arts and architecture was to revolutionize the world of architecture (Hibbert 66). Brunelleschi’s work in Santa Maria del Fiore liberated architecture from the technological and aesthetic

Monday, October 28, 2019

Modern Technology Has Brought the Resurgence of Identity Theft Essay Example for Free

Modern Technology Has Brought the Resurgence of Identity Theft Essay Identity theft is one crime that has spawned from technological advancements. Criminals have developed numerous strategies on how to steal confidential and personal information. Dealing with identity theft may be a challenge since law enforcement personnel may not be fully competent in handling the cases since they may lack the required skills to be able to deal with such a crime while private people and even businesses have lost much because of this type of crime. The number of cases of identity theft has been constantly on the rise; however, the prevalence of the crime may as well be blamed on modern technology itself. Modern technology has brought about many conveniences for ordinary people and even for identity thieves. From only less than 10,000 reported cases of identity theft in 1999, the figure steadily climbed reaching around 50,000 in 2003 and more than 80,000 in 2006 (Infocycle, 2007). In the United Kingdom, credit card fraud has also been consistently increasing. In 2007, over 7,000 credit cards and debit cards were either lost or stolen. CPP Card Protection has indicated a 77 percent increase in credit card fraud compared to the figure on 2006 (Experian QAS, 2008). According to a study by Gartner, identity theft claimed 15 million victims in 2006 alone. The US Justice Department has recorded 226 cases of identity theft in 2005 but in the first half of 2006 alone, there were already 432 cases. The FBI also indicated that it is working on 1,587 cases relating to identity theft (ITRC, 2007). Preventing identity theft may not be as easy as it seems. Joel Reidenberg and Lawrence Lessig said concentrating on the â€Å"architectures of control† to prevent identity theft is the way to go. Solove, on the other hand, indicates that â€Å"architectures of vulnerability† should also be considered in addition to â€Å"architectures of control†. According to Solove, shaping architectures should be the focal point in the protection of privacy and not on remedies and penalties. He noted that architectures often provide a vulnerable point that identity thieves take advantage of. It is this lack of security that identity thieves are able to use a person’s personal information. He suggests that a public identification system be created as a solution to the problem (Solove, 2003). It is exactly new technology that produces these architectures and they are greatly flawed since many people can still bypass its security functions evidenced by the prevalence of identity theft on the Internet. Identity theft has gained much notoriety in the advent of buying and selling on the Internet. However, identity thieves can still use the old methods for obtaining personal information. Common methods are stealing wallets or mails, looking through residential trashcans or business dumpsters, posing as someone legally permitted to access personal information such as credit reports, or bribing their way to get the information (Newman, et. al. 2005). A phishing scam is another method of getting personal information out of a person. The Anti-Phishing Workgroup indicated that there are only 4,564 phishing websites in July 2005 but the number increased to 23,670 as of July 2006. A study at the University of Indiana also indicated that 14 percent of phishing scams are successful which contradicts the Gartner report which indicates only a three percent success rate. The Gartner research also found out that financial losses from phishing scams were $137 million in 2004 rising to $2. 8 billion in 2006 (ITRC, 2007). The fight against identity theft may be considered rather ineffective since law enforcement personnel lack the necessary resources to combat such a crime which is computer-related. Britz indicates that this kind of crime requires law enforcers to have knowledge of computers and other digital stuff. It may be noted that many law enforcement agencies do not have well-trained personnel to handle such cases. These personnel may also be acting several capacities at a given time. Computer technology has increased at an exponential rate as did technology related crime and this would require that law enforcers be trained to effectively handle such crimes (Britz, 2004). As technology improves, security is being compromised and this can be proven by the increasing number of identity theft crimes. While it is true that online banking and other services on the Internet provide much convenience, it also provides lesser risks of capture for identity thieves. Law enforcers could do little do prevent identity theft or to investigate such since not all of them have the capacity to do so and identity thieves are improving their arsenal of identity stealing techniques. Technology might also be considered as the root of the prevalence of identity theft. Even as identity theft was not considered a crime before 1998, it has existed for a long time. Modern computing and telecommunications technology has once again popularized identity theft since identity thieves can better elude law enforcers compared to going to a bank and making a transaction using stolen information (Arnold, 2000). Legislation has always tried to address cyber crime, but it is challenging for lawmakers to keep up since technology quickly evolves and cyber crime evolves with it. A good approach would be improving security measures, educating users, adopting a vigilant approach in combating cyber crime and a police force that is well-equipped to handle such crimes (Alaganandam, et. al. , 2005). Identity theft and other cyber crimes are also classified as white-collar crimes, thus, offenders do not receive harsh penalties. They can even use the money plundered to pay for their defense and they serve at least only one year in prison (Arnold, 2000). Identity thieves must be dealt with harsher penalties since they operate on a much larger scale today and are even comparable to bank robbers only less inclined to being caught and given much less media attention. The number of cases of identity theft is increasing at an exponential rate but this could most likely be blamed on modern technology especially since the Internet has become commercialized. New technology comes with new opportunities for identity thieves to gain access to personal information and using it for personal gains. Legislation can address this problem but it would prove to be a challenge since identity thieves are finding new ways of how to steal personal information as technology develops. Legislation must also address this by rendering harsher penalties for cyber criminals as they operate just like ordinary criminals, the only difference is that they work discreetly and have not been given media attention. Also, the victims do not really know that they have been victimized until after some time the thieving takes places. References Alaganandam, H. , Mittal, P. , Singh, A. , Fleizach, C. , 6 December 2005. Cybercriminal Activity. Retrieved September 7, 2008, from sysnet. ucsd. edu/~cfleizac/WhiteTeam-CyberCrime. pdf Arnold, T. 2000 June. Internet Identity Theft: A Tragedy for Victims. Software and Information Industry Association. Retrieved September 7, 2008, from www. siia. net/software/pubs/iit-00. pdf Britz, M. (2004). Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Experian QAS. 22 August 2008. Holiday Fraud Threat. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. qas. co. uk/company/data-quality-news/holiday_fraud_threat_2614. htm Identity Theft Resource Center. 30 April 2007. Facts and Statistics. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. idtheftcenter. org/artman2/publish/m_facts/Facts_and_Statistics. shtml Infocycle. (2007). Government Bodies Must Play Their Part in Securing Against Identity Theft. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. infocycle. co. uk/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=43Itemid=43 Newman, G. McNally, M. 2005 July. Identity Theft Literature Review. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/210459. pdf. Solove, D. (2003). Privacy, and the Architecture of Vulnerability. Hastings Law Journal, 54. p. 1227. Retrieved September 3, 2008, from http://ssrn. com/abstract=416740